三曲腿图(西西里語:,来自希腊语“三条腿的”)也称三曲枝图、三曲臂图,是指三条腿組成的物件,同时也是西西里岛的一个符号的名字。公元前8世纪,一支古希腊远征队伍寻找新的陆地时,發現了一个广袤的不知名岛屿。他们被这岛屿的丰富自然资源吸引。在环绕岛屿航行时,远征隊发现岛屿有三个端点,分別是指向南方的Capu Pachinu,指向東方的Capu Peloru,和指向北方的Capu Lilibeu。他們稱這個島為特里纳克里亚(Trinacria),來自希臘語trinacrios,意指三角形。不久三曲腿圖在島上出現,並被希臘人用作為代表,直到現在。
不久以後,約1266年,tre cassyn(馬恩語的三曲腿圖)成為马恩岛王家徽章的一部份。諷刺的是,這一年法国贵族安茹的查理在教宗支持下于贝内文托之戰擊敗了曼弗雷德,成為教廷承认的最後勝利者,奪取西西里的王冠,結束了諾曼-士瓦本王朝136年的統治。


- Triskelion of Sicily of the Minoan period (archaeological museum of Agrigento)
- Celtic triskele of three stylized bird heads with whorl in the center
- A version of the Neolithic triple spiral symbol
- Spiral triskele, found in Celtic artwork, used by Celtic Reconstructionists and occasionally as a Christian Trinity symbol
- Triskele of church windows
- Selection of carvings from the Castro de Santa Trega Galicia
- The BDSM community's triskele-type emblem.
- Irish Air Corps roundel. A modern interpretation of the Celtic triskele
- Iron Age Castro culture triskele, reused in a barn. Airavella, Allariz, Galicia
- The seal of the US Department of Transportation.
- Coat of Arms of Füssen
- Slinger standing left, triskelion to right. Reverse of an ancient Greek silver stater from Aspendos, Pamphylia.
- Triskelion and spirals on a Galician torc terminal.
- The Korean Sam Taegeuk
- Insignia of the 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck
- The emblem of the South African Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
- Logo of Trisquel GNU/Linux
- A tiled triskelion in a park in Tokyo, Japan.
- 45 RPM record plastic insert.
- A common variant of tomoe, used as a symbol of Shinto god Hachiman and also as the family crest of numerous warrior clans in Japan.
- Clathrin triskelion highlighted
- Red symbol of Svarozhich, used in Rodnovery (Slavic Native Faith).
- Antahkarana - computer's radio waves protection
- Red triskelion found on the flag of Ingushetia
- Triskelion found on the Flag of the Isle of Man
- A version of the Three Legs of Man designed to celebrate the Isle of Man TT motorcycle racing event.