常見的集體歇斯底里表現為一群人都相信他們患上了同樣的疾病。[5] 即群体性心因性疾病或流行性歇斯底里。[6]
尽管集体歇斯底里会在人群中的传播,但是其并没有传染源[10] ,而且与其他集体性妄想不同,集体歇斯底里会表现出具体的躯体症状[6]。巴拉厄特纳辛格姆(Balaratnasingam)和汉卡两位教授称:“目前人类对于集体歇斯底里的了解并不深,关于其病因则几乎没有确定的说法”[11]。 用来识别集体歇斯底里的因素通常包括:[6]
- 无合理躯体原因的症状。
- 症状持续时间短、通常为良性症状。
- 症状迅速发作并迅速恢复。
- 在隔绝的群体中发生。
- 发病群体中至少某部分人过度焦虑。
- 症状通过视觉、声音或口头交流传播。
- 从老年人或地位较高的人发作,顺着年龄尺度向下传播。
- 女性居多。
- 集体焦虑型歇斯底里(Mass anxiety hysteria)“由急性焦虑症发作而成,主要发生在学龄儿童身上。事先没有紧张感,通过视觉接触迅速扩散”[13]。
- 集体运动型歇斯底里(Mass motor hysteria) “由运动行为的异常发作而成,任何年龄段均会发生。发作者事先存在紧张感,最初的病例可被确认,且扩散逐步进行……爆发时间可能较长”[13]。
- . 马尼拉:世卫组织西太平洋区域办事处. 2015 [2021-05-24]. ISBN 978-92-9061-741-9. (原始内容存档于2021-05-24) (中文).
- Little Green Men, Meowing Nuns and Head-Hunting Panics: A Study of Mass Psychogenic Illness and Social Delusion, Robert E. Bartholomew, 2001, McFarland Publishing
- Bartholomew, Robert E.; Wessely, Simon. . British Journal of Psychiatry (Royal College of Psychiatrists). 2002, 180 (4): 300–306 [2013-10-21]. PMID 11925351. doi:10.1192/bjp.180.4.300. (原始内容存档于2003-08-25).
Mass sociogenic illness mirrors prominent social concerns, changing in relation to context and circumstance. Prior to 1900, reports are dominated by episodes of motor symptoms typified by dissociation, histrionics and psychomotor agitation incubated in an environment of preexisting tension. Twentieth-century reports feature anxiety symptoms that are triggered by sudden exposure to an anxiety-generating agent, most commonly an innocuous odour or food poisoning rumours.
- Waller, John. . The Guardian (London). 18 September 2008 [2013-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-14).
The recent outbreak of fainting in a school in Tanzania bears all the hallmarks of mass hysteria, says John Waller. But what causes it and why is it still happening around the world today?
- Bartholomew, Robert E.; Erich Goode. . Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. 2000-03-06, 24 (3) [2013-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-21).
- Weir, Erica. . Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2005, 172 (1): 36. PMC 543940
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- Doubts raised over Melbourne airport scare. 27/04/2005. ABC News Online 的存檔,存档日期2010-03-29.
- ACSH > Health Issues > 的存檔,存档日期2012-03-10.
- 影音精選轉載. . The News Lens 關鍵評論網. 2016-04-01 [2019-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-08) (中文(香港)).
- Kelly, J.R.; Iannone, R.E.; McCarty, M.K. . von Scheve, Christian; Salmella, Mikko (编). . OUP Oxford. 2014 [2020-09-03]. ISBN 978-0-19-965918-0. (原始内容存档于2020-10-29).
- Balaratnasingam, Sivasankaran; Janca, Aleksandar. (PDF). Current Opinion in Psychiatry. March 2006, 19 (2): 171–74 [2018-10-21]. PMID 16612198. doi:10.1097/01.yco.0000214343.59872.7a. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-10-22).
- Bartholomew, Robert; Wessely, Simon. (PDF). The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2002, 180 (4): 300–306 [2018-10-10]. PMID 11925351. doi:10.1192/bjp.180.4.300. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-01-30).
- Wessely, Simon. . Psychological Medicine. 1987, 17 (1): 109–20 [2019-12-07]. PMID 3575566. doi:10.1017/s0033291700013027. (原始内容存档于2020-10-29).
- 的存檔,存档日期2014-10-26. Waller, John. "Looking Back: Dancing plagues and mass hysteria." The Psychologist 22(7) (2009): 644–47. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.
- Ali-Gombe, A. et al. "Mass hysteria: one syndrome or two?" British Journal of Psychiatry 1997; 170 387–88. Web. 17 Dec. 2009.
- "Mass Hysteria." SelfhelpMagazine.com November 3, 2000.
- Six hundred girls in Mexico suffer from collective hysteria (页面存档备份,存于)
- the memory palace podcast episode about mass hysteria incidents (页面存档备份,存于)
- Sri Lanka Mass Hysteria (页面存档备份,存于)
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