
茅沅1926年—2022年10月10日),中国作曲家。他的成名作是与刘铁山合作的《瑶族舞曲》。多年来,他是中央歌剧院的常驻作曲家之一,创作了1966年与马飞合作创作的歌剧《南海长城》等作品。[1] [2]1982年,休斯敦芭蕾舞团委托创作芭蕾舞剧《竹画师郑板桥》。[3]


  1. A Critical History of New Music in China - Page 346 Jingzhi Liu, Caroline Mason - 2010 " Nanhai Changcheng [The Great Wall of the South Seas] by Mao Yuan and
  2. China Theatre and Cinema Dictionary 中国戏剧电影辞典 - editor Song Jianlin 宋建林 - 1993 Page 378 "【茅沅】〔 1926 —一〉山东省济南人。歌剧舞剧作曲。 1950 年毕业清华大学 ... 钢琴伴奏。 1953 年从事专业音乐创作。创作、改编、整理过多部不同体裁的音乐作品,有歌剧《刘胡兰》〔 1954 年与陈紫、葛光锐合写〉、《南海长城》〔 1966 年与马飞合写〉,"
  3. San Francisco Symphony playbill - Page 106 San Francisco Symphony Orchestra - 2007 "Mao Yuan: Dance of the Yao People - Yuan, born in 1926, was for many years composer-in-residence for China's Central Opera Theater. He has also worked in the West. In 1982, the Houston Ballet Company introduced his ballet The Bamboo Painter, Zheng Banqiao, which it had commissioned, and he has been a visiting scholar in the United States under the auspices of the US-China Arts Exchange Center...."
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