数学符号HTML元素∂∂Unicode: U+2202)或d的一种变体,主要用于表示偏导数,例如 (读作“zx的偏导数”)[1]




这一符号在英语中可以读作“del”[5],“dee”[6],“partial dee”[7],“partial”(专用于LaTeX),“curly dee”[8],或“dabba”[9],中文一般读作「偏」。



  1. Christopher, Essex. . 2013: 682. ISBN 9780321781079. OCLC 872345701.
  2. Adrien-Marie Legendre, "Memoire sur la manière de distinguer les maxima des minima dans le Calcul des Variations," Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences (1786), pp. 7–37.
  3. Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, "De determinantibus Functionalibus," Crelle's Journal 22 (1841), pp. 319–352.
  4. Aldrich, John. . [16 January 2014]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-01).
  5. Bhardwaj, R.S., 2nd: 6.4, 2005
  6. Silverman, Richard A., : 216, 1989
  7. Pemberton, Malcolm; Rau, Nicholas, : 271, 2011
  8. Bowman, Elizabeth, , 2014 [2016-03-08], (原始内容存档于2021-11-25)
  9. Gokhale, Mujumdar, Kulkarni, Singh, Atal, Engineering Mathematics I, p. 10.2 页面存档备份,存于, Nirali Prakashan ISBN 8190693549.
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