- AYE - 亚逸拉惹高速公路
- CTE - 中央快速公路(新加坡)
- ECP - 東海岸快速公路(新加坡)
- ERP - 新加坡公路收費門架的縮寫。
- 4D - 4-Digits,一組新加坡博彩號碼
- 5 C's - : 現金,汽車,信用卡,共管式公寓,鄉村俱樂部
- 6 C's - : 職業,現金,汽車,信用卡,共管式公寓,鄉村俱樂部
單詞 | 起源 | 定義 |
ABC | 英語 | 泛指在美國出生的華人。 |
Abit the | 英語 | 意味着一点点。 |
Action | 英語 | 在此背景下,该术语是指所描述的人是 自大和傲慢。 |
Agak-Ration | 马来语和英语 | 估计或预测。 |
Ah Beng | 福建話 | 一个乡下人,常见的中国男性名字,"阿明" (a-bêng)是本地不良少年和流氓的俚称. |
Ah Lian | 福建話 | 一个乡下人,常见的中国女性名字,"阿莲" (a-lián),"阿明" 的女性版也就是太妹的俚称。 |
Ah Long | 廣東話 | "阿窿", "大耳窿".放高利貸的人. |
Ah Tiong | 福建話 | 福建話"阿中" (a-tiong),泛指有中國大陸國籍的人。 |
Ai See | 福建話/潮州話 | 闽南语音译“爱死”。用来形容某人如履薄冰。 |
Ai See Buay See | 福建話 | 闽南语音译“爱死袂死”。用来形容某人如履薄冰。 |
Ai Tzai | 福建話 | 闽南语音译。用在鼓励的方式来平息人们失望。 |
Aiyah | 中文/淡米爾語 | 有时用作“Aiyoh”(泰米尔语:ஐயோ)。中文术语的音译“哎呀”和“哎唷”。相当于中国的“哦不!”,“哦,亲爱的!”。 |
Akan Datang | 马来話 | 意思是“即将推出”,如电影预告片看到。用来安抚一个没有耐心的人。 |
Alamak | 马来話 | 语音学贴近中国术语“哦,我的母亲!”。它表示震惊或惊奇。 |
Amacam | 马来話 | 马来字“阿帕MACAM”,这是作为一个问候,类似的收缩,“怎么了?”。 |
An Zhua? | 福建話 | 閩南语术语“按怎” |
Ang Moh | 福建話 | 字面意思是“红色的头发/红毛”。該术语指的是白人后裔。 |
Ar Bo | 福建話/潮州話 | 意思是“还有什么?”或“怎么回事?”。通常用作具有明显的答案是回答了问题。音译术语“阿无”(A-BO)。 |
單詞 | 起源 | 詞義 |
Balik Kampong | 馬來語 | 打包行李、然後回家(甘榜代表家鄉)。 |
Banana | 英語 | 指的是華裔新加坡人只會說英語。意思是'外表是黃色的,內在是白色的。' |
Bodoh | 馬來語 | Idiot , ignorant.[1] |
Boh Chup | 福建話 | 福建話指的是不關心。 |
Boh Gay | 福建話/潮州話 | 福建話/潮州話 pronunciation of "无牙" (bô-gê), which literally means "no teeth". Usually used to describe someone with a missing tooth. |
Boh Liao | 福建話/潮州話 | 福建話/潮州話 pronunciation of "无聊" (bô-liâu), which means "boredom". A slang expression to describe being in a situation of idleness. Also used to describe an act of doing something silly. |
Boleh | 馬來語 | 能; 可行的. |
Bo Jio | 福建話/潮州話 | 無招(意思是你沒有邀我做什麼事情)(You didn't invite me) |
Bo Ta Bo Lan Pa | 福建話 | Literally means you have no balls if it's not dry. Usually used in drinking for "bottoms up". |
Bo Pien | 福建話 | No choice. |
Botak | 馬來話 | Used to describe someone bald. This term inspired the famous Botak Jones in Singapore.[2] |
Buay | 福建話 | 福建話的口語是"袂" (buē).意思是"不能"。 |
Buay Song | 福建話 | 福建話的口語是"袂爽" (buē-sóng,意思是:不开心)。指的是生氣和不開心。 |
Buay Steady | 福建話/英語混合 | Usually used to reply to someone whose conduct spoils the pleasure of others. A spoilsport. |
Buay Tahan | 福建話/馬來話混合 | 福建話 "袂(buay)"與馬來話"tahan"的混合語。意思是"無法頂住"或俗稱“受不了”。 |
Buay Pai | 福建話 | 福建話 pronunciation of "袂歹" (buē-pháiⁿ, Mandarin: 不错/不壞). 字面意思是"不壞"。這通常被用來形容食物,說這不是非常壞或是不壞。它也可以用在形容一個人。 |
