
美第奇银行義大利語,1397年-1494年)是15世纪欧洲最著名的银行之一。[1] 据估计,在某一时期内美第奇家族甚至是全欧洲最富裕的家庭。通过这些惊人的财富,美第奇家族牢牢掌握了佛罗伦萨的权力,并进一步扩展到整个意大利以致全欧洲

Banco dei Medici
结束1499年 编辑维基数据
代表人物乔凡尼·德·美第奇, 科西莫·德·美第奇, 皮耶罗·德·美第奇, 洛伦佐·德·美第奇, Francesco Sassetti, Piero di Lorenzo
母公司Vieri di Cambio's bank




  1. The qualifier "during the 15th century" is important, as the Bardi and Peruzzi banks of the 14th century are considered to have been considerably larger in their prime; the smaller size of the Medici bank is attributed to poor business conditions, which are sometimes one of the proffered causes for the Medici bank's ultimate decline and failure. The Medici's relative lack of ambition can be seen in how they never truly challenged the 汉萨同盟, established no branches in the Middle East, and did not pursue the business in and around the 波罗的海. See pgs 5-6, 8 of de Roover 1966
  2. "A surviving fragment of the ledger of the Bruges branch shows that the books were carefully kept and that the double-entry system was in use." pg 24, De Roover 1948. In an attached footnote, de Roover identifies the erroneous belief that the Medicis did not use double-entry as stemming from Otto Meltzing's mistake in Das Bankhaus der Medici und seine Vorläufer (Jena, 1906) and repeated in Gutkind's Cosimo.
  • de Roover, Raymond Adrien, , New York; London: 纽约大学出版社; 牛津大学出版社分别出版, 1948 -(Largely a reprint of three articles de Roover published in The Journal of Economic History.)
  • de Roover, Raymond Adrien, , 纽约; 伦敦: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.; George J. McLeod Limited (respectively), 1966, LCCN: 63-11417 -(the product of three years research in the Florentine archives, to improve the author's previous work; it was previously released in 1963, not by the Norton Library but by Harvard University Press)
  • Goldthwaite, Richard A. . Past & Present (Oxford University Press for the Past and Present Society). February 1987, 114: 3–31. ISSN 0031-2746.
  • Goldthwaite, Richard A. . 欧洲经济史记. 1985, 14: 5–55. ISSN 0391-5115.
  • de Roover, Florence Edler. . Bulletin of the Business Historical Society (The President and Fellows of Harvard College). October 1943, 17 (4): 65–80 [2006-09-21].


  • Parks, Tim, , W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2005, ISBN 0-393-05827-1
  • Grunzwig, Armand, , Brussels, 1931, OCLC: 1973038 - (A compilation of correspondence between the Medici bank branch at Bruges and the home branch in Florence.)
  • Sieveking, Heinrich Johann, , Leipzig, 1905, LCCN: 05-23618
  • von Reumont, Alfred; Harrison, Robert, , London, 1876, OCLC: 576516
  • Holmes, George, , Rubinstein, Nicolai (编), 1, London: Northwestern University Press: 357–380, 1968, OCLC: 929397.
  • Rubinstein, Nicolai, , Rinascimento xxii, 1982, xxii: 115–164.
  • Brown, Alison, , Jl. Warburg and Courtauld Insts. xlii, 1979, xlii: 81–103.


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