





  • 贝娅特丽克丝的第二个儿子約安-弗里索王子在没有寻求议会批准的情况下于2004年结婚,因而被从继承名单中删除。他的两个女儿也无继承权。[7]
  • 荷蘭的伊蓮公主(贝娅特丽克丝的妹妹)在未经议会批准的情况下与卡洛斯·烏戈结婚,因而被从继承名单中删除。
  • 克里斯蒂娜公主(贝娅特丽克丝最小的妹妹)也被从名单中删除,因为她与Jorge Pérez y Guillermo结婚。 这对夫妇决定不寻求议会批准他们的婚姻。
  • 彼得 - 克里斯蒂安王子弗洛里斯王子(玛格丽特公主的两个年轻儿子)被从名单中删除,因为他们都决定不寻求议会批准2005年的婚姻。[8]
  • 莫里提斯王子貝恩哈德王子(玛格丽特公主的两个年长儿子),他们的后代并不在继承范围之内,因为他们与在位的君主关系过于疏远。当威廉 - 亚历山大于2013年4月30日成为国王时,瑪格麗特公主的後代就失去了继承权,除非瑪格麗特有辦法繼位。[2]


  1. Degrees of kinship are counted here according to Roman law, or post-1983 Canon Law: counting the number of births between two people via their common ancestor.
  2. . www.koninklijkhuis.nl. Dutch Royal Court. [2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-22). The Constitution stipulates that the title to the throne is reserved to blood relatives of the monarch up to the third degree of consanguinity as defined in Dutch law. This means that Prince Maurits and Prince Bernhard will no longer be in the line of succession to the throne. When the Prince of Orange becomes King, the line of succession will start with his children: the Princess of Orange, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane. Next in line will be Prince Constantijn, then his children and finally Princess Margriet.
  3. . www.koninklijkhuis.nl. Dutch Royal Court. [2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-21). Since the investiture of the King on 30 April 2013, Princess Catharina-Amalia has borne the title Princess of Orange. This title can only be held by the heir to the throne.
  4. . www.koninklijkhuis.nl. Dutch Royal Court. [2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-12). Princess Alexia is second in line of succession to the throne.
  5. . www.koninklijkhuis.nl. Dutch Royal Court. [2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-12). Princess Ariane is third in line of succession to the throne.
  6. . www.koninklijkhuis.nl. Dutch Royal Court. [2013-12-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-12). ...the children of Prince Maurits and Princess Marilène: Anna (b. 2001), Lucas (b. 2002) and Felicia (b. 2005); the children of Prince Bernhard and Princess Annette: Isabella (b. 2002), Samuel (b. 2004) and Benjamin (b. 2008)...
  7. . NettyRoyal. [2022-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-08).
  8. . NettyRoyal. [2022-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-21).
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