Bo wei kong | 福建話 | 源自於福建話的「無話講」。 |
單詞 | 起源 | 字義 |
Chao | 福建話/潮州話 | 源自福建話 或 潮州話的 臭 (chhàu)。 |
Char Bor | 福建話/潮州話 | 女孩/女人,源自福建話 或 潮州話的 查某 (cha-bó)。 |
'Cher (Tcher) | 新加坡英語 | "teacher"的簡化。 |
Chicken Business | 英語與粵語 | 粵語俗話 "做雞"的直接翻譯。 |
Chee Bai | 福建話 | 意思是 雞掰。 |
Chiong | 福建話 | 沖、魯莽。 |
Chin Chai | 福建話/潮州話 | 源自福建話或潮州話的發音 "凊彩" (chhìn-chhái)。意思是 「隨便」。 |
單詞 | 起源 | 詞義 |
Double Confirm | 新加坡英語 | 確認與再確認。用來強調確認。也強調話題的嚴重性,'三次確認' 是被使用的。 |
Du lan | 福建話 | 可指“非常生氣”。也可以用來形容人是非常挑剔、盲目地遵守規則。字面意思是“捅傢伙”、“堵濫”。 |
Dey | 印度話 | 語助詞,友善地呼叫某人,與"Hey!"相同。僅用於對朋友或相同年齡層的人,例:"Dey! 你在做什麼?" |
單詞 | 起源 | 詞義 |
Hao Lian | 潮州話 | Slang term for "boast". From Teochew word “好臉 haon3 liêng2” (love to boast, show off). |
Hor Liao | 福建話 | Marked by superiority or distinction |
Heng | 福建話/潮州話 | 福建話/潮州話的直接音譯,即 "幸" (hīng), which means to be lucky or fortunate. |
Horlan | 英語/福建話 | 意思是唬濫的福建話發音,音同英語的Holland,在福建話是貶義詞。Deliberate mispronunciation of "Holland". Of uncertain origin, the term is used to denote finding oneself in a far-off place, or unexpected consequence, usually unpleasant. |
單詞 | 起源 | 定義 |
Jiak | 福建話/潮州話 | 中文字"食"在福建話與潮州話的發音,(chia̍h),音同呷。 |
Jiak Chao | 福建話/潮州話 | 字面意思是吃草,源自福建話 或 潮州話 "食草" (chia̍h chháu)。這可能指沒有錢的情境或 日用 (i.e. 超支).。(略有不同的發音) 。 |
Jiak Zua | 福建話 | 字面意思是 '吃蛇'。 或 福建話 "呷" (食), "Zua" (蛇)。這基本上意味著“消極怠工”。 |
單詞 | 起源 | 定義 |
Sabo | 新加坡英語 | "Sabotage" 的簡寫,意指牽連他人 |
Saman | 馬來語 | 罚单 |
Sam Seng | 廣東話與福建話/潮州話 | 或Sam Seng Kia (三牲囝, saⁿ-seng-kiáⁿ) - gangster. From Chinese term 三牲 (Hokkien/Teochew saⁿ-seng).拜拜用。 |
Sargen | 新加坡英語 | "Sergeant" 的諧音,指中士 |
Sakar | 馬來語 | 拍馬屁 |
Sekali | 馬來語 | 讀作"SCAR-ly",意指假如,如果 |
Send | 新加坡英語 | 帶某人去某处,例如:"I will send you to the airport"(“我会送你去机场。”)。 |
Shame Shame | 新加坡英語 | “挺可耻”或“尴尬”,幼稚俚语的意思。 |
Shiok | 旁遮普語 | 滿足 |
Showflat | 英語 | 示範單位 |
Sia | 馬來語 | 感嘆號。 |
Siam | 福建話/潮州話 | "Get out of the way!" Considered rude but effective. From Hokkien term 闪 (siám). |
Sian/Sien | 福建話/潮州話 | 無聊、累、對某事感到厭煩[3]原於福建話的 (siān).[4]。 |
Siao | 福建話/潮州話 | Refers to either "crazy" in response to a silly suggestion or an offensive term used to address a friend. From Hokkien or Teochew word "siáu 嬲". Also refers to somebody who is a fanatic. "He Siao bicycles" is saying that someone is crazy about bicycles. |
