- Hormusjee Rustomjee Kotewall = 張氏
- 羅旭龢爵士(Sir Robert Kotewall)= 郭懿德(Edith Lowcock)
- 羅慧基 Esther née Kotewall=Lee Shiu Kai
- Frederick Lee
- Pamela Lee
- Anthony Lee
- Austin Lee
- 羅懿基 Phoebe née Kotewall=洪禹釗(Walter Alexander Hung)
- 洪承禧(John Terence Hung)
- 洪璞真(Wendy Hung)
- 羅豔基 Doris née Kotewall=施玉鑾(Frederick Zimmern)
- Ronald Leslie Zimmern
- Jonathan Zimmern
- William Zimmern
- Ronald Leslie Zimmern
- Helen née Kotewall=施玉瑩(Francis Zimmern)
- Elizabeth Zimmern=Enzio von Pfeil
- Richard Zimmern=Kirsteen James Lau
- James Richard Zimmern
- Richard Zimmern=Kirsteen James Lau
- Barbara Anne Zimmern
- Carol Zimmern
- Leslye Jill Zimmern
- Pamela Zimmern =梁仲豪
- Elizabeth Zimmern=Enzio von Pfeil
- 羅怡基(Bobbie Madeleine Florence Kotewall)
- 羅璇基(Maisie Nora née Kotewall)=蔡永善(George Choa)
- 羅瑤基(Cicely née Kotewall)=施玉驄(Archibald Zimmern)
- Annabel Zimmern
- 施文勇(Hugh Zimmern)
- 羅煜文(Lawrence Cyril Kotewall)=Constance Stella
- 羅正威(Robert George Kotewall)
- 羅博宏(Bertrand Cyril Kotewall)
- 羅博文(Neville Charles Kotewall)=Candy Ka Wai Kotewall née Chuang
- 羅博頤 (Clarence Nicholas Kotewall)=Hau Yee Kotewall née Li
- Phyllis Madeline
- Veronica
- 羅正威(Robert George Kotewall)
- Patsy May née Kotewall[1]=馮瑩璋(John Cecil Fenton)
- 馮儉德(Kim Lamsam née Fenton)
- Robyn Convery née Lamsam[1][2]=Marc Convery
- Kyle Convery
- Robyn Convery née Lamsam[1][2]=Marc Convery
- 馮琨玨
- 馮儉德(Kim Lamsam née Fenton)
- 羅慧基 Esther née Kotewall=Lee Shiu Kai
- 羅福祥(Samuel Kotwaj)
- Mabel Constance Kotewall=Henry Christopher Lowcock
- George Lowcock
- 郭漢墀(Arthur Lowcock)=Aida
- Kathleen Lowcock=Stanley Hung
- 郭慎墀(Sydney James Lowcock)
- Alwyn Lowcock=Raymond Wong
- Jack Walter Lowcock=Joan Chan
- Alfred Lowcock
- Dorothy Kotewall = Luigi Felipe Veira Ribeiro
- Mabel Constance Kotewall=Henry Christopher Lowcock
- Dorcas Selina = Roger Larken
- Percy Henry Larken
- Winifred Kotewall
- 羅錫珍(Esther Kotewall)
- May Kotewall
- 羅旭龢爵士(Sir Robert Kotewall)= 郭懿德(Edith Lowcock)
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