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卢公明1824年6月23日出生于美国纽约州一个名为拉特蘭的小镇,1846年毕业于汉密尔顿学院(),1849年毕业于奥本神学院(Auburn Theological Seminary)。同年11月26日,卢公明受公理会指派,携妻由波士顿港口出发,历时186天,于次年5月31日抵达福州,开始了在华廿余年的传教生涯。在福州,卢公明先后创办了格致书院(福州第五中学的前身)及文山女中(福州第八中学的前身)。1864年,卢公明返美修养。1872年,他回到中国上海,于美北长老会差会服侍,不过因为健康原因很快又回国。1880年6月15日,卢公明病逝于美国纽约州Clinton。
卢公明是一位目光敏锐犀利的文化洞察者,一生著述颇丰。1865年在美国养病期间,卢公明根据其在榕十余年的见闻,在美国整理出版了著名的《Social Life of the Chinese》(中译《中国人的社会生活》,ISBN 9787211058495)一书。原书分上下卷,从政治、经济、民间信仰、习俗、宗教、教育等多个视角,极为翔实地对清末的福州社会进行观察与描述。
中文书名 | 福州话罗马字 | 英文书名 | 年份 |
勸戒鴉片論 | Kuóng Gái Ă-piéng Lâung | Exhortation to Abandom Opium | 1853 |
鄉訓 | Hiŏng Hóng | Village Sermons | 1853 |
神十誡其註釋 | Sìng Sĕk-gái gì Cuó-sék | Commentary on the Ten Commandments | 1853 |
悔罪信耶穌論 | Huói Cô̤i Séng Ià-sŭ Lâung | Repentance and Faith | 1854 |
天文問答 | Tiĕng-ùng Ông-dák | Catechism of Astronomy | 1854 |
約翰福音 | Iók-hâng Hók-ĭng | John's Gospel | 1854 |
媽祖婆論 | Mā-cū-bò̤ Lâung | Discourse on Ma-tsoo-po | 1855 |
守禮拜日論 | Siū Lā̤-bái-nĭk Lâung | Discourse on Keeping the Sabbath | 1855 |
天律明説 | Tiĕng Lŭk Mìng Suók | Exposition of the Decalogue | 1855 |
寒食清明論 | Hàng-sĭk Chĭng-mìng Lâung | Discourse on the Feast of the Tombs | 1855 |
鐘錶匠論 | Cṳ̆ng-biēu-chióng Lâung | Story of a Watchmaker | 1855 |
賭博明論 | Dū-báuk Mìng Lâung | Discourse on Gambling | 1856 |
中外問答 | Dṳ̆ng Nguôi Ông-dák | Dialogue between a Native and a Foreigner | 1856 |
耶穌教小引 | Ià-sŭ-gáu Siēu-īng | Introduction to Christianity | 1856 |
生意人事廣益法 | Sĕng-é Ìng-sê̤ṳ Guōng-iáh Huák | Laws of Trade | 1857 |
西洋中華通書 | Să̤-iòng Dṳ̆ng-huà Tŭng-cṳ̆ | European Chinese Almanac | 1857 |
辯鬼神論 | Biêng Gūi-sìng Lâung | Disquisition on Heathen Gods | 1858 |
辯性論 | Biêng Séng Lâung | Disquisition on Human Nature | 1858 |
辯譭謗 | Biêng Hūi-báung | Disquisition on Slander | 1858 |
華人貧窶之故 | Huà-ìng Bìng-lé̤ṳ cĭ Gó | Causes of Poverty among the Chinese | 1858 |
祈禱式文 | Gì-dō̤ Sék-ùng | Forms of Prayer | 1858 |
棄主臨死畏刑 信主臨死慰樂 |
Ké Cuō Lìng Sṳ̄ Ói Hìng Séng Cuō Lìng Sṳ̄ Ói Lŏk |
Fear of the Wicked on the Approach of Death Joy of the Believer on the Approach of Death |
1858 |
辯孝論 | Biêng Háu Lâung | Disquisition on Filial Piety | 1858 |
異端辯論 | Ê-duăng Biêng-lâung | Discussion of False Doctrines | 1858 |
书名 | 年份 | 说明 |
Social Life of the Chinese (2 vols.) | 1865 | This consists chiefly of the republication of a long series of articles by Doolittle, containing a vast amount of original information, on subjects connected with China, most of which were published in the China Mail, under the title "Jottings on the Chinese." |
A Vocabulary and Hand-book of the Chinese Language | 1872 | Romanized in 官话 |
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