巴拉雷克丘(烏茲別克語:)是烏茲別克南部帖爾米茲附近的一處考古遺址[1],為嚈噠貴族一處小型、具防禦工事的封地[2],其中出土許多壁畫[3],年代約為5世紀晚期至7世紀早期[3][4][註 1],稍晚於迪尔伯金丘(位於阿富汗境內)壁畫的年代。巴拉雷克丘與阿吉那丘和卡菲尔·卡拉(皆位於塔吉克境內)的壁畫風格同屬吐火羅派(Tokharistan school)[5],並影響了年代稍晚的彭吉肯特粟特藝術[6]。


- 過去認定為5世紀至6世紀,後來學者多認定為6世紀末至7世紀初[1]。
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The exacavations at Balalik Tepe (...) revealed the remains of a small fortified manor that was the seat of a princely Hephthalite clan.
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The Tokharistan school was represented by Balalyk-tepe, Adzhina-tepe, Kafyr-kala; the northern Tokharistan school was found in the Buddhist Temples of Kuva and in Jeti-su
- Azarpay, Guitty; Belenickij, Aleksandr M.; Maršak, Boris Il'ič; Dresden, Mark J. . University of California Press. : 93 [2021-11-10]. ISBN 978-0-520-03765-6. (原始内容存档于2021-11-10).
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Besides the obvious thematic difference between the Balalyk-tepe banquet scene and the religiously inspired Buddhist cave paintings from Tukharistan, the two are closely connected by style and iconography.
- "Azarpay, Guitty; Belenickij, Aleksandr M.; Maršak, Boris Il'ič; Dresden, Mark J. . University of California Press. : 93 [2021-11-10]. ISBN 978-0-520-03765-6. (原始内容存档于2021-11-10).
A striking parallel to the Balalyk tepe murals is offered by files of donors represented on the right and left walls of the vault of the 34 m Buddha at Bamiyan. (...) The remarkable overall stylistic and iconographic resemblance between the two sets of paintings would argue for their association with the artistic tradition of the Hephthalite ruling classes of Tukharestan that survived the downfall of Hephthalite power in A.D. 577
- Sims, Eleanor; Marshak, Boris Ilʹich; Grube, Ernst J.; I, Boris Marshak. . Yale University Press. : 14 [2021-11-10]. ISBN 978-0-300-09038-3. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
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- FEDOROV, MICHAEL; KUZNETSOV, ANDREW. (PDF). The Numismatic Chronicle. 2007, 167: 277–285 [2021-11-10]. ISSN 0078-2696. (原始内容存档于2021-11-10).
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