地区 | 森林总面积
(km2) |
森林覆盖率 | 参考来源 |
全球 | 39,000,000 | 26.19% | [2] |
極地(俄罗斯、斯堪的纳维亚和北美洲) | 13,800,000 | - | [2] |
拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 | 9,640,000 | 45.67% | [2] |
亚太地区 | 7,332,000 | 35.18% | [2] |
非洲 | 6,500,000 | 21.80% | [3] |
加拿大和美国 | 3,680,000 | 26.00% | [2] |
欧洲联盟 | 1,600,000 | 35.00% | [4] |
1,470,832 | 19.00% | [5] | |
印度 | 778,424 | 24.68% | [6] |
西亚(中东和阿拉伯半岛) | 36,600 | 01.00% | [7] |
国家或地区 | 森林总面积
(km2) |
森林覆盖率 | 参考来源 |
俄羅斯 | 7,762,602 | 45.40% | [8] |
加拿大 | 4,916,438 | 49.24% | [7] |
巴西 | 4,776,980 | 56.10% | [7] |
美國 | 3,030,890 | 30.84% | [7] |
中國 | 2,200,000 | 22.96% | [9] |
1,470,832 | 19.00% | [5] | |
刚果民主共和国 | 1,172,704 | 50.00% | [10] |
阿根廷 | 945,336 | 34.00% | [11] |
印度尼西亞 | 884,950 | 46.46% | [12] |
印度 | 778,424 | 24.68% | [6] |
墨西哥 | 710,000 | 36.50% | [13] |
秘魯 | 687,420 | 53.49% | [7] |
苏丹(包括 南蘇丹) | 675,460 | 26.96% | [7] |
莫桑比克 | 620,000 | 78.00% | [14] |
哥伦比亚 | 607,280 | 53.32% | [7] |
安哥拉 | 591,040 | 47.41% | [7] |
玻利维亚 | 587,400 | 53.47% | [7] |
委內瑞拉 | 471,378 | 51.68% | [7] |
緬甸 | 430,560 | 63.64% | [15] |
尚比亞 | 376,309 | 50.00% | [16] |
坦桑尼亚 | 352,570 | 37.22% | [7] |
苏丹 | 327,909 | 17.62% | |
瑞典 | 234,850 | 58.00% | [17] |
巴布亚新几内亚 | 294,370 | 63.60% | [7] |
西班牙 | 183,007 | 32.00% | [18] |
辛巴威 | 259,267 | 66.35% | [19] |
日本 | 253,203 | 67.00% | [20] |
法国(包括法国海外省) | 246,640 | 36.76% | [21] |
芬兰 | 233,320 | 72.00% | [22] |
中非 | 227,550 | 36.53% | [7] |
加彭 | 227,517 | 85.00% | [23] |
刚果共和国 | 224,710 | 65.70% | [7] |
喀麦隆 | 212,450 | 44.68% | [7] |
土耳其 | 216,781 | 27.60% | [24] |
马来西亚 | 195,200 | 59.50% | [25] |
巴拉圭 | 184,750 | 45.42% | [7] |
老挝 | 170,000 | 71.60% | [26] |
智利 | 158,781 | 21.00% | [27] |
圭亚那 | 151,040 | 70.26% | [7] |
南蘇丹 | 148,196 | 23.00% | [28] |
苏里南 | 147,760 | 90.20% | [7] |
泰國 | 147,620 | 29.00% | [29] |
马达加斯加 | 128,380 | 21.87% | [7] |
125,720 | 10.14% | [7] | |
越南 | 123,000 | 37.14% | [30] |
博茨瓦纳 | 119,430 | 20.53% | [7] |
乍得 | 119,210 | 09.28% | [7] |
厄瓜多尔 | 115,510 | 42.00% | [31] |
德國 | 113,176 | 31.70% | [32] |
尼日尔 | 112,000 | 08.00% | [33] |
奈及利亞 | 110,890 | 12.00% | [7] |
伊朗 | 110,750 | 06.72% | [7] |
危地马拉 | 108,894 | 51.00% | [34] |
義大利 | 106,736 | 35.00% | [35] |
