

- 抑制种子的萌发或刺激潜伏期种子的萌发[1]
- 高水平的茉莉酮酸会促进蛋白质储存;编码植物性储存蛋白的基因会对茉莉酸有响应,且tuberonic酸(一种茉莉酮酸衍生物)被认为在块茎的形成中起作用[4][5]
- 植物体内的茉莉酮酸可以引起叶绿素的减少并抑制编码光合作用相关蛋白基因的表达。尽管这一现象的原因尚不知晓,人们认为这样的反应可以降低植物在过量光照和二氧化碳的情况下的同化能力。[1]
- 茉莉酮酸在花和果实中积累的作用尚未知晓,但它可能和果实成熟(通过乙烯)、果实中的类胡萝卜素的合成、编码种子和植物性储存蛋白的基因的表达相关[1]
- 茉莉酮酸在植物对昆虫和疾病的抵抗中起着重要作用。许多与植物抗性相关的基因都是由茉莉酸诱导表达的,而茉莉酸和乙烯也在抵抗反应中有着共同的作用[6]
- Creelman RA and Mullet ME. 1997. Biosynthesis and action of jasmonsates in plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 48: 355-381
- Falkenstein E et al. 1991. Methyljasmonate and α-linolenic acid are potent inducers of tendril coiling. Planta 185: 316– 22
- Creelman RA etal. 1992. Jasmonic acid/methyl jasmonate accumulate in wounded soybean hypocotyls and modulate wound gene expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:4938– 41
- Anderson JM. 1988. Jasmonic acid-dependent increases in the level of specific polypeptides in soybean suspension cultures and seedlings. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation. 7: 203– 11
- Pelacho AM and Mingo-Castel AM. 1991. Jasmonic acid induces tuberization of potato stolons cultured in vitro. Plant Physiology 97: 1253– 55
- Xu Y et al. 1994. Plant defense genes are synergistically induced by ethylene and methyl jasmonate. Plant Cell 6: 1077– 85
- Farmer EE. . Nature. 2007, 448: 659–660. doi:10.1038/448659a.
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