Sibeh | 潮州話 | Similar to "very". Originated from Teochew word 死父 (si2-bê6) (literally a curse vulgar word meaning "dead father"). Interchangeably used in Singaporean Hokkien and Singlish. |
Si Mi | 福建話 | 在福建話裡稱為甚物 (sím-mi̍h),意思就是華語中的什么,英語的"What?"。 |
Si Mi Lan Jiao | 福建話 | A much more derogatory term of "What's up?" Literally means "What's up dickhead?" |
Si Mi Tai Dzi | 福建話 | 閩南語稱甚物代忌,意思就是華語中的"什麼事情?" |
Sod | 廣東話/英語 | Used to express a machine, person, or object that has gone mental or haywire. Localization of the word "short" from English term "short circuit". |
Song | 福建話/廣東話 | Used to express pleasure. Lit. "refreshing". From Hokkien/Cantonese 爽 (sóng). Same meaning as Shiok. |
Sotong | 馬來語 | Forgetful or not knowing what is going on. Lit. "squid". Spineless or without principles, like the cuttlefish. |
Spoil | 新加坡英語 | 損壞、破、糟。 |
Stay | 新加坡英語 | 生活(居住) "如:我住在宏茂橋(I stay in Ang Mo Kio)"。這是直接從馬來語直譯(tinggal)。 |
Stun | 新加坡英語 | 偷竊(動詞)。看: Cope. Can be used as part of "Gostan". See: Gostan |
Suku | Malay/潮州話 | Meaning of "silly" or "foolish" |
swaku | 福建話 | Not well informed or backward; a country bumpkin. From Hokkien 山龟 (soaⁿ-ku; lit. "mountain tortoise"). |
Suay | 福建話/潮州話 | 不幸運的意思[5]。音與意皆相同於漢字的衰. |
單詞 | 起源 | 定義 |
Ta Pau | 廣東話 | 帶走(僅用於熟食)。源於廣東話的"Da Bao打包"。 |
Tak Boleh | 馬來語 | 不能。 |
Tak Boleh Tahan | 馬來語 | 字面上的意義是無法忍受。通常被使用在當有人遭受痛苦、或、當你不能等待的東西時。 |
Tau Pok | 閩南語 | 字面上的意義是指'豆粕'。By students who throw themselves on one another in a pile, usually for fun or to bully. Special cases with vertical tau pok where a person gets squashed against a vertical object, found in MRTs on a crowded day. |
Tai Ko (also spelled "tyco") | 福建話 | Lucky (only used sarcastically). Literally "leper". |
Talk Cock/Tok Kok | Singlish | 意思是「胡說八道」、「胡言亂語」 |
Tekan | 馬來語 | Bully/Torture/Put under pressure. Military slang for punishments. |
Terbalik/Tombalek | 馬來語 | 相反/倒置/內而外。 |
Thiam/Diam | 福建話 | 請用閩南語去念這個音。如果作为一个必要的,说法非常粗鲁的方式“闭嘴!”或“请保持安静”,但它的字面意思是“安静”,這用法非常直接。 |
Tio | 福建話/潮州話 | 意思是中、得到。例如:他中彩票(4D或多多)。 |
Toot | 新加坡英語 | 笨/傻[人]。 |
Tahan | 馬來語 | Handle/tolerate, commonly used as 'I cannot tahan' meaning 'I can't bear it". |
單詞 | Origin | Definition |
Your Head | 新加坡英語 | Mild curse used to disabuse someone of his or her erroneous assumption. Directly transliterated from Chinese "你的头". |
Yandao | 福建話/閩南話 | 用來稱讚一個穿著英俊的男生,直接從福建話閩南語的"緣投" (iân-tâu)翻譯。 |
單詞 | Origin | Definition |
