



印度-太平洋语系假说将新几内亚的非南岛语言与新几内亚东边或西边的特定语言结合起来,首先由格林伯格于1971年作出。支持者Merritt Ruhlen认为印度-太平洋语系是一个内部多样性极大而十分古老的语系,甚至远比反映6000年前的民族迁徙的南岛语系古老。他注意到,新几内亚至少4万年前就已有现代人类居住,有一定冗余的估计还要再加1到1.5万年。[2]路易吉·路卡·卡瓦利-斯福扎则认为印度-太平洋语系是非常多相的语系,内含700种语言,可能老于4万年。[3]



种族观念仍被不加批判地用在语言分类上。晚至1971年,约瑟夫·格林伯格还试图重弹“自孟加拉湾西边的安达曼群岛直到塔斯马尼亚的大部分非南岛语言都属于一个单一的发生学语系”的老调。这个假说跟Finck1909年的“Sprachen der ozeanischen Neger”没什么不同,这个假说已经用了“印度-太平洋”的名字,其最终根植于体质人类学的“泛尼格利陀理论”。(参Skeat&Blagden 1906: 25–28)。 格林伯格为证实印度-太平洋语系举出的语言证据没有说服力,相似的词汇和表面的类型学相似不能说明语言间存在亲缘关系,况且这些还是基于使用者的身体素质。


Pawley (2008)发现除塔斯马尼亚和安达曼语以外的所有印度-太平洋分支都包含跨新几内亚语系的语言,这可以解释比格林伯格提供的更坚实的同源词。但是因为这些跨新几内亚语言混合了其他语系的语言,连接起各个分支的同源词并不支持格林伯格“所有巴布亚语言都有亲缘关系”的论断。[7]



词义 库孙达语[8] 尼哈利语[9] 原始
大安达曼语[11] 克那博依语[12] 恩加诺语[13] 原始跨新几内亚语[14] 原始帕马-恩永甘语[15] 原始
ipi pe(ː)ñ *-otab ɛr-co tahal ɛyu, iur *kV(mb,p)utu; *mVtVna *koc; *-pam *-alma; *marru
头发 gi kuguso *-ode ot-bec sûyut pururu, yur *(nd,s)umu(n,t)[V]; *iti *ngar
iŋ / inəŋ jikit *-ecebo < *eca-ipo er-ulu laŋ bak *(ŋg,k)iti [maŋgV]; *ŋg(a,u)mu; *nVpV *kuru *koq; *-nganycurla; *-Tum *-miny
iyu cigam *-ikwag er-buo cʰəliòh karih *kand(i,e)k[V] *-kanam *-lababa
inu / inəu coːn *-iɲjan-ipo er-kɔʈʰo lîaŋ pan *mundu *ngurru *ce *-mal(ul)
齿 uhu, u.u menge *-akwed er-pʰile, ɸile cʰəráh ʔekaʔ, kaaʔ *titi *rirra, *lirra *yama/errk ; *-retmV *jarringk
iŋdzũ, idziŋ / idzəŋ *-adalaŋ ɑ-tɑt ɟelil di *mbilaŋ; *me(l,n)e *calañ *thelng; *-cen *-yangala
ata, atta kaggo *-alaŋ er-pʰoŋ ɟəhòp kaʔaʔ, kaʔ *maŋgat[a] *caː *-ngal/rrk; *-thala *-lirr
awi / awəi bakko *-ome er-ʈoŋ tʰã ɛaʔ, ʔeap *sikal, *sakil *mara *-kun *-marla
yen *uge u-mɔʈo ɟau ɛʔaa, ʔea *k(a,o)ond(a,o)C *cama; *cina *thenge *-mbala
乳房 ambu / ambo *-akak er-me-tɛi râpaŋ kok, èămah *amu *ngamun *pippi; *cikka *ngamarna
amba / əmba kaːw e-tʰomo hiədh p-Paman *miña *kany; *wang; *thangku *warli
ləpa, ləppa corṭo *-aceŋ e-tei cʰahâ kyakh, kiak *ke(nj,s)a *kurlpa; *kurrac *kunbulu; *kururr
gu.u, guhu paːkṭo *daŋ e-tɔe, o-ʈɔy gus ɛa, ʔea *kondaC *muku *-mo *kaanyji
nu, niu *eŋ, *əŋ (< *en) som kakh, kak *ambi *Nal *wamba
gidzi jumu, jyumu *-atiba liu ni *imbi *-ngey
agəi *wem(e) cɑo âmun bɛɛ̄, be *yila
nəsa caːn *napo ʈɑjeo râyap yay, ʔeai *kuya/u *ceny; *cipak
虱子 ki keːpe *kuhi kɔemo h'ɛyup, hĩũk *niman, *iman *kulu/i *mic; *Tort *wirnka
yiː / ihi *taŋ 'tree, log' ɛʈ-ʈole 'wood' sənɟéh *inda *thantaq; *Lany; *porloq
haq / haχ *bebe tec râpaŋ pruru *iti; *sasak *marla; *mancarr
gipan *okw ʈɔl, ʈɔlo kuntom èpfoejĕ, kafèfo *ngorro *bubu
taŋ joppo *iŋ ino par *ok[V]; *nok *nguku ~ *nguki *wak; *kolk- *wula
dza *tuke ɑʈ; luro haŋoi ɛəp, iɘb *k(a,o)nd(a,u)p; *inda; *kambu *jungku
yeŋgu / yiŋgu caːgo, caːrgo *uli meo buŋkal iɛa, ʔe *kamb(a,u)na, *[na]muna *cuntu; *kVrrV
dum *bela buɑ dowp *taːku “地”
huki / hukki coːpo sɑre səmsam kanam
un, uŋ ḍãːy/ḍa(ː)y *icala ɲɔrtɔ ɛko *morlo *makirr
am ṭ/tyeː- *-ita ɲɑ; iji ɟáháp no *na- *mungka- *-rli
betto-be(ṭṭ) *peca-me em-pʰil kaʔa *kumV-


