刺客教條 (遊戲)

刺客信条(英语:)是由育碧公司蒙特利爾工作室開發的一款第三人称視角遊戲動作冒險遊戲隱蔽類遊戲類遊戲,本系列始於2007年11月在PlayStation 3Xbox 360上發行。Windows版追加了內容並更名為《刺客教條:導演剪輯版》(Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition),於2008年4月推出。

    平台PlayStation 3Xbox 360Microsoft Windows
    总监特里斯·德西莱茨、Simon Peacock 编辑维基数据
    制作人捷德·雷蒙德 编辑维基数据
    设计师Patrice Desilets捷德·雷蒙德
    音乐耶斯帕·居德 编辑维基数据
    发行日PlayStation 3Xbox 360
    • 北美:2007年11月14日[1]
    • 欧洲:2007年11月14日[2]
    • 澳洲:2007年11月21日[3]
    • 日本:2007年11月29日[4]
    Microsoft Windows
    • 北美:2008年4月8日[5]
    • 北美:2008年4月9日Steam[6]
    • 澳洲:2008年4月10日[7][8][9]
    • 欧洲:2008年4月10日


    界面採用開放世界第三人稱視角,以主角追溯其刺客祖先記憶而控制其行動。遊戲引入「社會狀態圖像」(Social Status Icon)從而讓主角能了解附近敵兵與區域對其祖先的注意程度及警戒狀態[lower-alpha 1],並以「高姿態」(High Profile)及「低姿態」(Low Profile)區分行動性質[lower-alpha 2]:低姿態行為較容易被社會接受[lower-alpha 3];高姿態行為以行動為中心[lower-alpha 4](例如擒拿和拋擲敵人、疾跑)。一旦附近區域對其祖先出現高度警戒狀態,其祖先可選擇把應戰敵兵殺死或逃離敵兵視線範圍並躲藏直至警戒回復正常。

    其祖先之生命值以主角及祖先之間之「同步值」(Sychronization)顯示[lower-alpha 5]:作出與真實記憶不合之事(如受傷或傷及無辜)會使同步值下降,失去之同步值能透過重新經歷祖先之生活而遂漸回復[lower-alpha 6],降至零點會導致記憶重新開始[lower-alpha 7];作出與真實記憶相同之事(如拯救市民或在每次刺殺行動前對目標作出全面調查)會使同步最高值逐漸提升。完全同步時主角可使用其祖先之第六感官「鷹眼視界」(Eagle Vision)以感知附近人們對其祖先之態度[lower-alpha 8][lower-alpha 9]


    2012年9月1日04:02[10],酒保戴斯蒙·迈尔斯被跨國製藥公司Abstergo 劫持作為基因記憶追溯機器「Animus」[lower-alpha 10]的第十七個實驗體[lower-alpha 11],目的為獲得其活躍於1191年第三次十字軍東征時期、隸屬敍利亞刺客組織之刺客祖先-阿泰爾·伊本·拉阿哈德(Altaïr ibn La-Ahad)的一段記憶。

    當年阿泰爾奉命與兩名同伴到所羅門聖殿尋找一個古代遺物,卻對於自己過度自信[lower-alpha 12],不但被刺客之宿敵聖殿騎士團阻止[lower-alpha 13]且違背了三大刺客教條[lower-alpha 14]:不殺無辜[lower-alpha 15]、不暴露行蹤[lower-alpha 16]、不連累刺客組織[lower-alpha 17][lower-alpha 18][11]。於回到刺客組織位於馬西亞夫的堡壘後,刺客組織之首拉希德丁·锡南(Rashid ad-Din Sinan)把阿泰爾降至最低級別[lower-alpha 19],同時命其刺殺九名位於聖地(耶路撒冷大馬士革阿卡)內的騎士團重要人物以作贖罪[lower-alpha 20],為十字軍撒拉森勢力之間帶來和平[lower-alpha 21]

    阿泰爾把各人逐一刺殺,並了解眾人之目的為利用從所羅門聖殿取得之古代遺物控制人民思想以帶來和平,而聖殿騎士團之最終計劃為聯合十字軍及撒拉森勢力以摧毀刺客組織[12],但阿泰爾在刺殺最後一名目標-聖殿騎士團大團長羅貝爾·德·薩布萊後始悉拉希德丁乃聖殿騎士[lower-alpha 22],因企圖獨佔遺物而派遣阿泰爾刺殺其餘九人[lower-alpha 23][13]:該遺物名為「伊甸碎片」[lower-alpha 24],能控制人類思想及造出幻象[lower-alpha 25],而古代之超自然現像包括古埃及法師把手杖變成蛇、摩西紅海特洛伊戰爭中神明顯靈、迦拿的婚禮中水變成酒等全為此遺物造出之幻象[lower-alpha 26][lower-alpha 27]。在阿泰爾回到刺客組織堡壘後[lower-alpha 28],拉希德丁利用碎片造出各種幻象與阿泰爾展開決鬥。阿泰爾擊破各幻術後刺殺拉希德丁[lower-alpha 29],碎片亦於此時投射出全世界其餘多塊碎片位置的立體影像[14]