烏克蘭 | 105,000 | 17.00% | [36] |
蒙古 | 102,520 | 06.55% | [7] |
挪威 | 93,870 | 28.99% | [7] |
柬埔寨 | 93,350 | 51.56% | [37] |
摩洛哥 | 111,325 | 11.54% | [38] |
波蘭 | 90,000 | 28.80% | [39] |
南非 | 89,170 | 07.31% | [40] |
塞内加尔 | 86,730 | 44.09% | [7] |
新西蘭 | 85,424 | 31.87% | [41] |
白俄羅斯 | 80,134 | 38.60% | [42] |
纳米比亚 | 76,610 | 09.29% | [7] |
76,240 | 73.00% | [43] | |
菲律賓 | 71,620 | 23.87% | [7] |
71,310 | 11.18% | [7] | |
希臘 | 37,520 | 28.43% | [7] |
布吉納法索 | 67,940 | 24.78% | [7] |
洪都拉斯 | 67,254 | 60.00% | [44] |
几内亚 | 67,240 | 27.35% | [7] |
63,940 | 64.00% | [45] | |
羅馬尼亞 | 63,700 | 26.72% | [7] |
61,860 | 54.93% | [46] | |
54,498 | 02.00% | [47] | |
尼加拉瓜 | 51,890 | 39.80% | [7] |
乌干达 | 50,000 | 20.74% | [48] |
巴拿马 | 42,940 | 56.93% | [7] |
巴基斯坦 | 42,240 | 05.31% | [49] |
阿尔及利亚 | 42,000 | 01.70% | [50] |
41,270 | 08.46% | [7] | |
奥地利 | 39,600 | 47.20% | [51] |
衣索比亞 | 39,313 | 03.56% | [52] |
尼泊尔 | 39,000 | 26.50% | [53] |
保加利亚 | 36,250 | 32.69% | [7] |
马拉维 | 33,176 | 28.00% | [54] |
葡萄牙 | 32,400 | 42.00% | [55] |
利比里亚 | 31,540 | 28.32% | [7] |
30,000 | 09.30% | [56] | |
拉脫維亞 | 28,807 | 60.00% | [57] |
英国 | 28,650 | 11.76% | [58] |
27,880 | 40.00% | [59] | |
塞拉利昂 | 27,540 | 38.39% | [7] |
古巴 | 27,130 | 24.47% | [7] |
沙烏地阿拉伯 | 27,000 | 01.26% | [60] |
捷克 | 26,000 | 34.00% | [61] |
25,599 | 53.00% | [62] | |
24,901 | 44.00% | [63] | |
不丹 | 24,764 | 64.50% | [64] |
24,600 | 10.20% | [65] | |
爱沙尼亚 | 23,066 | 61.00% | [66] |
所罗门群岛 | 22,534至23,117 | 78.00至80.00% | [67] |
臺灣 | 21,971 | 60.71% | [68][69][70] |
立陶宛 | 21,223 | 33.00% | [71] |
塞爾維亞 | 20,868 | 23.63% | [72] |
几内亚比绍 | 20,720 | 57.36% | [7] |
突尼西亞 | 20,615 | 12.60% | [73] |
哥斯达黎加 | 20,440 | 40.00% | [74] |
斯洛伐克 | 20,006 | 40.80% | [75] |
19,690 | 04.40% | [76] | |
斯里蘭卡 | 19,330 | 29.46% | [77] |
匈牙利 | 18,513 | 20.30% | [78] |
伯利兹 | 16,530 | 71.98% | [7] |
赤道几内亚 | 16,320 | 58.18% | [7] |
厄立特里亚 | 15,540 | 13.21% | [7] |
13,384 | 27.50% | [79] | |
肯尼亚 | 13,200 | 02.27% | [80] |
阿曼 | 13,050 | 04.22% | [81] |
斯洛維尼亞 | 12,574 | 60.00% | [82] |
瑞士 | 12,425 | 30.80% | [83] |
阿尔巴尼亚 | 10,349 | 36.00% | [84] |
馬其頓 | 10,285 | 40.00% | [85] |
西撒哈拉 | 10,110 | 03.80% | [7] |
斐济 | 10,000 | 54.72% | [7] |
阿塞拜疆 | 9,360 | 10.81% | [7] |
