
通布卡语英語:,通布卡语:或,意為通布卡人的語言)是班图语一支,主要在马拉维北部地区和赞比亚隆達濟地区使用。[2] 通布卡语与齐切瓦语塞纳语属于同一语群( 班圖語言的格思裡分類 )。 [3]

母语国家和地区馬拉維, 坦桑尼亞, 讚比亞
1,546,000 (2009-2010)
ISO 639-2tum
ISO 639-3tum
语言瞭望站99-AUS-wc (+ chi-Kamanga) incl. varieties 99-AUS-wca...-wcl

根據1998年的《世界年鉴》估计大约有2,000,000名通布卡语使用者,尽管其他来源估计使用人数要少得多。据说大多数讲通布卡语的人都住在马拉维。[2] 通布卡语是马拉维北部地区使用最广泛的语言,尤其是在倫比姆祖祖姆津巴地区。[4]

马拉维城市中使用的通布卡语(許多詞借用斯瓦希里语齐切瓦语 )与乡村中使用的通布卡语存在很大差异。 [5] 姆津巴方言則受到祖鲁语影响,[6] 在有些詞彙上甚至出現搭嘴音,這在通布卡语其它方言並沒有发生。

自1968年以来,由于馬拉維總統黑斯廷斯·卡穆祖·班达的「一個民族,一种语言」的政策,通布卡语的使用受到了影响,它失去了在马拉维官方語言的地位, 導致通布卡语在学校課程,国家广播电台和印刷媒体中禁止使用。 [7] 随着1994年馬拉維民主化和多党制的到来,在馬拉維的广播上再次开播通布卡語的节目,但是通布卡語的书籍和其他出版物的数量仍然很少。 [8]


  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). . . Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016.
  2. Michigan State University African Studies Center information page 页面存档备份,存于.
  3. Kiso (2012), pp.21ff.
  4. University of Malawi (2006) Language Mapping Survey for Northern Malawi.
  5. Kamwendo (2004), p.282.
  6. University of Malawi (2006), p.27.
  7. Kamwendo (2004), p.278.
  8. See Language Mapping Survey for Northern Malawi (2006), pp.38-40 for a list of publications.


  • Botne, Robert (1999). "Future and distal -ka-'s: Proto-Bantu or nascent form(s)?"页面存档备份,存于). In: Jean-Marie Hombert and Larry M. Hyman (eds.), Bantu Historical Linguistics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information, pp. 473-515.
  • Chase, Robert (2004). "A Comparison of Demonstratives in the Karonga and Henga Dialects of Tumbuka". Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts.
  • Chavula, Jean Josephine (2016). "Verbal derivation and valency in Chitumbuka"页面存档备份,存于). Leiden University doctoral thesis.
  • Downing, Laura J. (2006). "The Prosody and Syntax of Focus in Chitumbuka". ZAS Papers in Linguistics 43, 55-79.
  • Downing, Laura J. (2008). "Focus and prominence in Chichewa, Chitumbuka and Durban Zulu". ZAS Papers in Linguistics 49, 47-65.
  • Downing, Laura J. (2012). "On the (Non-)congruence of Focus and Prominence in Tumbuka"页面存档备份,存于). Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, ed. Michael R. Marlo et al., 122-133. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
  • Downing, Laura J. (2017). "Tone and intonation in Chichewa and Tumbuka". In Laura J. Downing & Annie Rialland (eds) Intonation in African Tone Languages. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 365–392.
  • Downing, Laura J. (2019). "Tumbuka prosody: Between tone and stress". In: Emily Clem et al (eds). Theory and Description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, 75-94. Also available online at: 页面存档备份,存于
  • Elmslie, Walter Angus (1923): Introductory Grammar of the Tumbuka Language. Livingstonia Mission Press.
  • Kamwendo, Gregory H. (2004). Kamwendo "Your Chitumbuka is Shallow. It's not the Real Chitumbuka: Linguistic Purism Among Chitumbuka Speakers in Malawi"页面存档备份,存于), Nordic Journal of African Studies 13(3): 275–288.
  • Kishindo, Pascal J. et Allan L. Lipenga (2006). Parlons citumbuka : langue et culture du Malawi et de la Zambie, L'Harmattan, Paris, Budapest, Kinshasa, 138 pages. ISBN 2-296-00470-9
  • Kishindo, Pascal J. (ed), Jean J. Chavula and others (2018). (Citumbuka dictionary). Centre for Language Studies, University of Malawi. ISBN 978-99960-9-610-5
  • Kiso, Andrea (2012). "Tense and Aspect in Chichewa, Citumbuka, and Cisena"页面存档备份,存于). Ph.D. Thesis. Stockholm University.
  • McNicholl, Duncan (2010). "The No-Nonsense Guide to Learning Chitumbuka: Volume 1"页面存档备份,存于).
  • Moto, Francis (1999). "The Tonal Phonology of Bantu Ideophones". Malilime: Malawian Journal of Linguistics no.1, 100-120. (pp. 112–119 deals with tone in Chitumbuka ideophones).
  • Mphande, L. (1989). "A Phonological Analysis of the Ideophone in Chitumbuka". Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas, Austin.
  • Shiozaki, Lisa (2004). "Concordial agreement in the Karonga dialect of Tumbuka". Undergraduate paper. Amherst: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Massachusetts.
  • Turner, W.M. (1952). Tumbuka–Tonga–English Dictionary The Hetherwick Press, Blantyre, Nyasaland (now Malawi).
  • University of Malawi Centre for Language Studies (2006). "Language Mapping Survey for Northern Malawi"页面存档备份,存于).
  • Vail, Hazen Leroy (1971). "The noun classes of Tumbuka". African studies, v. 30, 1, p. 35-59.
  • Vail, Hazen Leroy (1972). "Aspects of the Tumbuka Verb". Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin.


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