胶鞘藻属(学名:Phormidium)也称席藻属,为席藻科的一属蓝藻。此属的模式种为浅黄席藻(Phormidium lucidum)。
胶鞘藻属![]() | |
![]() | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
域: | 细菌域 Bacteria |
界: | 细菌界 Bacteria |
门: | 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteriota |
纲: | 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae |
目: | 颤藻目 Oscillatoriales |
科: | 席藻科 Phormidiaceae |
属: | 胶鞘藻属 Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 |
模式種 | |
浅黄席藻 Phormidium lucidum Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 | |
属 | |
见正文 | |
異名 | |
Phormidium Kütz. |
- Phormidium acula (Brühl and Biswas 1923) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,也拼作:Phormidium acutum
- 铜色鞘丝藻 Phormidium aerugineocaeruleum (Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,为Kamptonema animale (Agardh ex Gomont 1892) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- 非洲席藻 Phormidium africanum Lemmermann 1910
- 可疑席藻 Phormidium ambiguum (Kützing 1843) Gomont 1892,可疑席蓝细菌
- 狭细席蓝细菌 Phormidium angustissimum West and West 1897,为Leptolyngbya angustissima (West and West 1897) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988的异名
- Phormidium animale (Agardh ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,为Kamptonema animale (Agardh ex Gomont 1892) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- 奇异席藻 Phormidium anomala Rao C. B.,1937
- 南极席蓝细菌 Phormidium antarcticum West and West 1911,为Shackletoniella antarctica (West and West 1911) Strunecky et al. 2020的异名
- 关节席藻 Phormidium articulatum (Gardner 1927) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- 秋季席蓝细菌 Phormidium autumnale Gomont 1892,为Kamptonema animale (Agardh ex Gomont 1892) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- Phormidium bekesiense (Kiss 1959) Kiss 2001
- Phormidium bigranulatum Gardner 1926,为Leptolyngbya bigranulata (Gardner 1926) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988的异名
- Phormidium bigranulatum f. brevicellulatum Claus 1961[2]
- Phormidium bijugatum Kongisser 1924,为Nodosilinea bijugata (Kongisser 1924) Perkerson and Kovácik 2011的异名
- 鲍氏席蓝细菌 Phormidium bohneri Schmidle 1901
- Phormidium boryanum (Bory ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- 短丝席藻 Phormidium breve (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek,1988
- Phormidium calciphilum Umezaki 1995
- 钢色席藻 Phormidium chalybeum (Mertens ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek,1988
- Phormidium chlorinum (Kützing ex Gomont 1892) Umezaki and Watanabe 1994,为Kamptonema chlorinum (Kützing ex Gomont 1892) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- 珊瑚席藻 Phormidium corallinae (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek, 1988
- Phormidium corallyticum Rützler and Santavy 1983,为Roseofilum corallyticum (Rützler and Santavy 1983) Casamatta et al. 2012的异名
- 皮状席藻 Phormidium corium Gomont ex Gomont 1892
- Phormidium crouanii Gomont 1892
- Phormidium ectocarpi Gomont 1899
- Phormidium endospongeliae Umezaki 1995
- Phormidium etoshii Dadheech et al. 2013,为Laspinema etoshii (Dadheech et al. 2013) Heidari and Hauer 2018的异名
- 蜂巢席藻 Phormidium favosum Gomont 1892
- 美丽席藻 Phormidium formosum (Bory ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,台湾席藻
- Phormidium foveolarum Gomont 1892,为Leptolyngbya foveolarum (Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988的异名
- 脆弱席藻 Phormidium fragile Gomont 1892,为Leptolyngbya fragilis (Gomont ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988的异名
- Phormidium frigidum Fritsch 1912,为'Stenomitos frigidus (Fritsch 1912) Miscoe and Johansen 2016的异名
- Phormidium geysericola Copeland 1936,为Herpetosiphon geysericola (Copeland 1936) Lewin 1970的异名
- Phormidium heteropolare Skuja 1964[3]
- Phormidium holdenii (Forti 1907) Branco et al. 1997为Leibleinia holdenii (Forti 1907) Silva 1996的异名
- Phormidium insulare (Gardner 1927) Senna and Compère 1998
- Phormidium inundatum Kützing ex Gomont 1892
- Phormidium jenkelianum Schmid 1914,为Lyngbya jenkeliana (Schmid 1914) Hoffmann 1986的异名
- Phormidium kuetzingianum (Kirchner ex Hansgirg 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- 艳绿席藻 Phormidium laetevirens (Crouan and Crouan ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,为Kamptonema laetevirens (Crouan and Crouan ex Gomont 1892) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- 层理席藻 Phormidium laminosum Gomont ex Gomont 1892
