C·哥頓·麥基 C. Gordon Mackie | |
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出生 | 1880年1月9日![]() |
逝世 | 1966年3月17日![]() | (86歲)
职业 | 商人、政治家 |
麥基1880年1月9日生於英國蘇格蘭東部安格斯的布里金(Brechin),是家中幼子。[1][2]他的父親和祖父同樣名叫約翰·麥基醫生(Dr. John Mackie),都是當地名醫;[3][2]母親是布里金市學校(Brechin Burgh School)校長大衛·普蘭(David Prain)的女兒。[3]1895年,他的父親懷疑因病厭世,在家中服食毒藥氫氰酸自殺身亡,終年53歲。[3]麥基早年在布里金生活,並受教於當地的布里金高校(Brechin High School)。[4]
1901年,時年21歲的麥基前往遠東發展,加入香港的仁記洋行(Gibb, Livingston & Co.,又稱喼行或劫行),最初於中環皇后行辦工,由助理做起。[5][6]仁記洋行是遠東當時主要的貿易公司之一,除了從事一般商品貿易和船運,也負責代理和代辦多家公司的在華業務。[7]在香港和上海,委託仁記代理或代辦業務的公司包括英商業廣有限公司、倫敦勞合社、中華火燭保險行、英國永隆水險公司、巴勒保險公司、德國安聯保險、東方澳洲輪船公司、會德豐駁船行、上海煤氣公司和香港電燈公司等,可見業務相當廣泛。[7]
1908年,麥基獲授權代表司理在公司文件簽字,[8]其後於1912年升任為仁記洋行司理,[9][10]並長駐於上海視事,數年後更進一步擢升為該行在上海的董事總經理。[6][11][12]任內,仁記洋行於1920年註冊成為公司,[10]並於1923年與鐵行火船公司(Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.)開展合作關係,麥基也因此獲委任為鐵行在香港和上海的合夥人。[11][註 1]1927年,麥基由上海返回香港長駐,接替告別香港的A·O·冷(A. O. Lang,即冷君)出任仁記洋行香港董事總經理。[14][15]:200
麥基在任仁記洋行期間身兼多家公司的董事職務,當中包括上海的永福人壽保險公司和上洋自來水公司、[13]:801 & 807以及香港的中華火燭保險行、[16]:1085九龍倉、[16]:1107中外眾國保險公司、[16]:1086堪富利士資產有限公司、[16]:1110德忌利士輪船公司和天星小輪等,[16]:1092 & 1139另外又曾任省港澳輪船公司主席。[17]1914年,他獲邀兼任於仁保險公司上海委員會委員,其後於1924年出任於仁保險公司董事,至1935年卸任。[18]此外,仁記洋行代理香港電燈公司業務多年,歷來多位仁記大班也曾任港燈董事或主席。[15]:200-202麥基本人早於1909年至1912年出任港燈董事,[15]:201從上海調回香港後也曾於1927年至1935年出任港燈主席。[15]:200
在港燈主席任內,麥基有意把港燈業務由香港島擴展到九龍半島,他於1929年向九龍半島的中華電力公司主席蘇雲(Robert Shewan)作價以一股港燈股份換取六股中電的條件收購中電,但遭蘇雲斷然拒絕。[15]:122麥基其後曾向香港政府提出把港燈電網擴展到九龍,與中電作直接競爭,惟建議未獲時任輔政司史美接納,最終使計劃作罷。[15]:123麥基任內也主持港燈北角發電廠的擴建計劃,為電廠增建以他命名的麥基碼頭(Mackie's Wharf)。[15]:141麥基碼頭於1935年落成,當時是太古船塢以外香港島唯一可讓遠洋輪船直接靠岸的港口設施。[15]:141自此以後,北角電廠可讓遠洋輪船直接把發電所用的煤炭運送上岸,省卻由帆船轉運所耗用的時間和金錢。[15]:140
與香港上海匯豐銀行關係密切的麥基,也曾於1931年至1932年和1934年至1935年兩度兼任匯豐銀行主席。[19][20]當時香港受1929年華爾街股災和環球大蕭條影響,經濟前景並不明朗,但麥基仍支持擴展銀行業務,並見證位於中環的滙豐總行大廈開展重建工程,於1934年10月17日邀得時任香港總督貝璐爵士主持新總行大廈的奠基儀式。[21]新總行大廈由香港巴馬丹拿公司(又稱公和洋行)旗下的建築師G·L·威爾遜(G. L. Wilson)負責設計和營建。[22]樓高70米、共13層的新總行大廈於1935年10月10日落成啟用,屬當時流行的裝飾藝術風格,大樓立面的花崗石外牆也是香港當時的嶄新設計。[22][23]:164這座新大樓除了是滙豐創立以來的第三代總行大廈,落成之時是遠東規模最大的商業大廈,也是香港首座安裝中央冷氣系統的建築物。[22]
在商業活動以外,麥基在香港和上海也參與不少與商界和政治有關的公職。[6]在滬工作期間,他於1914年至1917年獲委任為上海工部局董事,[24]1920年至1921年出任上海外商總會主席,也曾任上海英商公會會董。[6][25]第一次世界大戰期間,他曾以少尉身份參與華工兵團(Chinese Labour Corps),其後獲得擢升,負責安排4,000名華工從中國大陸前赴加拿大從事後勤工作,獲得當局傳令褒獎。[6][26]
除了兩局的工作,麥基也獲港府委以其他公職,當中包括在1928年出任香港義勇防衛軍顧問委員會委員、[47][48]1930年在西商會提名下出任香港海員俱樂部信託人、[43]:16以及在1931年分別獲西商會提名出任港口顧問委員會委員和認可建築師諮詢委員會委員等。[49][50][51]作為西商會主席,麥基也曾會見1930年至1931年訪華的英國遠東經濟考察團團長歐內斯特·湯姆生爵士(Sir Ernest Thompson)一行;[52]1934年,他又獲港府委任到一個委員會負責研究推廣香港的旅遊業,該委員會後來於1935年向港府提交報告,促成港府於同年成立香港旅遊會(Hong Kong Travel Association)。[53]
