Salishan | |
地理分佈 | 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚,美国华盛顿州 |
谱系学分类 | 美洲原住民語言 |
分支 |
语言代码 | |
ISO 639-2 / 5 | sal |
– | |
![]() Pre-contact distribution of Salishan languages(紅色) |
这些语言最显著的特征之一是其极为复杂的辅音结构,例如努哈尔克语(Nuxálk)单词xłp̓x̣ʷłtłpłłskʷc̓ (国际音标:[xɬp'χʷɬtɬpɬːskʷʦ'])“他曾经有过一棵草茱萸”有连续13个辅音,中间没有元音。

Flathead Indians(1903年)
海岸薩利希語族(Coast Salish)
- A. 中部海岸薩利希語 (a.k.a. Central Salish)
- 2. Comox
- Island Comox (a.k.a. Qʼómox̣ʷs)
- Sliammon (Homalco-Klahoose-Sliammon) (a.k.a. ʔayʔaǰúθəm)
- 3. 哈爾魁梅林語
- Island (a.k.a. Hulʼq̱ʼumiʼnumʼ, həl̕q̓əmín̓əm̓)
- Cowichan
- Snuneymuxw/Nanaimo
- Downriver (a.k.a. Hunqʼumʔiʔnumʔ)
- Musqueam
- Upriver (a.k.a. Upper Sto:lo, Halqʼəméyləm)
- Katzie
- Kwantlen
- Chehalis (Canada)
- Chilliwack
- Tait
- Skway
- Island (a.k.a. Hulʼq̱ʼumiʼnumʼ, həl̕q̓əmín̓əm̓)
- 4. Lushootseed (a.k.a. Puget Salish, Skagit-Nisqually, Dxʷləšúcid)
- Northern
- Skagit (a.k.a. Skaǰət)
- Snohomish (a.k.a. Sduhubš)
- Southern
- Duwamish-Suquamish (a.k.a. Dxʷduʔabš)
- Puyallup (a.k.a. Spuyaləpubš)
- Nisqually (a.k.a. Sqʷaliʔabš)
- Northern
- 5. Nooksack (a.k.a. Nooksack ɬə́čələsəm, ɬə́čælosəm) (†)
- 6. Pentlatch (a.k.a. Pənƛ̕áč) (†)
- 7. Sháshíshálh (a.k.a. Sechelt, Seshelt, Shashishalhem, šášíšáɬəm)
- 8. Squamish (a.k.a. Sḵwx̱wú7mesh snichim, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Sqwxwu7mish, sqʷx̣ʷúʔməš)
- i. Straits Salish group (a.k.a. Straits)
- 9. Klallam (a.k.a. Clallam, Nəxʷsƛ̕áy̓emúcən)
- Becher Bay
- Eastern
- Western
- 10. 北方海峽薩利希語 (a.k.a. Straits)
- Lummi (a.k.a. Xwlemiʼchosen, xʷləmiʔčósən) (†)
- Saanich (a.k.a. SENĆOŦEN, sənčáθən, sénəčqən)
- Samish (a.k.a. Siʔneməš)
- Semiahmoo (a.k.a. Tah-tu-lo) (†)
- Sooke (a.k.a. Tʼsou-ke, c̓awk) (†)
- Songhees (a.k.a. Lək̓ʷəŋín̓əŋ) (†)
- 9. Klallam (a.k.a. Clallam, Nəxʷsƛ̕áy̓emúcən)
- 11. Twana (a.k.a. Skokomish, Sqʷuqʷúʔbəšq, Tuwáduqutšad) (†)
- Quilcene
- Skokomish (a.k.a. Sqʷuqʷúʔbəšq)
- 2. Comox
- B. Tsamosan (a.k.a. Olympic)
- i. Inland
- 12. Cowlitz (a.k.a. Lower Cowlitz, Sƛ̕púlmš) (†)
- 13. Upper Chehalis (a.k.a. Q̉ʷay̓áyiɬq̉) (†)
- Oakville Chehalis
- Satsop
- Tenino Chehalis
- ii. Maritime
- 14. Lower Chehalis (a.k.a. ɬəw̓ál̕məš) (†)
- Humptulips
- Westport-Shoalwater
- Wynoochee
- 15. Quinault (a.k.a. Kʷínayɬ)
- Queets
- Quinault
- 14. Lower Chehalis (a.k.a. ɬəw̓ál̕məš) (†)
- i. Inland
- C. Tillamook
- 16. Tillamook (a.k.a. Hutyéyu) (†)
- Siletz
- Siletz
- Tillamook
- Garibaldi-Nestucca
- Nehalem
- Siletz
- 16. Tillamook (a.k.a. Hutyéyu) (†)
內陸薩利希語族(Interior Salish)
- A. 北部(Northern)
- 17. Shuswap (在 Ubuntu 作 Secwepemctsín,səxwəpməxcín)
- 東部方言
- Kinbasket
- Shuswap Lake
- 西部方言
- Canim Lake
- Chu Chua
- Deadman's Creek–Kamloops
- Fraser River
- Pavilion-Bonaparte
- 東部方言
- 18. Stʼatʼimcets (a.k.a. Lillooet, Lilloet, St'át'imcets)
- Lillooet-Fountain
- Mount Currie–Douglas
- 19. Thompson River Salish (a.k.a. Nlakaʼpamux, Ntlakapmuk, nɬeʔkepmxcín, Thompson River, Thompson Salish, Thompson, known in frontier times as the Hakamaugh, Klackarpun, Couteau or Knife Indians)
- Lytton
- Nicola Valley
- Spuzzum–Boston Bar
- Thompson Canyon
- 17. Shuswap (在 Ubuntu 作 Secwepemctsín,səxwəpməxcín)
- B. 南部(Southern)
- 20. Coeur d’Alene (a.k.a. Snchitsuʼumshtsn, snčícuʔumšcn)
- 21. Columbia-Moses (a.k.a. Columbia, Nxaʔamxcín)
- Chelan
- Entiat
- Columbian
- Wenatchee (a.k.a. Pesquous)
- 22. Colville-Okanagan (a.k.a. Okanagan, Nsilxcín, Nsíylxcən, ta nukunaqínxcən)
