

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Reptilia
演化支 Eureptilia
演化支 卢默龙类 Romeriida
亚纲: 双孔亚纲 Diapsida
演化支 新双弓类 Neodiapsida
总目: 鳍龙总目 Sauropterygia
属: 骇鲸龙属 Crymocetus
Cope, 1869
Crymocetus bernardi

(Owen, 1850)


骇鲸龙最初由英国著名古生物学家理查德·欧文(Richard Owen)于1850年描述为新种伯氏蛇颈龙(Plesiosaurus bernardi)。[1]正模标本由一节大型前段颈椎组成,发现于英国萨塞克斯白垩纪时期的白垩岩沉积物中。然而,著名美国古生物学家爱德华·德林克·科普(Edward Drinker Cope)则决定为伯氏蛇颈龙独立建属,命名为骇鲸龙属(Crymocetus)。[2]

尽管科普命名了新属,但几乎所有研究者均倾向于反对该做法。理查德·莱德克(Richard Lydekker)认为骇鲸龙是白垩龙的一个种,[3]并将鱼椎蛇颈龙(Plesiosaurus ichthyospondylus)及临时命名的波罗的海蛇颈龙(Plesiosaurus balticus)视为其异名。后期研究者则认为骇鲸龙要么是种上龙亚目,要么是种彪龙科[4][5]无论如何,骇鲸龙及来自英国中白垩世沉积物的其它蛇颈龙类均需要重新研究。



  1. Owen, R., 1850, Description of the Fossil Reptiles of the Chalk Formation.
  2. E. D. Cope. 1869. On the reptilian orders Pythonomorpha and Streptosauria. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 12:251-266
  3. Lydekker., R., 1889, Catalogue of the fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia: London, Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, p. 307pp.
  4. Welles, S. P., 1962, A new Species of Elasmosaur from the Aptian of Colombia and a review of the Cretaceous Plesiosaurs: University of California Publications Bulletin Department of Geological Sciences, v. 44, p. 1-89.
  5. Perrson, P. O., 1963, A revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria with a synopsis of the Stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the Group: Lunds Universitets Arksskrift. N. F. Avd. 2, band 59, n 1, p. 60.
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