




  • Akerlof, George (1970). The Market for 'Lemons': Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(3), pp. 488-500. Cached copy.
  • Birchler, Urs, and Monika Bütler (2007). Information Economics. London, Routledge. ISBN 978-0415373463. Description 页面存档备份,存于 and chapter-arrow-page links, pp. vii 页面存档备份,存于-xi. 页面存档备份,存于
  • Lippman, S. S., and J. J. McCall (2001). "Information, Economics of," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, pp. 7480-7486. Abstract.
  • Maasoumi, Esfandiar (1987). "Information theory," The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 846-51.
  • Mas-Colell, Andreu; Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green (1995), Microeconomic Theory. Oxford University Press. Chapters 13 and 14 discuss applications of adverse selection and moral hazard models to contract theory.
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2008). 2nd Edition, selected entries:
Bubbles" by Markus K. Brunnermeier Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Epistemic game theory: incomplete information" by Aviad Heifetz. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Information aggregation and prices" by James Jordan. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Information cascades," by , Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Information sharing among firms" by Xavier Vives.Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Information technology and the world economy" by Dale W. Jorgenson and Khuong Vu. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Insider trading." by Andrew Metrick. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Learning and information aggregation in networks" by Douglas Gale and Shachar Kariv. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Monetary business cycles (imperfect information)" by Christian Hellwig. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Social networks in labour markets" by Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Yannis M. Ioannides. Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
"Prediction markets" by Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz.Abstract. 页面存档备份,存于
  • Pissarides, C. A. (2001). "Search, Economics of," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, pp. 13760-13768. Abstract.
  • Shapiro, Carl, and Hal R. Varian (1999). Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Harvard University Press. (publisher's excerpts)
  • Spence, Michael A. (1973). "Job Market Signaling," Quarterly Journal of Economics 83(3) , pp. 355-377.
  • Stigler, George J. (1961). “The Economics of Information,” Journal of Political Economy, 69(3), pp. 213-225.
  • Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2000). "The Contributions of the Economics of Information to Twentieth Century Economics," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(4) , pp. 1441-1478.
  • Theil, Henri (1967). Econonomics and Information Theory. Amsterdam, North Holland.
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