温州蜜柑![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 真双子叶植物 Eudicots |
演化支: | 蔷薇类植物 Rosids |
目: | 无患子目 Sapindales |
科: | 芸香科 Rutaceae |
属: | 柑橘属 Citrus |
种: | 温州蜜柑 C. unshiu |
二名法 | |
Citrus unshiu | |
溫州蜜柑一名始見於日本江户时代晚期,因被認為產於中国浙江的溫州而得名,又被認為在九州肥後國天草郡西仲島(現鹿儿岛县長島町)變異而曾在九州稱為仲島蜜柑[2]。溫州蜜柑的實際原產地為日本薩摩地方(今鹿兒島縣),與浙江省溫州市並無關聯。溫州蜜柑經由日本傳入西方世界,故以溫州的日语发音「 Unshū」得种加词「」。[3][4][5][6]
- 花、葉
- 成熟果實
- 果實水平斷面
- 果實垂直斷面
- 果皮內的房
溫州蜜柑原產温州,唐代作為貢品,南宋韩世忠之子韓彥直曾於瑞安府任时著《橘錄校注》(又稱《永嘉橘錄》《橘錄》)系統介紹其品種與種植。明朝永乐年間日本僧人智惠將其帶回九州鹿兒島。1878年美國派日本特使罗伯特·布鲁斯·范·瓦尔肯堡將軍夫人以日本產地薩摩(/ Satsuma)名之[16]。臺灣北部於日治時期由鹿兒島引進,亦有種植。
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It's named after, Unsyu, China; in Japan it is known as "unshu mikan," in China, as "wenzhou migan"; recorded cultivation of the "wenzhou migan" date back some 2,400 years; it was listed as a tribute item for Imperial consumption in the TANG Dynasty; the best record of the cultivation of this variety in ancient China is from Jijia Julu, written by Han YAN, the governor of the region and published in 1178
- . hawaii.edu. [2020-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
Mikan is a tangerine-like citrus fruit that is grown in warmer regions of Japan in large quantities. Many different varieties have been introduced to Japan from China since the eighth century, but since the late 19th century the most important variety has been the unshu.
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