Zai | 福建話 | 例句:伊今有才(閩南語)。to be very good in something. From Hokkien 才 (tsâi). |
Zhun | 福建話/潮州話 | Means accurate. From Hokkien 準 (chún). |
Zhun Bo | 福建話/潮州話 | From Hokkien 準無 (chún-bô). Literally means accurate or not. Means "Are you sure or not?" |
Zi siao | 福建話 | means to disturb, ridicule or tease. From Hokkien term 恥笑 (thí-siâu). |
Term | Origin | Definition |
Char Kway Teow | (福建/潮州話) | 就是炒粿條(一種閩粵沿海常見的米麵食,以米製成) |
Chwee kueh | (潮州話; 水粿) | cup shaped steamed rice flour cakes topped with preserved vegetables (usually radish) and served with or without chilli |
Hokkien char mee | (福建話; 福建炒麺) | Refers to the Kuala Lumpur Hokkien noodle. It is a dish of thick yellow noodles braised in thick dark soy sauce with pork, squid, fish cake and cabbage as the main ingredients and cubes of pork fat fried until crispy. |
Hokkien hae mee | 福建話 | 福建蝦麺。係指無論是檳城蝦面(湯,檳城)或新加坡蝦面(炒,新加坡)。使用沒有使用老抽的雞蛋麵條和米粉,主要成分是蝦與雞肉或豬肉片、魷魚、和魚蛋糕。而空心菜常見於檳城版本。 |
Ice Kacang | 红豆冰 | Crushed ice with flavoured liquids poured into them. Beans and jelly are usually added as well. |
Kaya | (馬來語) | Local jam mixture made of coconut, sugar and egg of Straits Chinese origins |
Roti-Kaya | (馬來語) | 烤咖椰麵包 |
Mee Goreng | (華人/馬來) | 馬來炒麵 |
Otah | 馬來語 | 烏打,在東南亞一帶非常常見 |
Popiah | (福建話) | 薄餅 Chinese spring rolls (non fried). Various condiments and vegetables wrapped in a flour skin with sweet flour sauce. Condiments can be varied, but the common ones include turnip, bamboo shoots, lettuce, Chinese sausage, prawns, bean sprouts, garlic and peanut. Origins from China. Hokkien and Straits Chinese (Nonya) popiah are the main versions. |
Rojak | (Malay) | local salad of Malay origins. Mixture of sliced cucumber, pineapple, turnip, dried beancurd, Chinese doughsticks, bean sprouts with prawn paste, sugar, lotus buds and assam (tamarind). |
Roti John | (Malay/English) | Indian version of western hamburger consisting of two halves of French loaves fried with egg and minced beef/mutton. Colonial origins. |
Tze Char | (福建話; 煮炒, POJ chí-chhá) | Literally means cook and fry. General term for food served by mini restaurants in local hawker stalls serving restaurant style Chinese
dishes, like fried noodles, sweet and sour pork, claypot tofu etc. |
Term | 起源 | Definition |
Teh | 福建話 | 茶,福建話的念法。 |
Teh-O | 福建話 | 茶烏(tê-o),福建話的念法。系指加糖不加牛奶的茶(字面意思是“紅茶”)。 |
