
理型論[註 1]英語:),是西方哲學中的一種世界觀和理論,由柏拉圖提出,近現代學者依據理解不同將其歸類於本體論知识论的範疇。所謂「理型」或稱「理念」(Form, Ideas)可直譯爲「可見形態」、「外貌」(參見下文中詞源一節),在柏拉圖的理論中指代一種超出自然現象與時間的絕對、不可移存在,而自然存在的物質不過是理型的「近似物」而已[2]




「理型」一詞譯自古希臘語 (eîdos)、(idéa),但在古希臘語中並非專門創造的哲學術語,而是日常語言的一部分,代表事物的「外貌」與「可見形態」[3]。這兩個詞的語源都是動詞不定式 ,代表「看」;來自原始印歐語詞根 *u(e)id- 「看、知」(同源詞包括拉丁語 videō)[4]。然而,柏拉圖將這兩個詞的本來含義逆轉過來,將「可見形態」變成了無法在自然中看到的一種存在;如果說柏拉圖認爲人可以「看到」理型,那麼這種「看」並不是感官在物質世界中所見,而是一種靈魂的、精神的觀察。「以靈魂、精神觀察理型」這一思想在柏拉圖哲學中佔有中心地位[5]





  1. 「理型」譯自古希臘語 、(參見語源);「理型論」在歐洲語言中的命名包括古希臘語:(出自第歐根尼·拉爾修[1])、拉丁語:、德語:、英語:(又作 )、法語:等。


  1. . [2020-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-28).
  2. Watt, Stephen. . . London: Wordsworth Editions. 1997: xiv–xvi. ISBN 1-85326-483-0.
  3.  in Liddell and Scott;  in Liddell and Scott.
  4. Robert Beekes. . Leiden: Brill. 2010: 577. ISBN 978-90-04-17420-7.
  5. Christian Schäfer: Idee/Form/Gestalt/Wesen. In: Christian Schäfer (Hrsg.): Platon-Lexikon, Darmstadt 2007, S. 157–165, hier: 159–161.
  6. Baofu, Peter (2011). Beyond Ethics to PostEthics: A Preface to a New Theory of Morality and Immorality. Charlotte, NC: IAP. p. 131. ISBN 978-1-61735-311-6.
  7. Mammino, Liliana; Ceresoli, Davide; Maruani, Jean; Brändas, Erkki (2020). Advances in Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology: Selected Proceedings of QSCP-XXIII (Kruger Park, South Africa, September 2018). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. p. 355. ISBN 978-3-030-34940-0.
  8. The creation of the universe is the creation of time: "For there were no days and nights and months and years ... but when he (God) constructed the heaven he created them also." – Timaeus, paragraph 37. For the creation God used "the pattern of the unchangeable," which is "that which is eternal." – paragraph 29. Therefore "eternal" – to aïdion, "the everlasting" – as applied to Form means atemporal.
  9. Space answers to matter, the place-holder of form: "... and there is a third nature (besides Form and form), which is space (chōros), and is eternal (aei "always", certainly not atemporal), and admits not of destruction and provides a home for all created things ... we say of all existence that it must of necessity be in some place and occupy space ...." – Timaeus, paragraph 52. Some readers will have long since remembered that in Aristotle time and space are accidental forms. Plato does not make this distinction and concerns himself mainly with essential form. In Plato, if time and space were admitted to be form, time would be atemporal and space aspatial.
  10. These terms produced with the English prefix a- are not ancient. For the usage refer to  They are however customary terms of modern metaphysics; for example, see  and see


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