- 唾液腺黏液细胞(分泌物质中以多糖为主)
- 唾液腺浆液细胞(分泌物质中以糖蛋白酶为主)
- 舌部的冯哎波讷腺(Von Ebner's glands)细胞(冲刷味蕾)
- 乳腺细胞(分泌乳汁)
- 泪腺细胞(分泌泪液)
- 耳的耳垢腺细胞(分泌蜡质耳垢)
- 外分泌汗腺暗细胞,Eccrine sweat gland dark cell (糖蛋白分泌,glycoprotein secretion)
- 外分泌汗腺亮细胞,Eccrine sweat gland clear cell (小分子分泌,small molecule secretion)
- 顶泌汗腺细胞,Apocrine sweat gland cell (性激素敏感的体味分泌,odoriferous secretion, sex-hormone sensitive)
- 眼睑的墨氏腺细胞,Gland of Moll cell in eyelid (特殊汗腺,specialized sweat gland)
- 脂肪腺细胞,Sebaceous gland cell (皮脂腺脂肪分泌,lipid-rich sebum secretion)
- 鼻的鲍曼氏腺细胞Bowman's gland cell in nose (冲刷嗅觉上皮,washes olfactory epithelium)
- 十二指肠的歩茹呐氏细胞Brunner's gland cell in duodenum (酶和碱性粘液,enzymes and alkaline mucus)
- 精液泡细胞,Seminal vesicle cell (分泌精液成分,包括精子游动所需的果糖,secretes seminal fluid components, including fructose for swimming sperm)
- 前列腺细胞,Prostate gland cell (分泌精液成分,secretes seminal fluid components)
- 尿道球部腺细胞,Bulbourethral gland cell (粘液分泌,mucus secretion)
- 巴多林氏腺(前庭大腺)细胞,Bartholin's gland cell (阴道润滑物质分泌,vaginal lubricant secretion)
- 尿道腺|利特腺细胞,Gland of Littre cell (粘液分泌,mucus secretion)
- 子宫内膜细胞,Uterus endometrium cell (碳水化合物分泌,carbohydrate secretion)
- 呼吸系统之呼吸管或消化系统之肠胃管的孤立杯状细胞,Isolated goblet cell of respiratory and digestive tracts (粘液分泌,mucus secretion)
- 胃膜粘液细胞,Stomach lining mucous cell (粘液分泌,mucus secretion)
- 胃主细胞|胃腺酶源细胞,Gastric gland zymogenic cell (胃蛋白酶原分泌,pepsinogen secretion)
- 壁细胞|胃腺泌酸细胞,Gastric gland oxyntic cell (盐酸分泌,hydrochloric acid secretion)
- 胰腺腺泡细胞,Pancreatic acinar cell (碳酸氢盐和消化酶分泌,bicarbonate and digestive enzyme secretion)
- 小肠的帕内特细胞,Paneth cell of small intestine (溶解酶分泌,lysozyme secretion)
- 肺脏二型肺细胞,Type II pneumocyte of lung (表面活性物质分泌,surfactant secretion)
- 肺脏的克拉拉细胞,Clara cell of lung
激素分泌细胞,Hormone secreting cells
- 垂体前部细胞,Anterior pituitary cells
- 生长激素细胞,Somatotropes
- 催乳素细胞,Lactotropes
- 促甲状腺细胞,Thyrotropes
- 促性腺细胞,Gonadotropes
- 促皮质激素细胞,Corticotropes
- 垂体中叶细胞,分泌黑素细胞刺激激素,Intermediate pituitary cell, secreting melanocyte-stimulating hormone
- 大细胞性神经分泌细胞,Magnocellular neurosecretory cells
- 分泌后叶催产素,secreting oxytocin
- 抗利尿激素分泌,secreting vasopressin
- 肠和呼吸管细胞,Gut and respiratory tract cells
- 血管收缩素分泌,secreting serotonin
- 内啡肽分泌,secreting endorphin
- 生长激素分泌,secreting somatostatin
- 胃泌激素分泌,secreting gastrin
- 分泌素分泌,secreting secretin
- 胆囊收缩素分泌,secreting cholecystokinin
- 胰岛素分泌,secreting insulin
- 胰高血糖素分泌,secreting glucagon
- 盘舌蟾素分泌,secreting bombesin
- 甲状腺细胞,Thyroid gland cells
- 甲状腺上皮细胞,thyroid epithelial cell
- 滤泡旁细胞,parafollicular cell
- 副甲状腺细胞,Parathyroid gland cells
- 副甲状腺主细胞,Parathyroid chief cell
- 嗜酸细胞,Oxyphil cell
