



达斯生于东孟加拉吉大港一个印度教徒Hindu)家庭。他早年入加尔各答管辖区学院Presidency College,管辖区(Presidency)指孟加拉管辖区)。1874年,他被任命为大吉岭的菩提寄宿学校(Bhutia Boarding School)校长。



他曾经一度作为英国间谍赴西藏从藏族人、俄国人、汉人那里获得情报。在他离开西藏后,他的使命曝光,许多之前和他友好的藏族人都遭到了报复。他在大吉岭度过了余生。他将自己家命名为“拉萨别墅(Lhasa Villa)”,并在这里招待了许多知名人物,如查尔斯·阿尔弗雷德·贝尔(Charles Alfred Bell)以及河口慧海(Ekai Kawaguchi)。1882年,他会见了海倫娜·布拉瓦茨基(Helena Blavatsky)和亨利·斯太尔·奥尔科特(Henry Steel Olcott),这两个人都是神智學協會的创始人。



  • Narrative of a Journey to Tashi-lhunpo in 1879 页面存档备份,存于. Government Report of the Survey of India Department (1881). 重印. . Buddhist Text Society. 1899: 7– [2018-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-26).
  • Contributions on the religion, history &c., of Tibet: Rise and progress of Jin or Buddhism in China. Publisher: s.n. (1882).
  • Narrative of a journey to Lhasa in 1881-82 页面存档备份,存于. Government Report of the Survey of India (1885).
  • Narrative of a journey round Lake Yamdo (Palti), and in Lhokha, Yarlung, and Sakya, in 1882 页面存档备份,存于. Government Report of the Survey of India (1887).
  • The doctrine of transmigration. Buddhist Text Society (1893).
  • Indian Pandits in the Land of Snow. Originally published at the end of the 19th century. Reprint: Rupa (2006).ISBN 978-8129108951.
  • Sarat Chandra Das, Graham Sandberg & Augustus William Heyde A Tibetan-English dictionary, with Sanskrit synonyms. 1st Edition - Calcutta, 1902. Reprint: Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1989 and Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1983, 1991, 1995 and 2000.
  • Journey To Lhasa & Central Tibet. 1st Edition: John Murray (England) (1902). Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (2007). ISBN 978-0-548-22652-0. Republished as: Lhasa and Central Tibet, Cosmo (Publications, India); New edition (2003). ISBN 978-81-7020-435-0.
  • An introduction to the grammar of the Tibetan language;: With the texts of Situ sum-tag, Dag-je sal-wai melong, and Situi shal lung. Darjeeling Branch Press, 1915. Reprint: Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1972 and 1983.
  • Autobiography: Narratives of the incidents of my early life. Reprint: Indian studies: past & present (1969).


  1. Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, Das, Sarat Chadra, pp xi - xiii, Paljor Publications, New Delhi, 2001


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