

裸子植物(不开花的种子植物 通常为被子植物(开花的种子植物
通常是常绿植物 既有常绿植物,又有落葉植物
软木[2] 通常是硬木
针状或鳞片状叶 阔叶
例如:冷杉属云杉属松屬 例如:山核桃属枫属栎属


  1. Lee, S. and A. Raflo. Trees and Water. 存檔,存档日期2016-09-21. Virginia Water Resources Research Center. Virginia Tech.
  2. Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Wood Handbook—Wood as an Engineering Material 页面存档备份,存于, General Technical Report series, № FPL‑GTR‑190, Centennial ed. (Madison, Wis.: USDA Forest Service, FPL, 2010‑04), p. 2‑2.
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