- Northern
- Quilchena & Spaxomin[1]
- Arrow Lakes
- Penticton
- Similkameen
- Vernon
- Southern
- Colville-Inchelium
- Methow
- San Poil–Nespelem
- Southern Okanogan
- Northern
- 23. Spokane-Kalispel-Bitterroot Salish-Upper Pend d'Oreille
- Salish (a.k.a. Séliš, Bitterroot Salish, Flathead)
- Kalispel (a.k.a. Qalispé)
- Chewelah
- Kalispel (a.k.a. Qlispé, Lower Pend d'Oreille, Lower Kalispel)
- Upper Pend d’Oreile (a.k.a. Čłqetkʷmcin, Qlispé)
- Spokane (a.k.a. Npoqínišcn)
Pentlatch, Nooksack, Twana, Lower Chehalis, Upper Chehalis, Cowlitz, 及 Tillamook 等多個語言現時均已消亡。此外,北方海峽的 Lummi, Semiahmoo, Songhees 及 Sooke 等方言亦同樣已消亡。
- . [2020-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2001-10-22).
- Boas, Franz, et al. (1917). Folk-Tales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes. Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society, 11. Lancaster, Pa: American Folk-Lore Society.
- Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa; & Kinkade, M. Dale (Eds.). (1997). Salish languages and linguistics: Theoretical and descriptive perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-015492-7.
- Flathead Culture Committee. (1981). Common Names of the Flathead Language. St. Ignatius, Mont: The Committee.
- Kroeber, Paul D. (1999). The Salish language family: Reconstructing syntax. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press in cooperation with the American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington.
- Kuipers, Aert H. (2002).Salish Etymological Dictionary. Missoula, MT: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana. ISBN 1879763168
- Liedtke, Stefan. (1995). Wakashan, Salishan and Penutian and Wider Connections Cognate Sets. Linguistic data on diskette series, no. 09. Munchen: Lincom Europa,z\v1995.
- Pilling, James Constantine. (1893). Bibliography of the Salishan Languages. Washington: G.P.O..
- Pilling, James Constantine (2007). Bibliography of the Salishan Languages. Reprint by Gardners Books. ISBN 9781430469278
- Thompson, Laurence C. (1973). The northwest. In T. A. Sebeok (Ed.), Linguistics in North America (pp. 979–1045). Current trends in linguistics (Vol. 10). The Hague: Mouton.
- Thompson, Laurence C. (1979). Salishan and the northwest. In L. Campbell & M. Mithun (Eds.), The languages of native America: Historical and comparative assessment (pp. 692–765). Austin: University of Texas Press.
- http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=91083 (页面存档备份,存于)
- Bibliography of Materials on Salishan Languages (页面存档备份,存于) (YDLI)
- University of Montana Occasional Papers in Linguistics (UMOPL) (Native languages of the Northwest)
- Coast Salish Culture: an Outline Bibliography
- Coast Salish Collections
- International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages (页面存档备份,存于)
- The Salishan Studies List (Linguist List)
- Okanagan language resources (页面存档备份,存于) (includes sound files)
- Native Peoples, Plants & Animals: Halkomelem (页面存档备份,存于)
- Saanich (Timothy Montler's site)
- Klallam (Timothy Montler's site)
- A Bibliography of Northwest Coast Linguistics
- Classification of the Salishan languages reflecting current scholarship (页面存档备份,存于)
- Ethnologue classification for Salishan (页面存档备份,存于)
- Nkwusm Salish Language Institute
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