皮埃爾·洛蒂(Pierre Loti,1850年1月14日—1923年6月10日),又譯畢爾·羅逖,本名朱利安·維奧(Julien Viaud),法國小說家和海军军官,出生于罗什福尔,著有《冰島漁夫》 、《拉曼邱的戀愛》、《菊夫人》等書。他的作品極富異國情調,在當代非常受到歡迎。於海軍服役時,曾到過近東和遠東,這些經驗,為他的作品提供了豐富的資源。

1885年和1900~1901年曾二度訪問日本,1885年訪日時曾參加鹿鳴館的派對,以當時的見聞寫下「江戶的舞會」(收錄在短編集『秋天的日本』),給芥川龍之介的短編小說『舞會』帶來靈感。1900年八國聯軍進佔北京時,作爲海軍上尉的他亦來到北京,曾記述來京見聞,成《在北京最後的日子》(Les derniers jours de Pékin)。
- 《阿姬亞黛》(1879)
- 《洛蒂的婚姻》(1880)
- 《一個非洲騎兵的故事》(1881)
- 《厭倦之花》(1882)
- 《我的兄弟伊弗》(1883)
- 《北非三貴婦》(1884)
- 《冰島漁夫》(,1886)
- 《菊夫人》(,1887)
- 《水手》(1892)
- 《拉慕珂》(1897)
- 《拉曼邱的戀愛》(,1897)
- 《梅子太太的第三度青春》(1905)
- 《醒悟》(1906)。
- 《秋天的日本》(1889)
- 《在摩洛哥》(1890)
- 《東方的怪影》(1892)
- 《浪跡天涯》(1893)
- 《耶路撒冷的荒漠》(1895)
- 《北京的末日》(1902)
- 《英國人治下的印度》(1903)
- 《走向伊斯巴罕》(1904)
- 《吳哥的進香者》(1912)
- . [2011-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-25).
- 中譯可參考吳樹文譯:《蜘蛛絲‧舞會‧秋:芥川龍之介短篇精選集》(臺北:志文出版社,2005)
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:皮埃爾·洛蒂 |
- Official site of Maison Pierre Loti (页面存档备份,存于), house museum in Rochefort, in French.
- Pierre Loti的作品 - 古騰堡計劃
- Works by or about Pierre Loti at Internet Archive (scanned books original editions color illustrated)
- Works by Pierre Loti (页面存档备份,存于) at Google Books
- Rene Doumie. Contemporary French Novelists. New York, Boston : T. Y. Crowell & company. 1899. Biography and critical summary of Loti. From Internet Archive.
- Edmund Gosse. French Profiles. New York : Dodd, Mead and company. 1905. Collected reviews of Loti's works, by literary critic Edmund Gosse. From Internet Archive.
- Albert Leon Guerard. Five Masters of French Romance: Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Paul Bourget, Maurice Barrès, Romain Rolland. London T. Fisher Unwin. 1916. Biography and literary survey of major works. From Internet Archive.
- Frank Harris. Contemporary portraits. Second series. New York. 1919. Personal recollections of Loti. From Internet Archive.
- Henry James, ed. Impressions. Westminster : A. Constable and Co. 1898. Introduction by Henry James about Loti's life and works. From Internet Archive.
- Winifred (Stephens) Whale. French Novelists of To-day. London : John Lane; New York, John Lane company. 1908; see chapter "Pierre Loti", biography and literary survey. From Internet Archive.
- Easter Island Foundation sells an English translation of Loti's account of his visit to Easter Island, along with those of Eugène Eyraud, Hippolyte Roussel and Alphonse Pinart, under the title Early Visitors to Easter Island 1864–1877.
- Pierre Lotis' Madame Chrysanthème
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