
經驗法則(rule of thumb)是一些廣為應用的原則,但本身有經過簡化,不保證在所有的情形下都嚴格準確或可靠。例如72法則(固定年利率的複利(r%),滾存至原存入金額二倍的時間為72/r年)即為經驗法則。

經驗法則一般是用近似的方式來計算或是記憶特定數值,或是進行決策,本身容易學習,而且容易應用在實務上。經驗法則的基礎是實際的應用,而不是理論本身[1][lower-alpha 1]



  1. The phrase also exists in other languages, for example Italian Regola del pollice, Swedish tumregel, Norwegian and Danish tommelfingerregel, sometimes in the variant "rule of fist", for example Finnish nyrkkisääntö, Estonian rusikareegel, German Faustregel and Pi mal Daumen, Hungarian ökölszabály or Dutch vuistregel, as well as in Turkish parmak hesabı, and in Hebrew כלל אצבע (rule of finger) and in Persian قاعده سرانگشتی, which is translated as "finger tip's rule".


  1. "rule of thumb, n. and adj.". OED Online. September 2016. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 25 October 2016
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