    Abstergo 在取得該段記憶後[lower-alpha 30]計劃把戴斯蒙留待日後處決[lower-alpha 31],但戴斯蒙在研究人員離開後[lower-alpha 32]看見實驗室地上及牆上出現以鮮血寫成之文字:因長期進入Animus 而出現之副作用-「出血效應」(Bleeding Effect)使戴斯蒙擁有了鷹眼視覺[lower-alpha 33],看見第十六實驗體自殺前以血寫下之2012年預言及其他加密訊息[lower-alpha 34]





    在《波斯王子:時之砂》完成後,遊戲設計師Patrice Désilets獲指示開發另一款波斯王子遊戲。遊戲靈感來自哈桑·沙巴,並以《波斯至子:刺客》之名開始開發[15]。Désilets認為以王子作為主角並不吸引,因此該王子被安排成為需要由玩家操縱之刺客拯救之人工智能角色,但育碧不希望開發一款不以王子為中心之波斯王子遊戲,遊戲最終變成新的知識產權,王子角色也被刪除[15]

    2006年9月28日,開發者Jade Raymond在與IGN的會談中表示主角阿泰爾是一名過去不明之中世紀刺客,而他也不是一名時空旅行者[16]。於2006年12月13日另一次IGN會談中,配音員Kristen Bell談及遊戲劇情:劇情將圍繞基因記憶以及一個欲尋找刺客後裔之機構[17]



    Game Informer9.5/10

    遊戲普遍獲得正面評價。Eurogamer表示遊玩過程沒有進步,最終變得沈悶而且過於重複[26]。Electronic Gaming Monthly成員Andrew P.於評論中認為遊戲的跑酷式逃生路線富挑戰性[27]Fami通以40分為滿分下分別為遊戲之Xbox 360版和PS3版給予36分和37分,讚揚了遊戲劇情、表達手法和主角之高難度動作,但對過於簡單之戰鬥系統、地圖和視角問題作出批評[28][29]Game Informer以10分為滿分下給予遊戲9.5分,讚揚遊戲之操作系統、重玩價值和吸引的劇情,但認為情報打聽的任務過於重複[30]。ESPN成員Aaron Boulding認為遊戲之社會潛行概念相當創新,而且設計者在視覺上捕捉了神髓。[31]GameTrailers同樣表揚了遊戲的劇情並對此給予9.7分,但指出重複度高的玩法與下等的人工智能使遊戲的潛質下降,認為遊戲雖有所突破但未能做好部分基本要素[32]GamesRadar為遊戲給予10分滿分;Metacritic為遊戲之Xbox 360與PS3版各給予81分[23][24]GamePro認為如果玩家願意付出耐性,遊戲能提供部分最佳的遊玩體驗[33]。Hyper雜誌成員Darren Wells讚揚遊戲劇情、畫面和操作,但批評部分任務不大適合電腦平台而且選單系統設計不佳[34]