8,710 | 06.05% | [7] | |
8,690 | 04.35% | [7] | |
伊拉克 | 8,220 | 01.88% | [7] |
多哥 | 8,000 | 14.00% | [86] |
东帝汶 | 7,980 | 53.65% | [7] |
愛爾蘭 | 7,390 | 10.85% | [7] |
新喀里多尼亞 | 7,170 | 38.60% | [7] |
乌拉圭 | 7,000 | 04.00% | [87] |
比利時 | 6,607 | 21.64% | [88] |
蒙特內哥羅 | 6,252 | 45.26% | [89] |
丹麥 | 5,171 | 12.00% | [90] |
巴哈马 | 5,150 | 51.45% | [7] |
冈比亚 | 4,857 | 43.00% | [91] |
叙利亚 | 4,610 | 02.49% | [92] |
葉門 | 4,490 | 00.85% | [93] |
瓦努阿圖 | 4,470 | 36.67% | [94] |
4,100 | 02.87% | [95] | |
波多黎各 | 4,080 | 29.59% | [7] |
荷蘭 | 3,650 | 08.79% | [7] |
牙买加 | 3,308 | 30.10% | [96] |
摩尔多瓦 | 3,290 | 09.72% | [7] |
卢旺达 | 3,161 | 12.00% | [97] |
阿联酋 | 3,120 | 03.73% | [7] |
薩爾瓦多 | 2,980 | 14.16% | [7] |
亞美尼亞 | 2,974 | 10.00% | [98] |
文莱 | 2,780 | 48.22% | [7] |
毛里塔尼亚 | 2,670 | 00.26% | [7] |
千里達及托巴哥 | 2,260 | 44.07% | [7] |
利比亞 | 2,170 | 00.12% | [7] |
法屬玻里尼西亞 | 2,000 | 52.30% | [99] |
賽普勒斯 | 1,740 | 18.81% | [7] |
阿富汗 | 1,631 | 00.25% | [100] |
以色列 | 1,600 | 07.00% | [101] |
黎巴嫩 | 1,383 | 13.30% | [102] |
1,270 | 04.50% | [103] | |
萨摩亚 | 1,050 | 37.00% | [104] |
冰島 | 1,930 | 02.00% | [105] |
约旦 | 893 | 01.00% | [106] |
盧森堡 | 870 | 33.64% | [7] |
佛得角 | 840 | 20.83% | [7] |
埃及 | 670 | 00.07% | [7] |
密克羅尼西亞聯邦 | 630 | 89.74% | [7] |
模里西斯 | 612 | 30.00% | [107] |
多米尼克 | 488 | 65.00% | [108] |
海地 | 416 | 01.50% | [109] |
塞舌尔 | 407 | 89.45% | [110] |
帛琉 | 400 | 87.15% | [7] |
香港 | 400 | 36.36% | [111] |
340 | 35.86% | [7] | |
330 | 71.12% | [7] | |
聖多美和普林西比 | 270 | 28.01% | [7] |
關島 | 260 | 47.79% | [7] |
美属萨摩亚 | 180 | 90.45% | [7] |
纽埃 | 169至182 | 65.00至70.00% | [112] |
斯威士兰 | 174 | 01.00% | [113] |
圣卢西亚 | 170 | 27.60% | [7] |
安道尔 | 160 | 34.19% | [7] |
庫克群島 | 142 | 60.00% | [114] |
127 | 32.56% | [115] | |
开曼群岛 | 120 | 45.45% | [7] |
美屬維爾京群島 | 100 | 28.87% | [7] |
安地卡及巴布達 | 90 | 21.00% | [116] |
巴勒斯坦 | 90 | 01.45% | [7] |
賴索托 | 80 | 00.26% | [7] |
列支敦斯登 | 70 | 43.75% | [7] |
吉布提 | 60 | 00.26% | [7] |
科威特 | 60 | 00.34% | [7] |
安圭拉 | 55 | 60.44% | NC |
科摩罗 | 50 | 02.24% | [7] |
圣基茨和尼维斯 | 50 | 19.16% | [7] |
47 | 33.10% | NC | |
英屬維爾京群島 | 40 | 26.49% | [7] |
格瑞那達 | 40 | 11.63% | [7] |
40 | 05.35% | [117] | |
皮特凯恩群岛 | 35 | 74.47% | NC |
蒙特塞拉特 | 35 | 34.31% | NC |
30 | 12.40% | [7] | |