Teh-O-ice-limau | (福建話-English-Malay) | 自家釀製的冰檸檬茶 |
Teh-C | 福建話/海南話 | 茶与淡奶。 |
Teh-cino | 福建話/羅馬字母 | 牛奶在這杯茶的茶的顶部分層(类似于玛奇朵拿铁),它的名字暗示是卡布奇诺的茶版本。 |
Teh-Peng | (福建話) | 茶冰(tê-peng),福建話的念法。冰镇奶茶加甜炼乳。 |
Teh-Poh | 福建話 | 茶薄(tê-po̍h),福建話的念法。系指加口味較弱或淡的茶。 |
Teh-kosong | 纯茶。 | |
Teh-kah-dai | 福建話/福州話 | 茶加炼乳、添加更多的糖。 |
Teh-siu-dai | 福建話/福州話 | 茶加炼乳、少糖。 |
Teh-pua seo | 福建話 | Luke-Warmed tea. From Hokkien 茶半燒 (tê puànn-sio) |
Teh-O-kah-dai | 福建話/福州話 | 茶、不加奶(保持茶的原色)、添加更多的糖。 |
Teh-O-siu-dai | 福建話/福州話 | 茶、不加奶(保持茶的原色)、少糖。 |
Teh-C-kah-dai | 福建話/海南話/福州話 | 奶茶、添加更多的糖。 |
Teh-C-siu-dai | 福建話/海南話/福州話 | 奶茶、少糖。 |
Teh-packet or Teh-pao | 福建話 | 福建話的茶包(tê pau)。(那杯茶)打包帶走。 |
Teh-Tarik | 福建話/馬來語 | '拉'奶茶,一種马来特产。 |
Teh-Halia | 生薑茶 | |
Teh-Halia Tarik | 加了生薑的'拉'奶茶(拉茶) |
Term | Origin | Definition |
Kopi | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡(ka-pi),福建話的唸法。 |
Kopi-O | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡烏(ka-pi-o),福建話的唸法。即不加奶的咖啡,(字面上的意思是黑咖啡)。 |
Kopi-C | 馬來語/海南話 | 咖啡淡奶。'C'在此指的是淡奶,由早期经营的海南人所影響。 |
Kopi-Peng | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡冰(ka-pi-peng),福建話的唸法。即充滿冰塊的咖啡。 |
Kopi-packet or Kopi-pao | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡包(ka-pi-pau),福建話的唸法。即把咖啡打包帶走。 |
Kopi-pua seo | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡半燒(ka-pi-pua-sio),福建話的唸法。即溫度較溫和的咖啡。 |
Kopi-gao | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡厚(ka-pi kāu),福建話的唸法。即口味較厚的咖啡。 |
Kopi-poh | 福建話/馬來語 | 咖啡薄(ka-pi-poh),福建話的唸法。即口味較淡或薄的咖啡。 |
Kopi-kosong | 純咖啡 | |
Kopi-kah-dai | 馬來語/福州話 | 咖啡、多加一些糖。 |
Kopi-siu-dai | 馬來語/福州話 | 咖啡、少糖。 |
Term | Origin | Definition |
Bandung | 馬來語 | 添加玫瑰糖浆的牛奶,起源於印度。 (舊時代是使用羊奶) |
Ice kosong | 英語-馬來語 | 冰開水 |
Horlick-dinosaur | 冰好立克飲品加上浮在上面尚未溶解好立克粉末 | |
Horlick-sio | 英語-福建話 | 好立克-燒,即熱的好立克 |
Horlick-peng | 英語-福建話 | 好立克-冰,及加了冰塊的好立克 |
Milo-sio | 英語-福建話 | 美祿-燒,及熱的美祿 |
Milo dinosaur | 冰美祿飲品加上浮在上面尚未溶解美祿粉末 | |
Milo-Peng | 英語-福建話 | 美祿-冰,即冰的美祿 |
Tak Kiu | 福建話 | 字面意思是踢球、美式足球或歐式足球),雀巢公司经常使用的足球和其他运动作为其美禄广告的主题。 |
Tak Kiu-Peng | 冰的美祿 | |
Tiau Herr | (福建話; 字面意思是'釣魚') | 茶+茶葉袋。參考茶包浸泡。類似福建話釣魚的念法。 |
The above list is not complete; for example, one can add the "-peng" suffix (meaning "iced") to form other variations such as Teh-C-peng (tea with evaporated milk and ice) which is a popular drink considering Singapore's warm weather.