- 肾上腺细胞,Adrenal gland cells
- 嗜铬细胞,chromaffin cells
- 类固醇激素分泌,secreting steroid hormones (盐皮质激素与糖皮质激素,mineralcorticoids and gluco corticoids)
- 分泌睾丸激素的睾丸间质细胞,Leydig cell of testes secreting testosterone
- 分泌雌激素的卵泡内膜细胞,Theca interna cell of ovarian follicle secreting estrogen
- 分泌孕酮的破裂卵泡的黄体细胞,Corpus luteum cell of ruptured ovarian follicle secreting progesterone
- 颗粒型黄体素细胞,Granulosa lutein cells
- 皮质型黄体素细胞,Theca lutein cells
- 近肾小球细胞,Juxtaglomerular cell (肾素分泌,renin secretion)
- 肾脏致密斑细胞,Macula densa cell of kidney
- 肾脏极周细胞,Peripolar cell of kidney
- 肾脏的肾小球系膜细胞,Mesangial cell of kidney
Epithelial cells lining closed internal body cavities
- 血管和淋巴管内皮穿孔细胞,Blood vessel and lymphatic vascular endothelial fenestrated cell
- 血管和淋巴管内皮连续细胞,Blood vessel and lymphatic vascular endothelial continuous cell
- 血管和淋巴管内皮脾脏细胞,Blood vessel and lymphatic vascular endothelial splenic cell
- 软膜蛛网膜鳞片状细胞,Pia-arachnoid squamous cell
- 眼睛的有色纤毛上皮细胞,Pigmented ciliary epithelium cell of eye
- 眼睛的无色纤毛上皮细胞,Nonpigmented ciliary epithelium cell of eye
- 角膜内皮细胞,Corneal endothelial cell
- (输卵管的)钉形细胞,Peg cell (of Fallopian tube)
- 红细胞,Erythrocyte (red blood cell)
- 巨核细胞(血小板的前体细胞),Megakaryocyte (platelet precursor)
- 单核细胞,Monocyte
- 结缔组织中的巨噬细胞(包含多种类型),Connective tissue macrophage (various types)
- 表皮中的朗格汉斯细胞(Langerhans cell)
- 破骨细胞(存在于骨骼中),Osteoclast (in bone)
- 树突状细胞(存在于淋巴组织中),Dendritic cell (in lymphoid tissues)
- 小胶质细胞(存在于中枢神经系统中),Microglial cell (in central nervous system)
- 中性粒细胞,Neutrophil granulocyte
- 嗜酸性粒细胞,Eosinophil granulocyte
- 嗜碱性粒细胞,Basophil granulocyte
- 肥大细胞,Mast cell
- 辅助T细胞,Helper T cell
- 抑制T细胞,Suppressor T cell
- 细胞毒T细胞,Cytotoxic T cell
- 自然杀伤细胞,Natural Killer T cell
- B细胞,B cell
- 网状细胞,Reticulocyte
- 血液及免疫系统的干细胞和祖细胞(包含多种类型),Stem cells and committed progenitors for the blood and immune system (various types)
Pigment cells
- 黑素细胞,Melanocyte
- 视网膜色素上皮细胞,Retinal pigmented epithelial cell
Germ cells
护理细胞,Nurse cells
- 卵巢卵泡细胞,Ovarian follicle cell
- 塞尔托利氏细胞,(Sertoli cell,位于睾丸)
- 胸腺上皮细胞,Thymus epithelial cell
- 间质组织肾细胞(Interstitial kidney cells)
- Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fourth Edition, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter
- Eukaryotic cell types (页面存档备份,存于) in COPE database
- Vickaryous MK, Hall BK, Human cell type diversity, evolution, development, and classification with special reference to cells derived from the neural crest, BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Volume: 81, Pages: 425-455, 2006
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