多年来,无政府资本主义派的确在自由意志党党内与最小国家主义派辩论乃至发生冲突。[8] 当随着自由意志党激进核心小组的重新走上正规,无政府主义派系开始出现上升势头。在罗恩·保罗寻求1988年美国总统选举的自由意志党党内提名时,自由意志党大部分党员认为其过于保守而转为支持身为美国原住民的政治人物——拉塞尔·米恩斯以反对罗恩·保罗。
- 客观主义派
- 绿色自由意志派
- Duncan Watts. Second Edition. Manchester University Press. 2006-03-07: 246. ISBN 9780719073274 (英语).
Libertarians feel that neither left nor right can be trusted to defend the rights of individuals.
- Leonard E. Read. . The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. 1998-02, 48 (2) [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-21) (英语).
- Walter Block. . The Journal of Libertarian Studies. 2014-07-30, 22 (1): 127–170 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-16) (英语).
- Sheldon Richman. . Freedom Daily (The Future of Freedom Foundation). 2007-09-12 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-31) (英语).
Is libertarianism of the Left or of the Right? We often avoid this question with a resounding 'Neither!'" He also points out that left and right were "first used in the French Legislative Assembly after the revolution of 1789. In that context those who sat on the right side of the assembly were steadfast supporters of the dethroned monarchy and aristocracy – the ancien régime – (and hence were conservatives) while those who sat on the left opposed its reinstatement (and hence were radicals). It should follow from this that libertarians, or classical liberals, would sit on the left.
- . 自由意志党华盛顿党部. [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-14) (英语).
- Paul Gottfried. Revised Edition. Twayne Publishers. 1993: 46. ISBN 9780805738506 (英语).
- Less Antman. . LewRockwell.com. 2008-05-12 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-01) (英语).
- 瓦特·布拉克. . 自由意志主义研究期刊 (米塞斯研究所). 2014-07-30, 22 (1) (英语).
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