Word | Meaning | Example/comment |
follow | - 一起走/陪[6] | "Can follow anot?" |
having here | 在一家餐馆用餐 | The antonym is "take away" or "tah-bao". Used by fast-food restaurant counter staff as in, "Having here or take away?" (Are you eating in here or do you want to have it for take-away?) |
help, lah | please, do lend me a hand by desisting from whatever it is you are doing; help me out here | "Help lah, stop hitting on my sister" |
last time | previously, in the past[7] | "I last time want to go Africa, but now don't know 'ready."[8] |
lightbulb | an unwelcome companion in a couple; a third wheel | Originates from colloquial Cantonese term 電燈膽 (lit: electric light bulb). "You two go ahead lah, I don't want to be lightbulb."(你們兩個走先啦,我不想當電燈泡!) |
mug | 研究 | Derived from British 'mug up'. Common expression amongst all students. Instead of 'He's mugging up...', locally used as 'He's mugging for...' |
smug | 学习(SMU学生) | The term smugging or smugger refers to mugging by SMU students. Derived from SMU and mugger. |
marketing | going to the market or shops to buy food | Rare expression."My dad may help in the marketing side, by going to the market to get some things."[9] |
never | did not(沒有) | "you never tell me"(你沒有告訴我) |
next time | in the future | "Next time when you get married, you'll know how to cook."[8] |
on, off | to switch on/off | "I on the TV"(我上電視了) |
on ah | It's settled then? | "It's settled then, bro?" |
open | 轉或扭開某種東西 | "I open the light."[10] (源自中國,它以这种方式使用动词“打开”。使用“开(open)”代替(turn on)的意思,仅限于电器。 |
pass up | to hand in | "Pass up your homework". Although once common, usage is now discouraged in schools. |
revert | to get back (commonly used in business emails) | "Please revert your decision to us" doesn't mean "Please change your decision", but rather "Please get back to us with your decision". |
send | to take (i.e. drive) somebody somewhere | "She gets her maid to send the boy in a cab."[11] |
solid/steady | capable; excellent | "Solid sia, that movie." See also "Kilat" |
sabo | to play a trick on someone | Short for "sabotage", but with an everyday usage.[12] - "Because he sabo me, now boss mad at me!" |
stay | to live (in a place).[13] | From Malay "tinggal". - "My grandmother, my aunt and uncle also stay next door."[9] |
steady | attached (in relationships) OR agreeing over something, usually over an appointment | "Eh u two steady liao ah?", "Today, come 3 o'clock? Steady."
