Dependency Walker
Dependency Walker 或 depends.exe 是一个免费软件,用于在Microsoft Windows操作系统中列出可执行进程的输入与输出函数。该软件递归树形显示所有的依赖可执行文档。该软件包含在Microsoft Visual Studio中直到Visual Studio 2005 (Version 8.0)以及Windows XP SP2的Windows Support Tools. 最新版本v2.2.10011不在dependencywalker.com网站上;但是包含在Windows Driver Kit v10 [6][7][8][9]。
原作者 | Steve Miller[1][2] |
开发者 | Microsoft |
首次发布 | 早于1997[3][4][5] |
操作系统 | Microsoft Windows |
类型 | 目标代码分析 |
许可协议 | 免费软件 |
网站 | www |
Windows 7引入了Windows API-sets的概念, 一种DLL重定向(redirection).[10][11] [12] Dependency Walker还不能很好处理这回总间接层次。
- 支持Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 and 10
- 列出所有依赖的可执行模块。
- 支持64-bit与Windows CE可执行进程
- 检测模块是否用C或C++编写。
- 检测没有列在import address table的模块
- 列表使用不同颜色来表示出缺失的依赖文档
- 树形递归列出所有依赖文档
- Dependency Walker 2.2 (Windows 95 - Windows 10) (页面存档备份,存于) Steve Miller's Applications Page
- Page 123 (页面存档备份,存于), Technology Best Practices, By Robert H. Spencer, Randolph P. Johnston, Dependency Walker is a well-recognized profiling tool that is freeware developed by Steve Miller, a Microsoft developer, who keeps this utility up-to-date with the latest Microsoft operating system releases...
- Tool 'depends' - Depends.exe (1/1) By Steve Miller, 19/11/1997 -, Google Groups, For starters, there are two separate applications called "depends.exe". One is a console application written by Matt Pietrek for MSJ magazine (页面存档备份,存于) ), the other one is a GUI application I wrote for Microsoft. They both do similar things, but are unrelated (I did not know about Matt's version and I don't believe he knew about mine)....The GUI version, named Dependency Walker, shipped in the Win32 SDK, NT 4.0 Resource Kit, MSDN,...My site contains the complete version of Dependency Walker 1.0...
- Download for version: 2.1.3623 Release Date: June 25, 2002 (页面存档备份,存于), How To Use Dependency Walker Version 2.1 to Create a Profile, Article ID: 256872, Applies to: Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition
- Review:Microsoft Dependency Walker 2.1 (32-bit):Analyse application failures in seconds with Dependency Walker (页面存档备份,存于), By Mike Williams, 2010-06-28, Techworld
- Profiling x86 executable with Dependency Walker hangs on Windows 7 x64 (页面存档备份,存于) Stack Overflow
- Download kits and tools for Windows hardware development (页面存档备份,存于) Windows 10 Hardware Dev Center
- Page 104, Effective GUI Testing Automation: Developing an Automated GUI Testing Tool, By Kanglin Li, Mengqi Wu
- Dependency Walker (页面存档备份,存于), Third-Party Tools for Windows XP Embedded, Microsoft MSDN
- . [2016-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-05).
- . [2016-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-05).
- . [2016-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-11).
- 官方网站
- Video:Dependency Walker(页面存档备份,存于), By: Andrew Richards, Chad Beeder, 2015-12-07, Defrag Tools #147, Channel 9 Microsoft
- Analyze application failures the easier way with Dependency Walker(页面存档备份,存于), by Tim Newton, 2010-06-25, Ask the Performance Team Blog, Microsoft
- How to use Dependency Walker(页面存档备份,存于)
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