

毛綿鼠Hispid Cotton Rat
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 啮齿目 Rodentia
科: 仓鼠科 Cricetidae
亚科: 棉鼠亚科 Sigmodontinae
族: 棉鼠族 Sigmodontini
属: 棉鼠属 Sigmodon
Say & Ord, 1825
  • Deilemys Saussure, 1860
  • Dilomys Winge, 1887
  • Lasiomys Burmeister, 1854
  • Sigmadon Brown, 1832
  • Sigmomys Thomas, 1901
  • Sygmodon Blyth, 1840



  • Sigmodon alleni Bailey, 1902
  • Sigmodon alstoni (Thomas, 1881)
  • Sigmodon arizonae Mearns, 1890
  • Sigmodon bakeri Martin, 1974
  • Sigmodon chonensis Allen, 1913
  • Sigmodon curtisi Gidley, 1922
  • Sigmodon fulviventer J.A.Allen, 1889
  • Sigmodon hirsutus (Burmeister, 1854)
  • Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
  • Sigmodon hudspethensis Strain, 1966
  • Sigmodon inopinatus Anthony, 1924
  • Sigmodon leucotis Bailey, 1902
  • Sigmodon libitinus Martin, 1979
  • Sigmodon lindsayi Martin & Prince, 1989
  • Sigmodon mascotensis J.A.Allen, 1897
  • Sigmodon minor Gidley, 1922
  • Sigmodon ochrognathus Bailey, 1902
  • Sigmodon peruanus J.A.Allen, 1897
  • Sigmodon planifrons Nelson & Goldman, 1933
  • Sigmodon toltecus (Saussure, 1860)
  • Sigmodon zanjonensis Goodwin, 1932


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