




强弱无神论这个概念常被哲学家乔治·H·史密斯用作较不常用的显无神论和隐无神论分类法的同义词,还与个人是否认为上帝不存在的特定观点相关。 “”无神论者明确声称任何神明的存在都是伪命题。“”无神论者声称自己并不相信任何神明的存在,但未必声称“神明不可能存在”就是命题。那些不相信任何神明存在,但并不断言这种不相信的人包含于隐无神论者之中。而“隐”无神论者则包含下列类别:儿童和从未听说过神明的成年人;听说过神明但未曾深度考虑过这些观点的人们;对神明持保留态度但并不排斥的不可知论者。所有无神论者都包含于消极/弱无神论者范畴中。[5]

不可知论属于无神论分类下的弱无神论。然而这种分类方式的有效性备受争议,包括理查德·道金斯在内的几位著名无神论者持反对态度。在《上帝错觉》一书中,道金斯将认为上帝存在的概率介于“很高”和“很低”的人描述为“不可知论者”,并为声称自己知道上帝不存在的人保留“强无神论者”这个概念。在此标准下,他将自己归类为“事实上的无神论者”但不属于“强无神论者” 。 哲学家安东尼·肯尼则更进一步区分弱无神论和不可知论:他发现命题“上帝存在”真伪无法确定,以及认为所有关于上帝的讨论均无意义的意识形态非认知主义者。[6]




类似地,奥斯汀无神论者社群(ACA)将积极无神论定义为以积极的态度面对无神论,抛弃掉有宗教信仰者描绘的虚假消极无神论形象,在崇拜领域中尤其应该这样。《积极无神论杂志》 “将无神论看作一种积极健康的观念——比任何有神论观点还要健康的观念”。




  1. Flew, Antony. . New York: Barnes and Noble. 1976: 14ff [2011-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2005-10-12). In this interpretation an atheist becomes: not someone who positively asserts the non-existence of God; but someone who is simply not a theist. Let us, for future ready reference, introduce the labels 'positive atheist' for the former and 'negative atheist' for the latter.
  2. Martin, Michael. . Cambridge University Press. 2006 [2022-03-08]. ISBN 0-521-84270-0. (原始内容存档于2015-05-02).
  3. . Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. 2007 [2010-06-01]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-06).
  4. Martin, Michael. . Temple University Press. 1990: 26 [2022-03-08]. ISBN 0-87722-943-0. (原始内容存档于2020-10-02). "negative atheism, the position of not believing a theistic God exists" / "positive atheism: the position of disbelieving a theistic God exists"; p. 464: "Clearly, positive atheism is a special case of negative atheism: Someone who is a positive atheist is by necessity a negative atheist, but not conversely".
  5. . [2022-03-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-15).
  6. Kenny, Anthony. . Ratio. 2006, 19 (4): 442. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9329.2006.00339.x.
  7. Maritain, Jacques. . The Review of Politics. July 1949, 11 (3): 267–280. doi:10.1017/S0034670500044168. (原始内容存档于2005-11-13). By positive atheism I mean an active struggle against everything that reminds us of God – that is to say, anti-theism rather than atheism – and at the same time a desperate, I would say heroic, effort to recast and reconstruct the whole human universe of thought and the whole human scale of values according to that state of war against God.
  8. Robyn E. Lebron. . CrossBooks. January 2012: 532 [2013-09-08]. ISBN 978-1-4627-1262-5. (原始内容存档于2013-10-28).
  9. Miller, Laura. . The New Yorker. [31 October 2007]. (原始内容 (Life and Letters article)存档于2013-05-10). he is one of England’s most outspoken atheists. ... He added, “Although I call myself an atheist, I am a Church of England atheist, and a 1662 Book of Common Prayer atheist, because that’s the tradition I was brought up in and I cannot escape those early influences.”
  10. . Plugged In Online. [14 September 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-21). I suppose technically, you'd have to put me down as an agnostic.
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