在遠東生活多年的麥基在1935年決定卸下所有工商職務,退休返英,[4]而仁記洋行董事總經理和鐵行合夥人的職務則由M·T·尊臣(M. T. Johnson)接替。[54]離港前夕最後一次出席定例局會議時,他獲時任港督貝璐爵士致謝。[40]麥基多年來也結交不少華商友好,例如周壽臣爵士、羅旭龢和羅文錦等,因此他在正式退休前夕,也獲得華商設宴歡讌。[55]同年,他更獲英廷頒授英皇喬治五世銀禧獎章,對其在港擔任公職的表現予以肯定。[56]
麥基返回英國後定居於家鄉蘇格蘭安格斯的布里金,1936年曾經重臨香港渡假。[57]第二次世界大戰結束後,他於1945年獲亡父曾任職的布里金醫院(Brechin Infirmary)委任為該院董事。[58]1966年3月17日,麥基於布里金逝世,終年86歲。[59]
麥基1908年11月30日於錫蘭可倫坡的基督教堂(Christ Church)迎娶格特魯德·歐文·格思里(Gertrude Irvine Guthrie,1877年-1946年)為妻。[2][60]格特魯德來自蘇格蘭鄧迪布魯提碼頭(Broughty Ferry)的霍普莊園(Hope Park),是詹姆士·格思里(James Guthrie)的幼女。[2]麥基夫婦育有子女各一,分別是:
- 桑·格特魯德·哥頓·麥基(Jean Gertrude Gordon Mackie):1909年10月14日生於香港,[61]身為香港飛行會會員和秘書的她在1934年考獲香港的「A類」飛行執照,是香港首位女性和該會首位會員考獲有關執照。[62][63]「A類」飛行執照是一種私人飛行執照,持證人可駕駛除了運載郵件、貨物和乘客以外的任何類型飛機。[62]她後來於第二次世界大戰期間服役於皇家婦女海軍,並在敵軍一次空襲當中因傑出表現,於1941年獲英廷嘉許。[62]戰後,她於1945年4月30日嫁給英國施懷雅父子有限公司董事約翰·馬遜爵士(Sir John Masson,1898年-1965年),成為馬遜爵士夫人(Lady Masson)。[64][65]她於1972年11月25日在英格蘭白金漢郡逝世,終年63歲。[66]
- 查爾斯·哥頓·麥基(Charles Gordon Mackie):1916年3月19日生於上海,[67]1945年5月5日迎娶瑪嘉烈·喬治娜·「佩姬」·克貝爾(Margaret Georgina (Peggy) Koebel)為妻。[68]他曾任斯圖爾特勞埃公司(Stewarts and Lloyds)董事,[69]2005年9月2日卒於英格蘭諾定咸郡,終年89歲。[70]
1932年3月12日,麥基夫婦從香港乘搭中興輪(Venezia)前往澳門,準備參與翌日由澳門賽馬會舉辦的春季賽事,該船還載有定例局議員威廉·山頓(William Shenton)等逾500名乘客。[76]當日下午約3時47分,中興號駛至大嶼山以西對開海域的時候,在大霧中與另一艘由澳門駛返香港的瑞泰輪(Sui Tai)相撞。[76][77]雖然瑞泰輪只有輕微損毀,但中興輪的船頭損毀嚴重,船身局部下沉,意外更造成船上兩名乘客身亡、兩名船員失蹤,另有數人受傷。[76]麥基夫婦與船上其他乘客,事後由正好途經意外現場、同樣由香港開往澳門的泉州輪(Chuen Chow)接走,最終於晚上七時抵達澳門,比原訂時間遲大約一小時到達。[76]
身兼不同公職的麥基,事實上作風低調,也很少出席公開活動。[55]1995年,旅港英國藝術家和歷史愛好者許敬雅受到馬會委託,除了負責整理馬會歷史,又主持收集歷任馬會主席的肖像照片;[78]惟礙於文獻散佚,當時他始終未能找到麥基和另一前主席嗲士打(Percy Tester)的肖像。[78]
- 「P&O」與「Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.」兩家船運公司的中文譯名皆作「鐵行」。[13]:998 & 1008為免混淆,本文提及的「鐵行」均指「Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.」。
附錄:主要經歷 | |
- "Births" (13 January 1880)
- "Marriage" (2 December 1908)
- "Sad Suicide of a Brechin Doctor" (25 March 1895)
- "Brechin Man's Career in the East" (15 May 1935)
- Jurors List for 1905 (1 February 1905), p.17.
- "Comprehensive Review of Local Trade" (26 March 1935)
- Wright (1908), p.216.
- "Notice (页面存档备份,存于)", Hongkong Government Gazette, 10 April 1908, p.466.
- Jurors List for 1913 (21 February 1913), p.16.
- Macmillan (1925), p.245.
- The South China Morning Post (26 May 1923)
- The China Who's Who 1922: A Biographical Dictionary (1922), p.174.
- The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippins, &c. for the Year 1920 (1920)
- Jurors List for 1928 (1 February 1928), p.105.
- Coates (1977)
- The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippins, &c. for the Year 1912 (1912)
- 〈省港澳輪船公司股東大會詳情〉(1930年3月5日)
- "One Hundred Years of Continued Progress - The Union Insurance Celebrates Its Centenary" (25 May 1935)