stone | to space out; to do nothing | - BAKED |
take | to eat; to have a meal[14] | "Have you taken your lunch? I don't take pork." |
tok kok | (talk cock) | Probably from the English "cock and bull story". Talking senselessly/rubbish; "Don't tok kok lah!" |
earpiece | Earphones/headphones | In standard English it is used by handphone/mobile phone manufacturers to refer to the little speaker above your phone screen that you use to listen to a caller, but in Singlish it refers to a pair of earphones or headphones. Can be used as in, "Ah boy, don't wear your earpiece while crossing the road!" (Boy, don't use your earphones/headphones while crossing the road.) |
Term | Definition |
Blur like sotong | 字面意思就像是烏賊,烏賊作為自我防衛機制逃脫,噴出來的墨汁形容一個人做事很模糊,一團黑。例如: - "Wah! You damn blur leh! Liddat also dunno!" |
Don't fly my kite/aeroplane | 罕見的表達。一個新加坡式英語表達的意思是“不要吃了你的話'或'不要放我鴿子” |
Don't play play! | Uncommon expression, popularised by the local comedy series Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd. Used only to evoke humour. Means 'Don't fool around' or 'Better take things seriously' |
Got problem ah? | an aggressive, instigatory challenge. Or an expression of annoyance when someone is disturbed. 'Do you have a problem?' |
He still small boy one | a remark (Often offensive) made against someone who is not of a legally median age allowed by the law. Or expression used to excuse someone because he is either immature or still too young to know the difference. |
Issit/Izzit? | Abbreviated form of "is it?" used as a standard tag question. E.g.: You going home now issit? E.g.: You not going home issit? E.g.: Someone comments: "You look good today." Answer: "Issit??" |
Last time policemen wear shorts! | a retort made to someone who refers to how policies were made in the past. Or in response to something which is passe. Or to brush aside old references or nostalgia. Direct reference to the British colonial police forces who wore three-quarter khaki pants in the 1950s and 60's. |
Liddat oso can!? | (English - Like that also can?) In response to feats of achievement or actions which are almost impossible, or unexpected. Usually with tinge of awe, sarcasm or scepticism. |
My England not powderful! | (English - My English is not powerful (good)) Uncommon expression, used only to evoke humour. Literally means 'My English is not good'. |
no fish prawn oso can | accepting a lesser alternative (From the Hokkien idiom "bo hir hay mah hoh." literally translates as "no fish, prawns also ok" -) |
Not happy, talk outside! | Used as a challenge to a fight to settle an argument, by taking it outside. (Hokkien: Ow buay gong (settle it at the back/alley way)) |
No horse run! | (Hokkien - 無馬走, POJ bô bé cháu) Original Hokkien expression used in horse racing jargon to describe a champion horse which is way ahead of the field. Used to describe things (food usually) which are ahead of its peers. |
On lah!/On!/Set! | "It's on!"; expression used to voice enthusiastic agreement or confirmation (of an arranged meeting, event etc.) |
Relak lah! | (Malay-English for Relax) Expression used to ask someone to chill, cool it. 'Relak one corner' means to skive, or to literally go chill out in one corner. |
..then you know! | Expression used at the back of a sentence to emphasise consequence of not heeding advice. 'Tell you not to park double yellow line, kena summon then you know!' |
Why you so liddat ar? | (English - Why are you so "like that"?) 'an appeal made to someone who is being unreasonable.' |
You thought, he think, who confirm? | army expression used during organisational foul ups. Generally used as a response to "I thought..." when something goes wrong. |
You think, I thought, who confirm? | army expression used in uncertainty during questioning. Generally used as a response to "I think..." when a higher ranking abuses someone of a lower rank, which is a norm in the nation's army. |
You want 10 cent? | Means to "buzz off!" Refers to public phones that require 10 cents per call. |
Your grandfather's place/road ah?, Your father own this place/road? | Used to cut someone down to size in terms of their obnoxious boorish behaviour, behaving as if they owned the place. |
You play where one? | Used to challenge someone to state his gang affiliations (if any) |
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 35.
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 195
- Hanji character
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 215.
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, pp. 85-6
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 128.
- Deterding, David (2007) Singapore English, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, p. 80.
- Deterding, David (2007) Singapore English, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, p. 81.
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 154.
- Deterding, David (2000) 'Potential influences of English on the written English of Singapore'. In Adam Brown (ed.) English in Southeast Asia 99: Proceedings of the 'English in Southeast Asia' conference held at NIE Singapore, Singapore: National Institute of Education, pp. 201-209.
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, pp. 187
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 211.
- Brown, Adam (1999) Singapore English in a Nutshell, Singapore: Federal, p. 217
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