2019年欧洲议会选举 (葡萄牙)


2019年欧洲议会选举 (葡萄牙)


投票率30.7% 3.1 pp
  第一大党 第二大党 第三大党
领袖 佩德罗·马克斯 保罗·兰杰尔 玛丽莎·伊莎贝尔·多斯·桑托斯·马蒂亚斯
政党 社会党 社会民主党 左翼集团
政党联盟 社会主义者和民主人士进步联盟 欧洲人民党党团 欧洲联合左派/北欧绿色左派
上届结果 8 席, 31.5% 6 seats[lower-alpha 1] 1 seats, 4.6%
赢得席次 9 6 2
席次差额 1 0 1
民选得票 1,106,345 727,207 325,534
得票率 33.4% 21.9% 9.8%
得票变动 1.9 pp [lower-alpha 1] 5.3 pp

  第四大党 第五大党 第六大党
领袖 João Ferreira Nuno Melo Francisco Guerreiro
政党 联合民主联盟 CDS – People's Party PAN
政党联盟 European United Left–Nordic Green Left European People's Party (European Parliament group) European Green Party
上届结果 3 seats, 12.7% 1 seat[lower-alpha 1] 0 seats, 1.7%
赢得席次 2 1 1
席次差额 1 0 1
民选得票 228,157 205,111 168,501
得票率 6.9% 6.2% 5.1%
得票变动 5.8 pp [lower-alpha 1] 3.4 pp



 2019年欧洲议会选举 (葡萄牙)结果 欧洲议会
← 201420192024 →
政党 欧洲政党 主要候选人 投票 % +/– 席次 +/–
社会党 (PS) PES Pedro Marques 1,106,328 33.38 1.90 9 1
社会民主党 (PSD) EPP Paulo Rangel 727,224 21.94 [lower-alpha 1] 6 0
左翼集团 (BE) PEL / EACL Marisa Matias 325,533 9.82 5.26 2 1
联合民主联盟 (CDU)
Communist Party (PCP)
Ecologist Party (PEV)
PEL / EGP João Ferreira 228,156 6.88 5.81 2

CDS-人民党 (CDS-PP) EPP Nuno Melo 205,106 6.19 [lower-alpha 1] 1 0
人民-动物-自然 (PAN) APEU / EGP Francisco Guerreiro 168,501 5.08 3.36 1 1
Alliance (A) ALDE Paulo Sande 61,753 1.86 new 0 new
LIVRE (L) DiEM25 / EGP Rui Tavares 60,575 1.83 0.35 0 0
Basta! (B)
Enough (CH)
People's Monarchist Party (PPM)
Citizenship and Christian Democracy (PPV/CDC)
ECPM André Ventura 49,496 1.49 0.58
[lower-alpha 2]

We, the Citizens! (NC) ALDE Paulo de Morais 34,672 1.05 new 0 [1] 1
Liberal Initiative (IL) ALDE Ricardo Arroja 29,120 0.88 new 0 new
Workers' Communist Party (PCTP/MRPP) None Luís Júdice 27,223 0.82 0.85 0 0
National Renovator Party (PNR) AENM João Patrocínio 16,165 0.49 0.04 0 0
Democratic Republican Party (PDR) ALDE Marinho e Pinto 15,790 0.48 new 0 [2] 1
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners (PURP) None Fernando Loureiro 13,582 0.41 new 0 new
Portuguese Labour Party (PTP) None Gonçalo Madaleno 8,640 0.26 0.43 0 0
Socialist Alternative Movement (MAS) EACL Vasco Santos 6,641 0.20 0.18 0 0
Valid votes 3,084,505 93.06
Blank and invalid votes 229,909 6.93
Totals 3,314,414 100.00 21 0
Eligible voters / 投票率 10,786,068 30.73 2.94


  1. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the People's Party (CDS–PP) contested the 2014 election in a coalition called Portugal Alliance (AP) and won a combined 27.7% of the vote and elected 7 MP's to the European parliament.


  1. The MP José Inácio Faria was elected in 2014 by Earth Party (MPT) and was running in 2019 by We, the Citizens! (NC) 页面存档备份,存于 , Observador, 14 April 2019. Retrieved 27 May 2019.
  2. The MP António Marinho e Pinto was elected in 2014 by Earth Party (MPT) and was running in 2019 by Democratic Republican Party (PDR) 页面存档备份,存于 , Público, 1 April 2019. Retrieved 27 May 2019.


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