- "I was an elephant handler" (10 January 2010)
- "Hong Kong Bank Finances" (9 February 1934)
- "His Excellency Declares Stone Well Laid" (18 October 1934)
- "The New Hong Kong Bank Building Opened" (11 October 1935)
- Spurr (1995)
- 〈上海公共租界工部局董事表〉(造訪於2016年7月4日)
- Report of the Committee of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce (1921)
- "2/Lieutenant Charles Gordon Stewart MacKIE Chinese Labour Corps" (retrieved on 4 July 2016)
- The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 1966: Annual Report (1967), p.34.
- "No. 146 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hongkong Government Gazette, 5 March 1909.
- "No.106", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 2 March 1928.
- "New Council Member - Mr. C. G. S. Mackie The Only Nomination" (4 May 1928)
- "No.454", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 25 July 1930.
- "Mr. C. G. S. Mackie to Represent Chamber of Commerce on Council" (5 May 1931)
- The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 1966: Annual Report (1967), p.35.
- "No.339", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 6 June 1930.
- "No.583", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 19 September 1930.
- "No.261", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 1 May 1931.
- "No.485", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 31 July 1931.
- "No.253 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 13 April 1933.
- "No.608", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 10 August 1934.
- "Hon. Mr. C. G. S. Mackie - Tribute by Governor" (29 March 1935)
- "The Budget Debate - Taxable Limit Reached" (13 October 1933)
- "Unofficials Debate Budget" (20 October 1930)
- Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Report for the Year 1930 (1931)
- "Unofficial Members Laud Colony's Orthodox Budget" (27 September 1934)
- Report of the Commission Appointed by His Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong to Enquire into the Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in Hong Kong and for the Improvement of the Trade of the Colony (February 1935)
- Tsang (2009), pp.108-109.
- "No.232", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 10 May 1929.
- "No.511", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 28 June 1935.
- "No.219 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 10 April 1931.
- "No.407 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 3 July 1931.
- "No.154 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 14 February 1936.
