替代性爭端解決方式(Alternative dispute resolution,簡稱ADR,不過在澳洲稱為external dispute resolution(外部爭議解決機制)[1])是稱讓有爭議的雙方在第三方的協助下,達到共識的爭議解決程序及技巧[1]。常用在雙方沒有進行訴訟,但無法達成共識的情形下。不過,越來越多的法庭也會使用替代性爭端解決方式來讓爭議雙方得到共識[2][3]。替代性爭端解決方式是一集合名詞,其中包括許多使雙方可以結束爭議的方式,可以有第三者的協助,也可以只由爭議雙方進行。
替代性爭端解決方式 |
在歷史上有許多政黨以及其支持者不贊成替代性爭端解決方式,不過近年來此方式又開始獲得大眾以及法律工作者的接受。有些法院會要求在案件審判之前,需先進行特定類型的替代性爭端解決方式(例如調解)。2008年的《歐盟調解指令》(the European Mediation Directive)時明確考慮所謂的「強制」調解,意思是訴訟雙方一定要出席調解,但不要求一定要在調解中得到共識[4]。另外,併購交易的雙方也越來越常用替代性爭端解決方式來處理併購後的一些爭議[5]。
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Complaints resolution schemes (页面存档备份,存于). Asic.gov.au. Retrieved on 2013-07-14.
- J. Pirie, Andrew. . Toronto, Ontario: Irwin Law. 2000: 5. ISBN 9781459313477.
- "Islam, Sharia and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mechanisms for Legal Redress in the Muslim Community", published 30 June 2013, London, UK: IB Tauris & Co. ISBN 9780857722386
- . Official Journal of the European Union. 21 May 2008 [17 June 2019]. (原始内容存档于11 June 2019).
- Litvak, Jeff; Miller, Brent. . Transaction Advisors. ISSN 2329-9134. (原始内容存档于23 July 2015).
- Totaro, Gianna., "Avoid court at all costs" The Australian Financial Review 14 November 2008. (19 April 2010)
- Shestwosky, Donna. . Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 2016–2017, 22: 191. SSRN 2945706
- Shestowsky, Donna. . Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 2016–2017, 22: 192–193. SSRN 2945706
- 衝突解決研究
- 創意建設和平
- 家庭治療
- 國家仲裁者學會
- 申訴專員
- 青少年法庭
- 企業再生替代性爭端解決
- 線上爭議解決機制
- Lynch, J. "ADR and Beyond: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management", Negotiation Journal, Volume 17, Number 3, July 2001, Volume, p. 213.
- Gary Born. "International Commercial Arbitration" (2009 Kluwer).
- William Ury, Roger Fisher, Bruce Patton. "Getting to Yes" (1981 Penguin Group).
- European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice - EMTPJ (页面存档备份,存于)
- Party-Directed Mediation: Facilitating Dialogue Between Individuals (页面存档备份,存于) by Gregorio Billikopf, free complete book PDF download, at the University of California (3rd Edition, posted 24 March 2014)
- Party-Directed Mediation: Facilitating Dialogue Between Individuals by Gregorio Billikopf, free complete book download, from Internet Archive (3rd Edition, multiple file formats including PDF, EPUB, and others)
- ADR International Register (页面存档备份,存于) ISO based registration and certification for ADR practitioners such as arbitrators, conflictcoaches, mediators and negotiators.
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