  1. Paul Whitehouse; Timothy Usher; Merritt Ruhlen; William S.-Y. Wang. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2004-04-13, 101 (15). Bibcode:2004PNAS..101.5692W. PMC 397480可免费查阅. PMID 15056764. doi:10.1073/pnas.0400233101可免费查阅.
  2. Ruhlen, Merritt.The Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue. John Wiley & Sons, Inc: New York, 1994
  3. Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca.Genes, Peoples, and Languages. University of California Press: Berkeley, 2001
  4. Blench, Roger; Post, Mark, , 2008 [2021-12-22], (原始内容存档于2021-12-22)
  5. Languages of the Himalayas, vol. 1, pp 139–141
  6. Wurm, S.A. (1977).New Guinea Area Languages and Language Study, Volume 1: Papuan Languages and the New Guinea Linguistic Scene. 页面存档备份,存于Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.
  7. Andrew Pawley, 2008.assessment of Greenberg's Indo-Pacific hypothesis(draft)
  8. Watters, David E. 2006. Notes on Kusunda Grammar: A Language Isolate of Nepal.Himalayan Linguistics Archive3. (2006) 1-182.
  9. Nagaraja, K.S. 2014.The Nihali language: grammar, texts and vocabulary. Manasagangotri, Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages.ISBN 978-81-7343-144-9.
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  11. Abbi, Anvita. 2011.Dictionary of the Great Andamanese language. Port Blair: Ratna Sagar.
  12. Hajek, John. 1998. "An extinct unclassified language of the Malay Peninsula."Mon–Khmer Studies28: 137–49.
  13. Greenhill, S.J., Blust. R, & Gray, R.D. (2008).Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics.Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 4:271-283.
  14. Pawley, Andrew; Hammarström, Harald. . Palmer, Bill (编). . The World of Linguistics 4. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 2018: 21–196. ISBN 978-3-11-028642-7.
  15. Alpher, Barry. 2004. Pama-Nyungan: Phonological Reconstruction and Status as a Phylo-Genetic Group. In Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (eds.),Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method, 93-126, 387-574. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  16. Harvey, Mark. 2003. An initial reconstruction of Proto Gunwinyguan phonology. In Evans, Nicholas (ed.),The non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: comparative studies of the continent's most linguistically complex region, 205-268. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  17. Stokes, Bronwyn and William McGregor. 2003. Classification and Subclassification of the Nyulnyulan Languages. In Nicholas Evans (ed.),The non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: comparative studies of the continent's most linguistically complex region, 29-74. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.


  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 1971. "The Indo-Pacific hypothesis." InCurrent Trends in Linguistics, Vol. 8: Linguistics in Oceania, edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, 808-71. The Hague: Mouton. 页面存档备份,存于(Reprinted in Greenberg,Genetic Linguistics, 2005, 193–275.)
    treeavailable at the Linguist List MultiTree Project [no longer functional as of 2014]
  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 2005.Genetic Linguistics: Essays on Theory and Method, edited by William Croft. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • O'Grady, Dobrovolsky, Katamba. 1997.Contemporary Linguistics.
  • Usher, Timothy. "A comparison of Greenberg's and Wurm's classifications." In Greenberg,Genetic Linguistics, 2005, 261–269. (Systematic tabulation of the two sets of results.)
  • Wurm, Stephen A. 1982.The Papuan Languages of Oceania.Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


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