- "Straight Talk Best - British Economic Mission Entertain Local Merchants at Peninsular Hotel" (28 February 1931)
- Report of the Committee to Consider the Formation of a Travel Association and to Make Recommendations for the Development of the Tourist Traffic in Hong Kong (10 April 1935), pp.135-137.
- Fairplay Weekly Shipping Journal Vol. 135 (1935), p.332.
- "Mr. C. G. Mackie Farewelled" (27 March 1935)
- "No.362 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 6 May 1935.
- "Mr. Gordon Mackie in Colony" (20 February 1936)
- "Brechin Infirmary Appointment" (17 July 1945)
- "Mackie, Charles Gordon Stewart" (1966)
- "Deaths" (5 October 1946)
- "Births" (16 October 1909)
- "Reward for Bravery" (31 May 1941)
- "Flying Certificate Obtained - Miss Jean Mackie First Colony Lady to Pass" (2 June 1934)
- "Brechin Church Wedding" (1 May 1945)
- "MASSON, Sir John Robertson" (1966)
- "Masson, Lady Jean Gertrude Gordon" (1973)
- "Births" (25 March 1916), p.4.
- "Marriages" (9 May 1945)
- The British Steelmaker Vol. 30 (1964), p.181.
- "Charles Gordon MACKIE" (7 September 2005)
- "St Andrew's Annual Meeting at Shanghai" (3 November 1920)
- "About Us: Past Chieftains" (retrieved on 4 July 2016)
- "Liberty Bay Romps Home in Champions" (20 February 1935)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association: The Hong Kong Jockey Club (September 2006), p.13.
- 〈快活谷馬場重建1929〉(造訪於2016年7月4日)
- "Passenger Ships Collide" (30 March 1932)
- 〈大霧迷漫中,瑞泰中興兩輪昨日相撞〉(1932年3月13日)
- "Hacker on the Trail of Jockey Club Chairmen of Yesteryear" (24 September 1995)
- "No.111 (页面存档备份,存于)", Hongkong Government Gazette, 11 April 1913.
- "No.513", Hong Kong Government Gazette, 28 June 1935.
- "Births", The Northern Warder and Bi-weekly Courier and Argus, 13 January 1880, p.2.
- "Sad Suicide of a Brechin Doctor", The Evening Telegraph, 25 March 1895, p.3.
- Jurors List for 1905(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: Hongkong Government, 1 February 1905.
- Edited by Wright, Arnold, Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and Other Treaty Ports of China: Their History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources(页面存档备份,存于). London: Lloyds Greater Britain Publishing Company, 1908.
- "Marriage", Hong Kong Daily Press, 2 December 1908, p.2.
- "Births", Hong Kong Daily Press, 16 October 1909, p.2.
- The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippins, &c. for the Year 1912. Hong Kong: The Hongkong Daily Press Office, 1912.
- Jurors List for 1913(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: Hongkong Government, 21 February 1913.
- "Births", The China Mail, 25 March 1916, p.4.
- The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippins, &c. for the Year 1920. Hong Kong: The Hongkong Daily Press, Ltd., 1920.
- "St Andrew's Annual Meeting at Shanghai", The South China Morning Post, 3 November 1920.
- Report of the Committee of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce. Shanghai: Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce, 1921.
- The China Who's Who 1922: A Biographical Dictionary. Shanghai: Kelly & Welsh, 1922.
- The South China Morning Post, 26 May 1923, p.7.
- Edited by Macmillan, Allister, Seaports of the Far East: Historical and Descriptive, Commercial and Industrial, Facts, Figures, & Resources. W.H. & L. Collingridge, 1925.
- Jurors List for 1928(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 1 February 1928.
- "New Council Member - Mr. C. G. S. Mackie The Only Nomination", The Hong Kong Telegraph, 4 May 1928, p.13.
- "Unofficials Debate Budget", The China Mail, 20 October 1930, p.1.
- Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Report for the Year 1930(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, 1931.
- "Straight Talk Best - British Economic Mission Entertain Local Merchants at Peninsular Hotel", Hong Kong Daily Press, 28 February 1931, p.10.
- "Mr. C. G. S. Mackie to Represent Chamber of Commerce on Council", Hong Kong Daily Press, 5 May 1931, p.7.
- "Passenger Ships Collide(页面存档备份,存于)", The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 30 March 1932, p.4.
- "The Budget Debate - Taxable Limit Reached", Hong Kong Daily Press, 13 October 1933, p.6.
- "Hong Kong Bank Finances", The China Mail, 9 February 1934, p.1.
