ATC代码 (V04)
V 其他 |
V01 过敏原(Allergens) |
V03 其它各种治疗用药品(All other therapeutic products) |
V04 诊断用药(Diagnostic agents) |
V06 一般营养品(General nutrients) |
V07 其他全部非治疗学制品(All other non-therapeutic products) |
V08 造影劑(Contrast media) |
V09 诊断用放射性药物(Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals) |
V10 治疗性放射性药物(Therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals) |
V20 外科敷料(Surgical dressings) |
V04B 尿检测(Urine tests)
- 空组
V04C 其它诊断用药(Other diagnostic agents)
V04CC 胆管检测(Tests for bile duct patency)
V04CD 垂体功能检测(Tests for pituitary function)
- V04CD01 美替拉酮(Metyrapone)
- V04CD03 舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin)
- V04CD04 可的瑞林(Corticorelin)
- V04CD05 生长释素(Somatorelin)
V04CE 肝功能检测(Tests for liver functional capacity)
- V04CE01 钆乳糖(Galactose)
- V04CE02 磺溴酞(Sulfobromophthalein)
V04CF 结核诊断药(Tuberculosis diagnostics)
- V04CF01 结核菌素(Tuberculin)
V04CG 胃液分泌检测(Tests for gastric secretion)
V04CH 肾功能检测(Tests for renal function)
V04CK 胰腺功能检测(Tests for pancreatic function)
- V04CK01 胰泌素(Secretin)
- V04CK02 促胰酶素(缩胆囊素)(Pancreozymin (cholecystokinin))
- V04CK03 苯替酪胺(Bentiromide)
QV04CV 呼吸功能检测(Tests for respiratory function)
- QV04CV01 洛贝林(Lobeline)
V04CM 生育障碍检测(Tests for fertility disturbances)
- V04CM01 戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin)
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