日期 | 2011年8月4日 |
时间 | 18:15(英国夏令时) |
地点 | ![]() |
51°35′17″N 0°03′32″W | |
参与者 | 倫敦警察廳、马克·达根 |
死亡 | 1(达根) |
受伤 | 1(警察) |
调查 | 警察独立投诉委员会 |
诉讼 | 2013年9月16日 – 2014年1月8日 |
验尸官 | 基思·卡特勒 |
裁决 | 自衛殺人 |
达根是伦敦警察厅分支部门三叉戟行动的调查对象,因持有BBM Bruni 92型手枪(贝瑞塔92的空包弹版本,经改装可发射实弹)被警方了解。该手枪是凯文·哈钦森-福斯特()在达根遭杀害的15分钟前给他的。哈钦森-福斯特的审判于2012年9月至10月举行,陪审团未能定罪。2013年1月31日的重审中,哈钦森-福斯特因向达根提供枪手被定罪,背叛监禁。警察独立投诉委员会一直调查该案件,但调查报告的发布推迟了一年多的时间。达根死因的公开审讯于2013年9月16日开始,2014年1月8日结束,裁判以8比2的结果裁定达根属自卫杀人[3]。

车子被截停后,几位手中拿着枪的男子迅速逃跑。那时我听到后车门打开的声音,便发现马克·达根走出车跑了。这个时候,我就听到前面有枪声,看到马克·达根中枪倒在地上。马克·达根中枪时,离我的车子仅2到3英尺。那时有一个男人走过来,打开了我的车门,非常气愤地抓住我的胳膊拽我出车子,把我扔在后轮胎旁边的地上。[28][29] |
独立警方投诉委员会发言人最初表示“警察先中的枪,达根后中枪”[17][40],但警方后来澄清该说法不属实[5][41]。有一颗子弹打进了警方佩戴的无线电,弹道学测试显示子弹属披甲弹,或是警方HK MP5半自动卡宾枪发射的子弹[30],子弹可能是在跳弹或停止作用的影响下穿入无线电[42][43]。
2011年11月18日,投诉委员会宣布调查案发六天前7月29日的一起事件中是否出现了同一把枪。当天,理发师彼得·奥萨德贝(Peter Osadebay)在哈克尼被30岁的凯文·哈钦森-福斯特(Kevin Hutchinson-Foster)袭击,哈克尼攻击前,曾拿出一把枪炫耀[53]。2013年1月13日,福斯特被裁定向达根提供枪击,庭审中他承认达根所用的枪和他打奥萨德贝的枪是同一把[54]。达根的指纹也出现在一个纸板箱中,显示他用箱子装过枪。箱子在案发现场20英尺(6.1)处,里面有一只装着手枪的袜子。指纹和DNA未从手枪和袜子上检测出[55][56]。其他测试显示达根身上没有枪伤的残留痕迹[56]。
2012年9月18日,哈钦森-福斯特在斯尼亚斯布罗克的皇家法院受审。被告被控向达根提供作案用的BBM Bruni 92型手枪[60],但他否认指控,解释了自己的DNA出现在枪上面的原因,声称自己曾被达根一伙黑帮用枪殴打[61]。
负责检验达根遗体的病理学家西蒙·波尔(Simon Poole)在2013年1月凯文·哈钦森-福斯特案重审时作证,声称达根在事件中受的伤与开枪警官的证词不一致。代表哈钦森-福斯特的大律师质疑波尔,认为警方子弹穿透波尔右侧的身体,之后从右侧转移到左侧。波尔同意大律师的说法:“所以说那种情况不合理,是吧?警察开枪打中他左侧的身体,子弹穿透达根先生的胸口,理应从左侧去到右侧,但它是右侧去到左侧。所以可以说那种情况不合理?[66]”但波尔后来认同检方的意见,就是达根如果正面朝向开枪的警察,则他与警察的相对位置就会改变[66]。2011年12月独立投诉委员会的声明引述波尔的说法,即在达根的手臂处找到第二枚卡住的子弹[41]。
2017年,提议用子弹杀死达根的警察托尼·汉利(Tony Hanley)精神崩溃,故意让警察开枪打死自己,最终饮弹自尽。汉利说经常看到达根的鬼魂,认为自己要对达根负责[80]。

2012年2月29日,投诉委员会维持认为伦敦警察厅没有合理告知家人达根的死讯。委员会调查明确没有提到2011年8月6日及之后的事件[102]。早在2011年8月,伦敦警察厅助理副警长史蒂夫·卡瓦纳(Steve Kavanagh)就警方最初与达根家人接触的方式不当,向他们道歉[103],认为投诉委员会有责任向达根的家人提供情报[104]。3月底,投诉委员会表示按照《2000年调查权力监管法》,他们不可能在调查期间对外公开消息,质疑对验尸官的聆讯是否可以公开进行[105]。2012年4月,BBC公开案发后的现场画面,显示医护人员在现场处理达根的尸体。投诉委员会谴责BBC播出画面前没有问过他们[106]。
Trial of Kevin Hutchinson-Foster
In November 2011, the IPCC began an investigation into the "quality of the investigative response" by police to an incident on 29 July 2011, for which police charged Kevin Hutchinson-Foster with possession of a handgun, believing the gun may be the same found at the shooting of Mr. Duggan.[53]
On 18 September 2012, Hutchinson-Foster's trial commenced in the Crown Court at Snaresbrook. The defendant was charged with supplying Duggan with the BBM Bruni Model 92 handgun, found near Duggan's car after his death.[60] The defendant denied the charge and gave his explanation for the presence of his DNA on the gun by alleging he had been beaten with the weapon by a gang that included Duggan.[61]
