
獎項 | 提供 |
Akino Memorial Research | 联合国大学 |
Burtoni Award | International Institute for Environment and Development |
Champions of the Earth | 联合国环境署 |
Earthshot Prize | The Royal Foundation |
Edison Award | Edison Awards |
Equator Prize | 联合国开发计划署 |
Forest Hero Award | 联合国 |
Glinka World Soil Prize | Global Soil Partnership of the 联合国粮食及农业组织 |
全球500佳环境奖 | 联合国环境署 |
J. Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership | 世界自然基金会 |
Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award | 湿地公约 |
Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation | 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 and Sultan 卡布斯·本·赛义德·阿勒赛义德 |
Sustainable Transport Award | 美國運輸研究委員會 |
泰勒环境成就奖 | 南加州大学 |
World Conservation Award | 世界童軍運動組織, 世界自然基金会 |
Land for Life Award | 联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约 |
獎項 | 提供 |
Canadian Environment Awards | 加拿大政府, Canadian Geographic |
Miroslaw Romanowski Medal | 加拿大皇家學會 |
加拿大皇家地理學會 | 加拿大皇家地理學會 |
Emerald Awards | Alberta Emerald Foundation |
Ansel Adams Award | Wilderness Society |
Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography | 塞拉俱乐部 |
Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize | National Water Research Institute |
Audubon Medal | 奥杜邦学会 |
Brower Youth Awards | New Leaders Initiative |
Environmental Media Awards | Environmental Media Association |
Global Environmental Citizen Award | Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment |
Goldman Environmental Prize | 高曼環境獎 |
Grantham Prize | Jeremy Grantham, Hannelore Grantham, Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting |
Hans Hass Award | Historical Diving Society |
Heinz Awards | Heinz Foundations |
Heroes of the Environment | 時代雜誌 magazine |
Hodgkins Medal | 史密森尼学会 |
Indianapolis Prize | Indianapolis Zoo |
Joan Hodges Queneau Medal | 奥杜邦学会, American Association of Engineering Societies |
LExEN | 国家科学基金会 |
Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award | 林登·约翰逊总统图书馆暨博物馆 |
Parker-Gentry Award | 菲爾德自然史博物館 |
Pugsley Medal | American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration |
Rachel Carson Award | 奥杜邦学会 |
Sam Rose '58 and Julie Walters Prize | 狄金森学院 |
Seafood Champion Awards | SeaWeb / The Ocean Foundation |
Sierra Club John Muir Award | 塞拉俱乐部 |
US Navy Environmental Protection Award Pennant | 美国海军部 |
William T. Hornaday Awards | 美國童軍 |
World Ecology Award (页面存档备份,存于) | The Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center (页面存档备份,存于) |
獎項 | 提供 |
Zayed International Prize for the Environment | Zayed International Foundation for the Environment |
Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards | Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change |
Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar | Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change |
Himalayan Green Awards (HGA) | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Kashmir |
VASVIK Industrial Research Award | VASVIK |
蓝色星球奖 | Asahi Glass Foundation |
International Cosmos Prize | Expo '90 Foundation |
Takeda Awards | Takeda Foundation |
SES Environmental Science Award (页面存档备份,存于) | Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) |
SES Research Award in Environmental Science (页面存档备份,存于) | Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) |
Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water | Prince Sultan Research Center for Environment, Water and Desert |
President's Award for the Environment | 新加坡永续发展与环境部 |
唐獎 | Tang Prize Foundation |
獎項 | 提供 |
Eerik Kumari Award | Ministry of the Environment, Estonia |
European Business Awards for the Environment | 欧洲联盟委员会 |
European Green Capital Award | 欧洲联盟委员会 |
European Solar Prize | Eurosolar |
Blue Planet Award | Ethecon Foundation |
Environment Prize | Bundesstiftung Umwelt |
GreenTec Awards | VKP engineering GmbH |
Nuclear-Free Future Award | Franz Moll Foundation for the Coming Generations |
The National German Sustainability Award | 德国内阁 |
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Awards | Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation |
Order of the Golden Ark | 荷兰王国 |
Oskar Barnack Award | 世界新闻摄影比赛 |
Sarphati Sanitation Awards | World Waternet |
Nordic Council Environment Prize | 北歐理事會 |
Gunnerus Sustainability Award | 挪威皇家科学与文学院 |
Heyerdahl Award | Norwegian Shipowners' Association etc. |
Rachel Carson Prize | Rachel Carson-prisen |
Sophie Prize | 喬斯坦·賈德 |
National Environmental Award | Ministry of Environment |
Right Livelihood Award | 正確生活方式獎 |
Stockholm Industry Water Award | Stockholm International Water Institute |
Stockholm Junior Water Prize | Stockholm International Water Institute |
Stockholm Water Prize | Stockholm International Water Institute |
Swedish Baltic Sea Water Award | Swedish Institute |
The Perfect World Award | The Perfect World Foundation |
Volvo Environment Prize | Volvo Environment Prize Foundation |
Prix Pictet | Pictet Group |
Ashden Awards | Ashden |
Green Chemistry Award | 英国皇家化学学会 |
Green Flag Award | 地方發展、房屋及社區部 |
CIEEM Medal | Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
John Rose Award | Institution of Environmental Sciences |
Kew International Medal | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
Marsh Award for Conservation Biology | 伦敦动物学会, Marsh Charitable Trust |
Natural World Book Prize | The Wildlife Trusts |
RSPB Medal | 英国皇家鸟类保护协会 |
St Andrews Prize for the Environment | 圣安德鲁斯大学 |
Sustainable City Awards | 倫敦市法團 |
The British Environment and Media Awards | 世界自然基金会 |
Virgin Earth Challenge | Sir 理查德·布蘭森 |
Whitley Awards | Whitley Fund for Nature |
獎項 | 提供 |
Froggatt Awards | Invasive Species Council |
Peter Rawlinson Award | Australian Conservation Foundation |
World Environment Day Awards | United Nations Association of Australia |
Charles Fleming Award for Environmental Achievement | 紐西蘭皇家學會 |
Loder Cup | Minister of Conservation |
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