- Phormidium lapideum Geitler 1933
- Phormidium laysanense Lemmermann 1905
- 丰裕席藻 Phormidium limosum (Dillwyn) P. C. Silva, 1996
- 浅黄席藻 Phormidium lucidum (C. Agardh) Kützing ex Gomont, 1892
- Phormidium lumbricale Johansen and Casamatta 2005,为Laspinema lumbricale (Johansen and Casamatta 2005) Heidari and Hauer 2018的异名
- Phormidium luridum Gomont 1892,为Drouetiella lurida (Gomont 1892) Mai et al. 2018的异名
- Phormidium minnesotense (Tilden 1902) Drouet 1942
- Phormidium molle Gomont 1892,为Phormidesmis mollis (Gomont 1892) Turicchia et al. 2009的异名
- Phormidium mucicola Naumann and Huber-Pestalozzi 1929
- Phormidium murrayi (West and West 1911) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,为Wilmottia murrayi (West and West 1911) Strunecký et al. 2011的异名
- Phormidium muscorum (Gomont 1890) Dalla Torre and Sarnthein 1901
- Phormidium natans (Gomont 1892) Senna and Compère 1998,为Oscillatoria tenuis var. natans Gomont 1892的异名
- 中央席藻 Phormidium naveanum
- 中央席藻海生变种 Phormidium naveanum var. marina Tseng et Hua
- 墨绿席藻 Phormidium nigroviride (Thwaites ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek,1988
- Phormidium papyraceum Gomont ex Gomont 1892
- Phormidium pavlovskoense Elenkin 1949,为Kamptonema pavlovskoense (Elenkin 1949) Strunecký et al. 2014的异名
- 刷状席藻 Phormidium penicillatum Gomont 1893,为Caldora penicillata (Gomont 1893) Engene et al. 2015的异名
- Phormidium persicinum Gomont 1892
- Phormidium priestleyi Fritsch 1917,为Phormidesmis priestleyi (Fritsch 1917) Komárek et al. 2009的异名
- Phormidium pseudopriestleyi Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- Phormidium ramosum Petersen 1923,为Lyngbya ramosa (Petersen 1923) Compère 1985的异名
- Phormidium raoi Senna and Compère 1998
- 奈氏席藻 Phormidium retzii (C. Agardh) Kützing ex Gomont, 1892
- Phormidium rotundum Santra and Pal, 1992[4]
- Phormidium rubidum (Frémy 1930) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- Phormidium solitare Forti 1907
- Phormidium spongeliae (Schulze ex Gomont 1892) Gomont 1892,为Hormoscilla spongeliae (Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988和异名
- 静水鞘丝藻 Phormidium stagninum (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
- 近膜席藻 Phormidium submembranaceum (Ardissone et Strafforello) Gomont, 1892,近膜质席藻
- Phormidium subincrustatum Fritsch and Rich 1929[5]
- Phormidium submembranaceum (Ardissone and Strafforello 1877) Gomont 1892
- 凿形席藻 Phormidium subuliforme (Thwaites ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek,1988
- Phormidium tenue (Agardh ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988,为Oscillatoria tenuis Agardh ex Gomont 1892的异名
- Phormidium tenuissimum Woronichin 1930[6]
- Phormidium tergestinum (Rabenhorst ex Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
- Phormidium thermale Drouet 1942[7]
- Phormidium tinctorium Kützing ex Gomont 1892
- Phormidium truncicola Ghose 1924
- Phormidium uncinatum Gomont 1890
- Phormidium valderianum Gomont 1892,为Leptolyngbya valderiana (Gomont 1892) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988的异名
- Phormidium variabile Azevedo and Sant'Anna 1993[8]
- . GBIF. [2022-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-20).
- Claus G. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Blue-Green Algae of the Salzlackengebiet in Austria. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 1961; 46:514-541.
- Skuja H. Grundzüge der Algenflora und Algenvegetation der Fjeldgegenden um Abisko in Schwedisch-Lappland. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis 1964; 18:1-465.
- Santra SC, Pal UC. Four new taxa from West Bengal. Phykos 1992; 30:76.
- Fritsch FE, Rich F. Contributions to our knowledge of freshwater algae of Africa. 7. Freshwater algae (exclusive of diatoms) from Griqualand West. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 1929; 18:1-92.
- Woronichin NN. [Title pending]. Trudy Leningradsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp. 1930; 60:68.
- Drouet F. Studies in Myxophyceae. I. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 1942; 20:123-141.
- Azevedo MTP, Sant'Anna CL. New taxa of Oscillatoriaceae (Cyanophyceae) from São Paulo State, Brazil. Crypt. Bot. 1993; 3:207.
- LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature
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