During the trial, prosecutor Edward Brown QC of QEB Hollis Whiteman contended that Duggan travelled to Leyton to collect the gun from Hutchinson-Foster, before driving to Tottenham with it.[60] The police alleged that Duggan had received a gun from Hutchinson-Foster 12–15 minutes before he was shot.[62]
Police testimony
The trial included testimony from seven police officers who were allowed to remain anonymous and use pseudonyms.[63] The Police alleged that Duggan had pulled the gun from his waistband and pointed it at police before they shot him.[64][65]
According to the evidence given by the cab driver and corroborated by one policeman present at the scene, Duggan got out of the taxi and ran in an attempt to escape.[28] The driver stated, "I saw that Mark Duggan got out and ran. At the same time, I heard firing from the front. I saw shots strike Mark Duggan. He fell to the ground."[28] "Mark Duggan only got 2ft–3ft from my car when he was shot", the taxi driver later testified.[29]
Pathologist testimony
Simon Poole, a pathologist who had performed a post-mortem on Duggan's body, testified in January 2013 at the retrial of Kevin Hutchinson-Foster and asserted that the injuries Duggan sustained in the shooting were not consistent with the account of the incident that was given by the police officer who fired the lethal shot. Questioned by a barrister representing Hutchinson-Foster, Poole said that the police bullet had penetrated Duggan's body on the right side and travelled from right to left. Poole agreed with the barrister's statement: "So the scenario can't be right? The officer fires to his left and the bullet hits Mr Duggan in the chest and it should go from left to right – but it went right to left. Therefore the scenario can't be right?"[66]
Poole also later agreed with the prosecution that if Duggan had turned to face the officer who shot him, his position relative to them would have changed.[66]
A December 2011 IPCC statement had cited Poole for discovering that a second bullet struck Duggan's arm.[41]
On 17 October 2012, the jury failed to reach a verdict.[112] The re-trial date was set for January 2013,[113] and on 31 January 2013 the defendant was convicted of supplying Duggan with the handgun.[114] On 26 February 2013, the defendant was sentenced to eleven years in prison; seven years for supplying the gun, four years for related offences.[115]
The Hutchinson-Foster case did not resolve a number of significant unknown questions related to the Duggan killing.[70]
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