    1. In-game Animus tutorial program: The Social Status Icon [Exposed, Cool Down, Vanishing, Vanished, Anonymous] gives you information on your social status.
    2. In-game Animus tutorial program: The Animus differentiates between two fundamental actions: Low Profile and High Profile.
    3. In-game Animus tutorial program: Low Profile actions are socially acceptable.
    4. In-game Animus tutorial program: High Profile actions are more action-oriented.
    5. In-game Animus tutorial program: The Sychronization Bar measures your sychronization with your ancestor.
    6. In-game Animus tutorial program: Should you lose sych, you can restore sychronization by reliving key moments of your ancestor's life, or by respecting the Creed.
    7. In-game Animus tutorial program: If you ever fall completely out of sych, the Animus will retore you to your last sychronized position.
    8. In-game Animus tutorial program: Now that you are fully syched, a new ability is available to you. Refered to as Eagle Vision, this sixth sense helped your ancestor understand the intentions of the people around him.
    9. In-game Animus tutorial program: Remember, Eagle Vision will only be available when you are fully syched.
    10. Vidic: You're inside the Animus. Desmond: Which is...? Vidic: It's a projector that renders genetic memories into three dimensions.
    11. In-game Animus tutorial program: Hello, Subject Seventeen.
    12. Altaïr: Robert de Sablé. His life is mine. Malik: No! We were asked to retrieve the treasure and deal with Robert only if necessasry. Altaïr: He stands between us and it. I'd say it's necessary. Malik: Discretion, Altaïr!. Altaïr: You mean cowardice. That man is our greatest enemy, and here we have a chance to be rid of him. Malik: You have already broken two tenets of our creed. Now you would break the third: do not compromise the brotherhood. Altaïr: I am your superior, in both title and ability. Youl should know better than to question me.
    13. Robert: I spare you only that you may return to your master and deliver a message.
    14. Rashid: Three simple tenets, which you seem to forget. I will remind you.
    15. Rashid: First and foremost: Stay your blade... Altaïr: from the flesh of an innocent. I know.
    16. Rashid: The second tenet is that which gives us strength. Hide in plain sight. Let the people mask you such that you become one with the crowd.
    17. Rashid: The third and final tenet, the worst of all your betrayals. Never compromise the brotherhood.
    18. In-game Animus tutorial program: The Creed consists of three tenets. First, never hurt an innocent person. Second, always be discreet. Third, do not compromise the clan.
    19. Rashid: You'll see that you've been stripped of all your possessions. Your rank as well. You are a novice, a child once more, as you were on the day you first joined our Order.
    20. Rashid: I am offering you a chance at redemption. You'll earn your way back into the brotherhood.
    21. Rashid: I hold here a list. Nine names adorn it. Nine men who need to die. They are plague bringers, war makers. Their power and influence corrupts the land and ensures the Crusades continue. You will find them. Kill them. In doing so, you sow the seeds of peace, both for the region, and for yourself. In this way you might be redeemed.
    22. Robert: Nine men he sent you to kill, yes? The nine who guarded the treasure's secret. Altaïr: What of it? Robert: It wasn't nine who found the treasure, Assassin. Not nine, but ten. Altaïr: A tenth? None may live to carry the secret. Give me his name. Robert: Oh, but you know him well, and I doubt very much you'd take his life, as willingly as you've taken mine. Altaïr: Who? Robert: It is your master, Al Mualim.
    23. Altaïr: I have no interest in the treasure. Robert: Ah, but he does. The only difference between your master and I, is that he did not want to share.
    24. Rashid: That's all it's ever done, this Templar treasure, this... Piece of Eden.
    25. Rashid: He who holds it commands the hearts and minds of whoever looks upon it, whoever tastes of it, as they say.
    26. Rashid: This... piece of silver, cast out Adam and Eve. It turned staves into snakes, parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the Trojin War, and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine.
    27. Rashid: Do you understand now? The Rea Sea was never parted. Water never turned to wine. It was not the machinations of Eris that spawned the Trojan War, but this! Illusions! All of them!
    28. Rashid: So... the student returns. Altaïr: I've never been one to run. Rashid: Never been one to listen either.
    29. Rashid: Impossible. The student does not defeat the teacher. Altaïr: La'a shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine. Rashid: So it seems. You have won then. Go, and claim your prize.
    30. Abstergo: Well? Vidic: We've got the map.
    31. Lucy: We might need him, his memories. I'd recommend we hold him until we have confirmation that there aren't any surprises waiting for us at the sites. Abstergo: Very well. Ensure we have no further need of him, then kill him.
    32. Vidic: Don't get too comfortable, Mr. Miles! We'll be back for you soon enough.
    33. Assassin's Creed II. Lucy: We're going to train you - turn you into one of us. Desmond: What?! No, no... you've seen me in action - I'm no good at this. And even if I was... it would take months - years, even. Lucy: No. Not with the Animus. Not with the bleeding effect... If you can follow in his footsteps, you'll learn everything he did - just like he did. Years of training absorbed in a matter of days.
    34. Desmond: Oh my god! It looks like... is that blood? Who the hell were they keeping here before me? What happened to him? What does it mean, I wonder.


    1. . IGN. [2007-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-27).
    2. . [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-17).
    3. . Ubisoft. [2008-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-11).
    4. . Ubisoft. [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-08).
    5. . Gamespot. [2008-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-25).
    6. . Steam. [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-11).
    7. . EB Games Australia. [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-08).
    8. . EB Games New Zealand. [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-11).
    9. . GAME. [2008-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-12).
    10. 刺客教條IV:黑旗》,Abstergo Entertainment 地图二楼右侧二级安全房间的左下的电脑「戴斯蒙文件包」。
    11. Memory Block 1
    12. Memory Blocks 2, 3, 4, 5
    13. Memory Block 6
    14. Memory Block 7
    15. The Making of Assassin's Creed 页面存档备份,存于 at Edge (magazine)
    16. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-19).
    17. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-13).
    18. . Computer and videogames. [November 3, 2008]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-14).
    19. Nick Doerr. . [November 3, 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-25).
    20. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    21. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    22. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    23. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    24. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    25. . GameRankings. [2009-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-19).
    26. Assassin's Creed Review // Xbox 360 /// Eurogamer
    27. Andrew P., "Review of Assassin's Creed," Electronic Gaming Monthly 224 (January 2008): 89.
    28. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-16).
    29. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-09).
    30. Game Informer, December 2007 issue
    31. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-01).
    32. . [2014-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-04).
    33. Melick, Todd. . GamePro. November 14, 2007 [2008-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-10).
    34. Wells, Darren. . Hyper (Next Media). June 2008, (176): 54. ISSN 1320-7458.


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