而世界最大的策略諮詢服務公司羅蘭貝格咨詢公司的研究員約瑟夫·約菲 (Josef Joffe)在一篇論文中指出:
全球化的進程能否度過陰霾呢?事實上,在2008年金融海嘯以前就已經有反全球化的起事;而早在這個年代的中段,民粹派已經在展現他們憤怒的面容。而最富戲劇性的例子,是在德國和奧地利,民粹主義政黨憑藉孤立主義、保護主義和資源重新分配的政綱,取得選舉上的大勝。在德國,是一個左翼民粹主义政黨(德国左翼党);而在奧地利,則是一組總得票率達30%的右翼政黨。這裡左右派又再次體現了現代政治的「馬蹄鐵」理論:當鋼鐵被扭曲時,兩個尾端近得幾乎可以互相接觸。[3] |
而據《政治學家》(Political Science Scholar)網站,馬蹄鐵理論被列為有效和重要的政治學名詞。[4]
事實上有不少社會學家認為,馬蹄鐵理論是不可信的。[5]而瑞德大學(University of Reading)學者巴克(Peter Barker)[6]在自己所著的書《民主德國和其歷史 》(GDR and Its History)中,引述谢菲尔德大學湯遜(Peter Thompson)的批評,認為馬蹄鐵理論[7]扭曲了左右派政治主張不同的距離,更不滿意這個理論無法打破傳統的政治學直線軸,相類似主張之間連貫性。[8].
- Encel, Frédéric; Thual, François. . Le Figaro (Paris). 2004-11-13 [2009-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-30).
Jean-Pierre Faye's famous horseshoe theory (according to which extremes meet) finds verification here more than in other places, and the two states of delirium often mingle and meet, unfortunately spreading beyond these extremist circles. But contrary to the legend deliberately maintained and/or the commonplace believed in good faith, Israel and the United States have not always been allies; on several occasions their relations have even been strained.
- . AIJAC. [2009-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-16).
I think Mr. Loewenstein has done a good job demonstrating why many people believe, as the “political horseshoe” theory states, that there is a lot more common ground between the far left, where Loewenstein dwells politically, and the far right views of someone like Betty Luks than people on the left would care to admit.
- Josef Joffe. . Roland Berger. 2008-12-22 [2009-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-03).
- . Political Science Scholar. [2009-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-03).
- Political Research Associates: Study the U.S. Political Right (页面存档备份,存于)
- University of Reading: Peter Barker
- University of Sheffield: Peter Thompson 的存檔,存档日期2009-01-01.
- . [2009-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23).
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