

TEM of Prochlorococcus MED4 dividing
TEM of Prochlorococcus MED4 dividing
科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
界: 细菌界 Bacteria
门: 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteriota
纲: 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
目: 聚球藻菌目 Synechococcales
Hoffmann et al., 2005
Nägeli, 1849

Prochlorales (ex Lewin 1977) Florenzano et al. 1986



  • Acaryochloridaceae Komárek et al. 2014
    • Acaryochloris Miyashita and Chihara 2003
      • Acaryochloris bahamensis López-Legentil et al. 2011,也拼作:Acaryochloris bahamiensis
      • Acaryochloris marina Miyashita and Chihara 2003
  • 管孢藻科 Chamaesiphonaceae Borzì 1878
  • Coelosphaeriaceae Elenkin 1933,为Microcystaceae Elenkin 1933的异名
  • 基附异莱包藻科 Heteroleibleiniaceae Komárek et al. 2014
  • 细鞘丝藻科 Leptolyngbyaceae Komárek et al. 2014
  • 平裂藻科 Merismopediaceae Elenkin, 1933
  • Oculatellaceae Mai and Johansen, 2018
    • Aerofilum S.Chakraborty & J.Mukherjee, 2021
      • Aerofilum fasciculatum Chakraborty and Mukherjee 2021[1]
    • Albertania Zammit, 2018
    • Amphirytos Panou & Gkelis, 2022
      • Amphirytos necridicus Panou and Gkelis 2022[2]
    • Calenema Ramos, Brito & Kaštovský, 2017
    • Cartusia Mai, J.R.Johansen & Pietrasiak, 2018
    • Drouetiella Mai, J.R.Johansen & Pietrasiak, 2018
    • Egbenema Akagha and Johansen 2023[3]
      • Egbenema aeruginosum Akagha and Johansen 2023
      • Egbenema epilithicum Johansen and Akagha 2023
      • Egbenema gypsiphilum Pietrasiak et al. 2023
    • Kaiparowitsia Mai, J.R.Johansen & Bohunická, 2018
    • Komarkovaea Mai, J.R.Johansen & Pietrasiak, 2018
    • Metis Konstantinou & Gkelis, 2021
      • Metis fasciculata Konstantinou and Gkelis 2021
    • Pegethrix Mai, J.R.Johansen & Bohunická, 2018
    • Shackletoniella Strunecky, 2019
    • Siamcapillus Tawong, Pongcharoen, T.Nishimura & Saijuntha, 2022
    • Sodaleptolyngbya Cellamare, C.Duval, Touibi, Djediat & C.Bernard, 2018
    • Thermocoleostomius Jiang et al. 2023
      • Thermocoleostomius sinensis Jiang et al. 2023[4]
    • Thermoleptolyngbya Sciuto & Moro, 2016
    • Tildeniella Mai, J.R.Johansen & Pietrasiak, 2018
    • Timaviella Sciuto & Moro, 2017
    • Toxifilum Zimba, Huang, Foley & Linton, 2017
    • Trichotorquatus Pietrasiak & J.R.Johansen, 2021
  • Prochloraceae (ex Lewin, 1977) Florenzano et al. 1986
  • 伪鱼腥藻科 Pseudanabaenaceae Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
  • Romeriaceae Komárek et al. 2014,为Cymatolegaceae Strunecký and Mareš 2023的异名
  • 裂须藻科 Schizotrichaceae Elenkin 1949
  • 聚球藻菌科 Synechococcaceae Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
  • Pseudoacaryochloris Mehda and Mateo 2023
    • Pseudoacaryochloris sahariensis Mehda and Mateo 2023[5]


  1. Chakraborty S, et al. [Title pending]. Phytotaxa 2021; 522:182.
  2. Jasser I, Panou M, Khomutovska N, Sandzewicz M, Panteris E, Niyatbekov T, Lach L, Kwiatowski J, Kokocinski M, Gkelis S. Cyanobacteria in hot pursuit: Characterization of cyanobacteria strains, including novel taxa, isolated from geothermal habitats from different ecoregions of the world. Mol Phylogenet Evol 2022; 170:107454.
  3. Akagha MU, Pietrasiak N, Bustos DF, Vondraskova A, Lamb SC, Johansen JR. Albertania and Egbenema gen. nov. from Nigeria and the United States, expanding biodiversity in the Oculatellaceae (cyanobacteria). J Phycol 2023; 59:1217-1236.
  4. Jiang Y, Tang J, Liu X, Daroch M. Polyphasic characterization of a novel hot-spring cyanobacterium Thermocoleostomius sinensis gen et sp. nov. and genomic insights into its carbon concentration mechanism. Frontiers in Microbiology 2023; 14:0.
  5. Mehda S, et al. [Title pending]. Notulae Algarum 2023; 308:1.
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