

短筒朱顶红 Hippeastrum reginae
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 单子叶植物 Monocots
目: 天門冬目 Asparagales
科: 石蒜科 Amaryllidaceae
亚科: 石蒜亚科 Amaryllidoideae
属: 朱頂紅屬 Hippeastrum
Herb., 1821[1][2][3]
Hippeastrum reginae
(L.) Herb.[4]






Hippeastrum evansiae
凤蝶朱顶红 Hippeastrum papilio
Hippeastrum reticulatum var. striatifolium. 白肋朱頂紅,台灣台中市。


  • Aschamia (Salisb.) Baker
  • Cephaleon Traub
  • Lais (Salisb.) Baker
  • Macropodastrum Baker
  • Omphalissa (Salisb.) Baker
  • Sealyana Traub

該屬下有近百種植物,[1],此外還有Hippeastrum x johnsonii等雜交種。

  • Hippeastrum abatinguara Campos-Rocha & A.S.Medeiros[20]
  • 灿烂朱顶红 Hippeastrum aglaiae (A.Cast.) Hunz. & A.A.Cocucci
  • Hippeastrum amaru (Vargas) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum andreanum Baker
  • 狭叶朱顶红 Hippeastrum angustifolium Pax
  • Hippeastrum apertispathum (Traub) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum arboricola (Ravenna) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum argentinum (Pax) Hunz.
  • 脐顶红 Hippeastrum aulicum (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
  • Hippeastrum aviflorum (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum blossfeldiae (Traub & J.L.Doran) Van Scheepen
  • 白花朱顶红 Hippeastrum brasilianum (Traub & J.L.Doran) Dutilh
  • 短花朱顶红 Hippeastrum breviflorum Herb.
  • Hippeastrum bukasovii (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum caiaponicum (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • 绿花脐顶红 Hippeastrum calyptratum (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
  • Hippeastrum canastrense Dutilh & R.S.Oliveira
  • Hippeastrum canterae Arechav.
  • Hippeastrum canterai Arechav.
  • Hippeastrum cardenasii R.Vásquez & R.Lara
  • Hippeastrum caupolicanense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum cipoanum (Ravenna) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum condemaitae (Vargas & E.Pérez) Meerow
  • 绿纹朱顶红 Hippeastrum correiense (Bury) Worsley
  • Hippeastrum curitibanum (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum curupira Campos-Rocha & M.Peixoto[21]
  • Hippeastrum cuzcoense (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • 细瓣朱顶红 Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. ex Baker
  • Hippeastrum damazianum Beauverd
  • Hippeastrum diniz-cruziae Dutilh & Semir
  • Hippeastrum divifrancisci (Cárdenas) R.Lara & R.Vásquez
  • Hippeastrum divijulianum (Cárdenas) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum doraniae (Traub) Meerow
  • 雅致朱顶红 Hippeastrum elegans (Spreng.) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum espiritense (Traub) H.E.Moore
  • 皱边朱顶红 Hippeastrum evansiae (Traub & I.S.Nelson) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum evansii (Traub & I.S.Nelson) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum ferreyrae (Traub) Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum flavum (Phil.) Christenh. & Byng, 2018
  • Hippeastrum flavus Phil.
  • Hippeastrum forgetii Worsley
  • 极香朱顶红 Hippeastrum fragrantissimum (Cárdenas) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum fuscum Kraenzl.
  • Hippeastrum gertianum (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum glaucescens (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Herb.
  • Hippeastrum goianum (Ravenna) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum guarapuavicum (Ravenna) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum harrisonii (Lindl.) Hook.f.
  • Hippeastrum haywardii (Traub & Uphof) R.Lara & R.Vásquez
  • Hippeastrum hemographes (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum hugoi (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum hybr
  • Hippeastrum hybridum hort. ex Velenovsky
  • Hippeastrum idimae Dutilh & R.S.Oliveira
  • Hippeastrum iguazuanum (Ravenna) T.R.Dudley & M.Williams
  • Hippeastrum incachacanum (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum intiflorum (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum johnsonii (Gowen) Herb.
  • Hippeastrum kromeri (Worsley) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum lapacense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum lavrense (Ravenna) R.S.Oliveira & Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum leonardii (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • 白缘朱顶红 Hippeastrum leopoldii T.Moore
  • Hippeastrum leucobasis (Ravenna) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum lunaris Campos-Rocha & Meerow[22]
  • Hippeastrum macbridei (Vargas) Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum machupijchense (Vargas) D.R.Hunt
  • 猫花朱顶红 Hippeastrum mandonii Baker
  • Hippeastrum maracasum (Traub) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum marumbiense (Ravenna) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum mauroi Campos-Rocha & Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum menesesii R.Vásquez & R.Lara
  • Hippeastrum minasgerais (Traub) Meerow
  • 秘鲁朱顶红 Hippeastrum miniatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Herb.
  • 无梗朱顶红 Hippeastrum mirum (Ravenna) Christenh. & Byng
  • Hippeastrum mollevillquense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum monanthum (Ravenna) Meerow
  • 绿星朱顶红 Hippeastrum morelianum Lem.
  • 红唇朱顶红 Hippeastrum nelsonii (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum oconequense (Traub) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum organense Hook.
  • 凤蝶朱顶红 Hippeastrum papilio (Ravenna) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum paquichanum (Cárdenas) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum paradisiacum (Ravenna) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum paranaense (Traub) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum pardinum (Hook.f.) Dombrain
  • Hippeastrum pardinum J.J.Veitch, 1867
  • Hippeastrum pardinum Lem.
  • 黄喇叭朱顶红 Hippeastrum parodii Hunz. & A.A.Cocucci
  • Hippeastrum peruvianum Meerow & Campos-Rocha[23]
  • Hippeastrum petiolatum Pax
  • Hippeastrum pseudopardinum (Cárdenas) R.Vásquez & R.Lara
  • 鹦鹉朱顶红 Hippeastrum psittacinum (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
  • 石榴朱顶红 Hippeastrum puniceum (Lam.) Voss
  • Hippeastrum ramboi R.E.Bastian & Büneker
  • Hippeastrum regina-vittatum Herb.
  • 短筒朱顶红 Hippeastrum reginae (L.) Herb.
  • 白肋朱顶红 Hippeastrum reticulatum (L'Hér.) Herb.
  • Hippeastrum robustum A.Dietr., 1852
  • Hippeastrum roseoalbum R.S.Oliveira & Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum rubropictum (Ravenna) Meerow
  • 朱顶红 Hippeastrum rutilum
  • Hippeastrum sanfranciscanum Dutilh & R.S.Oliveira
  • Hippeastrum santacatarina (Traub) Dutilh
  • Hippeastrum scopulorum Baker
  • Hippeastrum starkiorum (I.S.Nelson & Traub) Van Scheepen
  • 朱顶红 Hippeastrum striatum (Lam.) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum stylosum Herb.
  • Hippeastrum sylvatica Mart.
  • Hippeastrum teyucuarense (Ravenna) Van Scheepen
  • Hippeastrum traubii (Moldenke) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum umabisanum (Cárdenas) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum unguiculata Mart.
  • Hippeastrum vanleestenii (Traub) H.E.Moore
  • Hippeastrum variegatum Gereau & Brako
  • Hippeastrum velloziflorum Campos-Rocha & Meerow[24]
  • Hippeastrum verdianum Büneker & R.E.Bastian
  • Hippeastrum viridiflorum Rusby
  • 花朱顶红 Hippeastrum vittatum (L'Hér.) Herb.,百枝莲
  • Hippeastrum wilsoniae L.J.Doran & F.W.Mey.
  • Hippeastrum wilsonii L.J.Doran & F.W.Mey.
  • Hippeastrum yungacense (Cárdenas & I.S.Nelson) Meerow
  • Hippeastrum ×batemannii Herb. Herb.
  • Hippeastrum ×benthamii Herb. Herb.
  • Hippeastrum ×brookesii Herb. Herb.
  • Hippeastrum ×gravianae M.Roem. M.Roem.
  • Hippeastrum ×hendersonii
  • Hippeastrum ×hortorum Maatsch Maatsch
  • Hippeastrum ×splendens Herb. Herb.
  • Carlotea formosissimum Arruda
  • Carlotea speciosa Arruda
  • Moldenkea lateritia Traub


