
黑山龜學名Melanochelys trijuga),是黑龜屬下的一種。分佈在南亞地區的淡水中。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Reptilia
目: 龜鱉目 Testudines
亚目: 曲颈龟亚目 Cryptodira
科: 地龜科 Geoemydidae
属: 黑龟属 Melanochelys
黑山龜 M. trijuga
Melanochelys trijuga
(Schweigger, 1812)
Melanochelys trijuga trijuga
  • Emys trijuga Schweigger, 1812
  • Emys belangeri Lesson, 1834
  • Clemmys (Clemmys) trijuga Fitzinger, 1835
  • Melanochelys trijuga Gray, 1869
  • Emys trijuga var. madraspatana Anderson, 1879
  • Clemmys theobaldi Lydekker, 1885
  • Bellia theobaldi Lydekker, 1889
  • Nicoria trijuga Boulenger, 1889
  • Geoemyda [trijuga] trijuga Siebenrock, 1909
  • Geoemyda trijuga plumbea Annandale, 1915
  • Melanochelys trijuga Deraniyagala, 1939
  • Melanochelys trijuga trijuga Pritchard, 1979
  • Melanochelys triguja Highfield, 1996 (ex errore)
Melanochelys trijuga coronata
  • Emys trijuga var. coronata Anderson, 1879
  • Nicoria trijuga var. coronata Bruner, 1908
  • Geoemyda trijuga coronata Siebenrock, 1909
  • Melanochelys trijuga coronata Pritchard, 1979
Melanochelys trijuga edeniana
  • Melanochelys edeniana Theobald, 1876
  • Emys trijuga var. burmana Anderson, 1879
  • Nicoria trijuga var. edeniana Boulenger, 1889
  • Geoemyda trijuga edeniana Siebenrock, 1909
  • Melanochelys trijuga edeniana Deraniyagala, 1939
  • Emys trijuga edeniana Bourret, 1941
  • Geoemyda trijuga wiroti Reimann, 1979
  • Melanochelys trijuga wiroti Stubbs, 1989
  • Melanochelys edeniana edeniana Bour, 2002
  • Melanochelys edeniana wiroti Bour, 2002
Melanochelys trijuga indopeninsularis
  • Geoemyda indopeninsularis Annandale, 1913
  • Geoemyda trijuga indopeninsularis Smith, 1931
  • Melanochelys trijuga indopeninsularis Deraniyagala, 1939
  • Melanochelys edeniana indopeninsularis Bour, 2002
Melanochelys trijuga parkeri
  • Melanochelys trijuga parkeri Deraniyagala, 1939
  • Geoemyda trijuga parkeri Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Melanochelys trijuga thermalis
  • Emys thermalis Lesson, 1830
  • Emys sebae Gray, 1831
  • Emys seba Gray, 1844 (ex errore)
  • Geoclemys seba Gray, 1856
  • Clemmys thermalis Strauch, 1862
  • Melanochelys sebae Gray, 1870
  • Emys trijuga var. sebae Anderson, 1879
  • Nicoria trijuga var. thermalis Boulenger, 1889
  • Geoemyda trijuga thermalis Siebenrock, 1909
  • Melanochelys trijuga thermalis Deraniyagala, 1939



其貝殼顏色從深褐色到黑色不等,胸甲呈褐色,頭部有黃色或橘黃色條紋。其體型在38—45 cm(15—18英寸)之間。[3]




  1. Asian Turtle Trade Working Group. . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2000. [2018.7.27].
  2. Fritz Uwe; Peter Havaš. (PDF). Vertebrate Zoology. 2007, 57 (2): 235–237 [29 May 2012]. ISSN 18640-5755. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-12-17).
  3. . Arkive.org. [2013-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-26).
  • Asian Turtle Trade Working Group. . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2000. [11 May 2006].
  • Mitchell, Joseph C.;Rhodin, Anders G. J. 1996 Observations on the natural history and exploitation of the turtles of Nepal, with life history notes on Melanochelys trijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2 (1): 66-72
  • Schweigger, A.F. 1812 Prodromus Monographia Cheloniorum auctore Schweigger. Königsberg. Arch. Naturwiss. Mathem., 1: 271-368, 406-458.
  • Mukherjee, D., A.M.A. Nixon and S. Bhupathy. 2006 Observations on the Morphometry of two subspecies of Melanochelys trijuga from the Western Ghats, India. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 9, 7-9.
  • https://web.archive.org/web/20130426071223/http://www.arkive.org/indian-black-turtle/melanochelys-trijuga/
  • careforturtles.blogspot.in


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