
ACM圖靈百年慶典,丹尼斯·漢密爾頓(Dennis Hamilton)和查尔斯·巴赫曼
獎項 | 提供 |
Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award | SIGARCH |
CHI Academy | SIGCHI |
Danny Lewin Best Student Paper Award | SIGACT |
Dhaka Site | 国际大学生程序设计竞赛 |
Dijkstra Prize | PODC |
Doctoral Dissertation Award | |
Eckert–Mauchly Award | |
Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award | SIGMOD |
Eugene L. Lawler Award | |
Gerard Salton Award | SIGIR |
哥德尔奖 | SIGACT |
戈登貝爾獎 | |
Grace Murray Hopper Award | |
Ken Kennedy Award | |
高德納獎 | SIGACT |
Mark Weiser Award | SIGOPS |
Maurice Wilkes Award | SIGARCH |
Paris Kanellakis Award | |
Penny Crane Award for Distinguished Service | SIGUCCS |
Prize in Computing | |
Programming Languages Software Award | SIGPLAN |
Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award[2] | |
SIGUCCS Hall of Fame Award | SIGUCCS |
ACM软件系统奖 | |
图灵奖 |
獎項 | 提供 |
克劳德·E·香农奖 | 电气电子工程师学会 |
IEEE電腦先鋒獎 | IEEE Computer Society |
Harlan D. Mills Award | IEEE Computer Society |
哈里·H·古德紀念獎 | IEEE Computer Society |
Internet Award | IEEE, 诺基亚 |
IEEE约翰·冯·诺伊曼奖章 | IEEE |
Kleene Award | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science |
Machtey Award | IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science |
Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award | IEEE |
IEEE理察·衛斯里·漢明獎章 | IEEE, 高通 |
Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award | IEEE Computer Society |
Sidney Fernbach Award | IEEE Computer Society |
Test-of-Time Award | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science |
W. Wallace McDowell Award | IEEE Computer Society |
William C. Carter Award | IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing and IFIP Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance |
獎項 | 提供 |
美国人工智能协会 | Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence |
Ackermann Award | European Association for Computer Science Logic |
Azriel Rosenfeld Award | International Conference on Computer Vision (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) |
Barwise Prize | American Philosophical Association |
BCS Lovelace Medal | 英國電腦學會 |
Charles Babbage Premium | Institution of Electrical Engineers |
Dahl–Nygaard Prize | European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming |
Digital Preservation Award | Digital Preservation Coalition |
EATCS Award | European Association for Theoretical Computer Science |
Edison Award | Edison Awards |
ERCIM Cor Baayen Award | European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics |
Erdős–Rényi Prize | Network Science Society |
Heinz Billing Prize | Heinz Billing Foundation of the Max Planck Society |
Herbrand Award | Conference on Automated Deduction |
IET Mountbatten Medal | 國際工程技術學會 and Institution of Electrical Engineers |
IJCAI Award for Research Excellence | 国际人工智能联合会议 |
IJCAI Computers and Thought Award | 国际人工智能联合会议 |
Infosys Prize | Infosys Science Foundation (页面存档备份,存于) |
J. W. Graham Medal | University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics |
Jonathan B. Postel Service Award | 互联网协会 |
Kalai Prize | Game Theory Society |
Konrad Zuse Medal | Gesellschaft für Informatik |
羅布納獎 | Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour |
Microsoft Award | 皇家学会, 法国科学院 |
Milner Award | 微軟研究院 |
Nerode Prize | European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, European Symposium on Algorithms |
Newton Faller Award | Brazilian Computer Society |
内万林纳奖 (Nevanlinna Prize) | 国际数学家大会 |
O'Reilly Open Source Award | 歐萊禮媒體 |
Pirelli Internetional Award | 倍耐力 |
Presburger Award | European Association for Theoretical Computer Science |
Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing | International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity |
Roger Needham Award | 英國電腦學會 |
RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics | RSA Conference |
斯隆奖 | 艾爾弗·斯隆基金會 |
Stevens Award | Reengineering Forum |
Tony Kent Strix award | International Society for Knowledge Organisation UK, 英国皇家化学学会 and 英國電腦學會 |
Tsutomu Kanai Award | 日立製作所 |
Tucker Prize | Mathematical Optimization Society |
Weizenbaum Award | International Society for Ethics and Information Technology |
White Camel award | Perl Foundation |
Van Wijngaarden Award | 荷兰数学和计算机科学研究学会 |
J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
Karen Spärck Jones Award | 英國電腦學會, its Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) and 微軟研究院 |
獎項 | 提供 |
香港資訊及通訊科技獎 | 創新科技及工業局 |
J. W. Graham Medal | University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics |
Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology | Inamori Foundation |
National Prize for Exact Sciences | Ministry of Education |
O'Moore Medal | Healthcare Informatics Society |
Patterson-Crane Award | 美国化学学会 |
Herman Skolnik Award | 美国化学学会 |
Weizenbaum Award | International Society for Ethics and Information Technology |
- 人工智能競賽及獎項
獎項 | 提供 |
Hutter Prize | Marcus Hutter |
AI Challenge | 滑鐵盧大學 Computer Science Club |
American Computer Science League | ACSL |
Arimaa Challenge | 印度鬥獸棋 / Omar Syed |
CADE ATP System Competition | Association for Automated Reasoning |
World Computer-Bridge Championship | American Contract Bridge League |
Cyber Centurion | Cyber Security Challenge UK |
CyberPatriot | Air Force Association |
DARPA Network Challenge | 國防高等研究計劃署 |
DARPA Shredder Challenge 2011 | 國防高等研究計劃署 |
Deadline24 | Tomasz Łakota and Mateusz Brzeszcz |
Halite AI Programming Competition | Two Sigma, 康奈尔科技校区 |
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge | ImageNet |
国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛 | 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 and IFIP |
羅布納獎 | Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour |
National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition | University of Texas at San Antonio |
Netflix Prize | Netflix |
Outreachy | 软件自由保护组织 |
Password Hashing Competition | Jean-Philippe Aumasson |
欧拉计划 | Colin Hughes |
SemEval | Association for Computational Linguistics SIGLEX |
Text Retrieval Conference | 國家標準技術研究所, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity |
UAV Outback Challenge | Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation |
University Voting Systems Competition | 国家科学基金会 etc. |
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