  1. WCSP 2015Hippeastrum herb..
  2. Herbert 1821Hippeastrum Appendix: 31 (1821), nom. cons..
  3. Meerow et al 1997.
  4. . [2019-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-30).
  5. WCSP 2015Synonyms .
  6. Salisbury & Gray 1866Gen. Pl. p. 134.
  7. Rafinesque 1838Fl. Tellur. 4: 10.
  8. Link 1829Handbuch 1: 193 .
  9. Koster 1816Appendix Trav. Brazil: 493 .
  10. Salisbury & Gray 1866Gen. Pl. p. 135.
  11. Rafinesque 1838Fl. Tellur. 4: 11.
  12. Herbert 1819,p. 5 footnote.
  13. Herbert 1820,p. 181.
  14. Rusby 1927Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 214.
  15. Pl. Life 7: 41 (1951).
  16. Holmes 2008.
  17. Herbert 1821.
  18. Vigneron 2008Hippeastrum.
  19. Traub 1958.
  20. Antonio Campos Rocha, Alexandre da Silva Medeiros, Alan William Meerow, Priscila Andre Sanz-Veiga, Ingrid Koch and Julie Henriette Antoinette Dutilh. 2022. A Remarkable New Species of Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) from the Serra da Mantiqueira, Southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa. 571(2); 197-208. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.571.2.6
  21. Antonio Campos-Rocha, Alan William Meerow, Mauro Peixoto, Ingrid Koch, Patrícia Aparecida Messias and Julie Henriette Antoinette Dutilh. 2023. To Print in Red Ink: Two New Species of Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 156(2): 239-256. DOI: 10.5091/plecevo.95601
  22. Antonio Campos-Rocha, Alan William Meerow and Julie Henriette Antoinette Dutilh. 2018. Two New Critically Endangered Species of Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Phytotaxa. 360(2); 91–102. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.360.2.1
  23. Alan William Meerow and Antonio Campos-Rocha. 2019. Hippeastrum peruvianum (Amaryllidaceae), a New Species from Northern Peru, and Notes on a Naturalized Species of Crinum First Described as Hippeastrum. Novon: A J. for Botanical Nomenclature. 27(2);75-80. DOI: 10.3417/2018330
  24. Antonio Campos-Rocha, Alan W. Meerow, Raquel M. Machado, Juliana L. S. Mayer, Rubens C. da Mota, André P. Fontana, Otávio B. C. Ribeiro, Nicolás B. García and Julie H. A. Dutilh. 2022. Out of the Mud: Two New Species of Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) from the Doce and Jequitinhonha River Basins, Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 308: 22. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-022-01805-3



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