鷹羽法(英文:eagle feather law)是美國一部特殊的野生動物保護法,准許美國原住民繼續進行他們傳統活動而不至於涉嫌非法狩獵。涉關的野生動物不只是鷹,也包括其他的候鳥。

該法律的捍衛者認為這是對美國原住民靈性的唯一合法保護。[1] 反對者認為該法律加強了美國原住民社會中的種族偏好和種族歧視[2],而且通過許可才能獲得鷹羽影響了部落主權,也破壞了其他一些部落習俗。還有些反對者認為種族鑒定阻礙了那些擁有印第安血統但無法證明的人繼承他們的遺產。[3][4]
支持改變這一法律的人提倡去除美國法典第50编 § 第22節的種族限定,這樣就可以允許所有美國公民合法申請從國家鷹庫(National Eagle Repository,由美國魚類及野生動物保護局監管)獲得鷹或其部份,從而防止鷹的偷獵與非法交易。[5]
- . Indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com. [2012-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-11).
- . Indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com. [2012-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-11).
- Stokes, DaShanne. 2007. "Time for New Eagle Feather Law." Indian Country Today, February 21, pp. A2.
- Stokes, DaShanne. 2008. "Eagle Feathers and the Imperialist Conquest of State Recognized Tribes." Indian Country Today, August 13, pp. 5.
- . Religious Freedom with Raptors. Religiousfreedomwithraptors.110mb.com. [2012-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-20).
- 宗教自由與猛禽
- Cook, Tom. 2003. "Mitakuye Oyasin: A response to the Looking Horse Proclamation." Indian Country Today, April 25.
- Looking Horse, Arvol. 2003. "Looking Horse Proclamation on the Protection of Ceremonies." Indian Country Today, April 25.
- Looking Horse, Arvol. 2003. "Further Thoughts on the Protection of Ceremonies." Indian Country Today, July 7.
- Stokes, DaShanne. 2008. "Eagle Feathers and the Imperialist Conquest of State Recognized Tribes." Indian Country Today, August 13, pp. 5.(页面存档备份,存于)
- Stokes, DaShanne. 2007. "Time for New Eagle Feather Law." Indian Country Today, February 21, pp. A2.
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