马恩岛 | 30 | 05.24% | [7] |
图瓦卢 | 23 | 89.12% | [118] |
聖赫勒拿 | 20 | 16.39% | [7] |
巴巴多斯 | 20 | 04.65% | [7] |
基里巴斯 | 20 | 02.47% | [7] |
新加坡 | 20 | 03.00% | [119] |
12 | 01.50% | NC | |
百慕大 | 10 | 18.52% | [7] |
馬爾地夫 | 10 | 03.56% | [7] |
海峡群岛 | 8 | 04.12% | NC |
巴林 | 5 | 00.67% | NC |
阿鲁巴 | 4 | 02.22% | NC |
馬爾他 | 3 | 00.95% | NC |
格陵兰 | 2 | 00.00% | NC |
圣马力诺 | 1 | 01.64% | NC |
法罗群岛 | 1 | 00.07% | NC |
0 | 00.00% | [120] |
地区 | 森林总面积
(km2) |
森林覆盖率 | 参考来源 |
克拉斯諾亞爾斯克邊疆區 | 1,510,016 | 63.80% | [121] |
萨哈共和国 | 1,500,000 | 47.00% | [122] |
安大略省 | 780,080 | 85.00% | |
魁北克省 | 761,100 | 55.75% | [123] |
570,418 | 50.00% | ||
566,841 | 60.00% | [124] | |
阿拉斯加州 | 522,044 | 30.39% | [125] |
努納武特地區 | 469,447 | 25.00% | |
曼尼托巴省 | 411,270 | 75.00% | |
384,049 | 60.00% | ||
昆士兰州 | 346,130 | 20.00% | |
薩斯喀徹溫省 | 325,419 | 55.00% | |
育空地區 | 260,915 | 55.00% | |
紐芬蘭與拉布拉多省 | 243,017 | 65.00% | |
法国 (法國本土) | 170,000 | 30.95% | [126] |
新南威爾士州 | 96,077 | 12.00% | |
83,000 | 99.00% | [21] | |
維多利亞州 | 79,596 | 35.00% | |
60,733 | 85.00% | ||
西澳大利亚州 | 50,598 | 02.00% | |
塔斯馬尼亞州 | 44,461 | 65.00% | |
紐芬蘭與拉布拉多 | 41,440 | 38.07% | [127] |
北领地 | 40,474 | 03.00% | |
新斯科舍省 | 40,004 | 75.00% | |
南澳大利亞州 | 29,504 | 03.00% | |
夏威夷州 | 13,300 | 46.98% | NC |
苏格兰 | 13,107 | 17.00% | [128] |
英格兰 | 9,128 | 7.00% | [7] |
5,448 | 32.40% | ||
5,000 | 66.73% | [129] | |
科西嘉 | 4,018 | 46.00% | [130] |
威尔士 | 2,493 | 11.90% | [7] |
愛德華王子島省 | 2,940 | 30.00% | [131] |
1,464 | 10.80% | ||
留尼汪 | 1,370 | 53.00% | [132] |
北爱尔兰 | 830.6 | 6.00% | [7] |
830 | 35.38% | [133] | |
640 | 39.00% | [21] | |
490 | 46.00% | [21] | |
馬德拉 | 150 | 18.73% | [134] |
马约特 | 140 | 37.00% | [21] |
布鲁塞尔首都大区 | 17.35 | 10.00% |
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- Environment statistics by country - Detailed country level environment statistics by bunseki.info
- Turkey General Directorate of Forestry - Official Web Site of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of Forestry
- Countries With Largest Forest Area by FRA2010 -The FRA 2010 Country Reports have been compiled by officially nominated country correspondents in collaboration with FAO staff.
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