
阿謝姆·沃胡阿維斯陀語:Ashem Vohu)是是瑣羅亞斯德教第二重要的祈禱詩,僅次於阿胡那·法里耶。阿謝姆·沃胡位於《亞斯納》第二十七章第十四節。


aṣ̌əm vohū vahištəm astī
uštā astī uštā ahmāi
hyat̰ aṣ̌āi vahištāi aṣ̌əm --《阿謝姆·沃胡》原文

"Truth is best (of all that is) good.
As desired, as desired, truth
is for him who (represents) best truth." -- 《阿謝姆·沃胡》Humbach英文版[2]



  1. 《阿維斯塔:瑣羅亞斯德教聖書》,25頁(篇首)
  2. The Heritage of Zarathushtra - A new translation of His Gathas, Humbach & Ichaporia


  • 《阿維斯塔:瑣羅亞斯德教聖書》,賈利爾·杜斯特哈赫 選編,元文琪 譯,商務印書館出版,ISBN 9787100040846
  • The Heritage of Zarathushtra - A new translation of His Gathas, Humbach & Ichaporia
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