
天外救星拉丁语:Deus ex machina,/ˌdəs ɛks ˈmækɪnə, - ˈmɑːk-/ DAY-əs ex-MA(H)K-in-ə,[1] 拉丁語:[ˈdɛ.ʊs ɛks ˈmaːkʰɪnaː]; plural: dei ex machina; English god from the machine),亦译作「舞台機關送神」、「机械降神」、「機器神」、「解圍之神」等,是意料外的、突然的、牽強的解圍角色、手段或事件,在虛構作品內,突然引入來為緊張情節或場面解圍。近似詞有天降神兵、有如神助等。



拉丁語片語Deus ex machina(英譯:God from the machine)翻譯自希臘語(apò mēkhans theós),意思是機關跑出的神。



這種手法通常被評論家認為是不高明的說書技巧,因為它破壞了故事的內在邏輯,縱使有時候會為了這個理由而故意採用。繼亞里士多德之後,文藝復興時期評論家將其視為一種迂拙的情節計策,雖然其仍然受用於文藝復興時期的劇作家;莎士比亞將此計策用在《一報還一報》《仲夏夜之梦》《皆大歡喜》《泰爾親王佩力克爾斯》和《冬天的故事[3]。19世紀末,尼采批評歐里庇得斯透過這種計策將悲劇因素製造成樂觀的類型,並促使他高度懷疑戲劇《blissful delight in life》是「希臘快樂」(Greek cheerfulness)[4]


But the new non-Dionysiac spirit is most clearly apparent in the endings of the new dramas. At the end of the old tragedies there was a sense of metaphysical conciliation without which it is impossible to imagine our taking delight in tragedy; perhaps the conciliatory tones from another world echo most purely in Oedipus at Colonus. Now, once tragedy had lost the genius of music, tragedy in the strictest sense was dead: for where was that metaphysical consolation now to be found? Hence an earthly resolution for tragic dissonance was sought; the hero, having been adequately tormented by fate, won his well-earned reward in a stately marriage and tokens of divine honour. The hero had become a gladiator, granted freedom once he had been satisfactorily flayed and scarred. Metaphysical consolation had been ousted by the deus ex machina.[6]

尼采認為,机械降神製造出虛假的慰藉感覺,這是不應該尋求的現象,這種情節計策的詆毀普遍出現在評論意見中[7]。一些20世紀的修正主義者的評論,建議deus ex machina不能在簡化的用語中被查看,並主張此種計策是凡人「刺探」與神的關係[8]。拉什瑞姆(Rush Rehm)特別引用希臘悲劇的例子,其中deus ex machina提供複雜化角色的生活和態度,當面臨神的同時為觀眾帶來戲劇的尾聲[8]



  1. Random House Dictionary
  2. Dr. L. Kip Wheeler. . [2008-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2003-10-31).
  3. Rehm,(1992, 70).
  4. Nietzsche (1993, 85).
  5. Nietzsche (1993, 86).
  6. Nietzsche (1993, 84).
  7. Nietzsche (2003, 80)
  8. Rehm (1992, 71).


维基文库中的相关原始文献:en:The New International Encyclopædia/Deus ex Machina
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