- "Flying Certificate Obtained - Miss Jean Mackie First Colony Lady to Pass", The China Mail, 2 June 1934, p.9.
- "Unofficial Members Laud Colony's Orthodox Budget", The China Mail, 27 September 1934, p.1.
- "His Excellency Declares Stone Well Laid", Hong Kong Daily Press, 18 October 1934, p.7.
- Fairplay Weekly Shipping Journal Vol. 135. Fairplay Publications Limited, 1935.
- Report of the Commission Appointed by His Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong to Enquire into the Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in Hong Kong and for the Improvement of the Trade of the Colony(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, February 1935.
- "Liberty Bay Romps Home in Champions", The Hong Kong Telegraph, 20 February 1935 (Second Edition), p.1.
- "Comprehensive Review of Local Trade", Hong Kong Daily Press, 26 March 1935, pp.7 & 10.
- "Mr. C. G. Mackie Farewelled", The China Mail, 27 March 1935, pp.7 & 9.
- "Hon. Mr. C. G. S. Mackie - Tribute by Governor", Hong Kong Daily Press, 29 March 1935, p.7.
- Report of the Committee to Consider the Formation of a Travel Association and to Make Recommendations for the Development of the Tourist Traffic in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 10 April 1935.
- "Brechin Man's Career in the East", The Courier and Advertiser, 15 May 1935, p.4.
- "One Hundred Years of Continued Progress - The Union Insurance Celebrates Its Centenary", Hong Kong Daily Press, 25 May 1935, p.6.
- "The New Hong Kong Bank Building Opened", Hong Kong Daily Press, 11 October 1935, pp.7 & 12.
- "Mr. Gordon Mackie in Colony", The China Mail, 20 February 1936, p.6.
- "Reward for Bravery(页面存档备份,存于)", The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 31 May 1941, p.5.
- "Brechin Church Wedding", Dundee Courier, 1 May 1945, p.2.
- "Marriages", Dundee Courier, 9 May 1945, p.4.
- "Brechin Infirmary Appointment", Dundee Courier, 17 July 1945, p.3.
- "Deaths", Dundee Evening Telegraph, 5 October 1946, p.5.
- The British Steelmaker Vol. 30, 1964.
- "Mackie, Charles Gordon Stewart", Calendars of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration (England and Wales), 1966.
- The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 1966: Annual Report(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, 1967.
- "Masson, Lady Jean Gertrude Gordon", Calendars of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration (England and Wales), 1973.
- Coates, Austin, A Mountain of Light: The Story of the Hongkong Electric Company. London: Heinemann, 1977.
- "Hacker on the Trail of Jockey Club Chairmen of Yesteryear", The South China Morning Post, 24 September 1995.
- Spurr, Russell, Excellency: The Governors of Hong Kong. Hong Kong FormAsia, 1995. ISBN 978-9-62728-312-6
- "MASSON, Sir John Robertson", Who was Who. London: A & C Black, 1996.
- "Charles Gordon MACKIE(页面存档备份,存于)", The Nottingham Post, 7 September 2005.
- Memorandum and Articles of Association: The Hong Kong Jockey Club(页面存档备份,存于). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Jockey Club, September 2006.
- Tsang, Steve, A Modern History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-9-62209-677-6
- "I was an elephant handler(页面存档备份,存于)", Hong Kong's First, 10 January 2010.
- "2/Lieutenant Charles Gordon Stewart MacKIE Chinese Labour Corps(页面存档备份,存于)", The National Archives, retrieved on 4 July 2016.
- "About Us: Past Chieftains(页面存档备份,存于)", The Hong Kong St Andrew's Society, retrieved on 4 July 2016.
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商界職務 | ||
前任者: A·O·冷 |
仁記洋行香港董事總經理 1927年–1935年 |
繼任者: M·T·尊臣 |
香港電燈公司主席 1927年–1935年 | ||
前任者: J·A·普盧默 |
香港上海匯豐銀行主席 1931年–1932年 1934年–1935年 |
繼任者: J·J·百德新 |
前任者: T·E·皮亞士 |
繼任者: 斯坦利·鐸威路 | |
其他職務 | ||
前任者: H·P·懷特 |
香港賽馬會主席 1929年–1935年 |
繼任者: M·T·尊臣 |
前任者: B·D·F·比斯 |
香港西商會主席 1930年–1931年 1933年–1935年 |
繼任者: W·H·貝爾 |
前任者: T·H·R·蕭(署任) |