



汇编语言 OS 开放源代码 许可证 x86-64 积极开发
A86/A386 Windows, DOS 专有
DevelSoftware Assembler Windows, Linux, Unix-like 免费软件
FASM Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix-like BSD许可证
GAS Unix-like, Windows, DOS GNU通用公共许可证
GoAsm Windows 免费软件
HLA Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X 公有领域 ?
JWASM Windows, DOS Sybase Open Watcom Public Licence
LZASM Windows, DOS 免费软件 ?
MASM Windows, DOS 专有
NASM Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, DOS, OS/2 BSD许可证
POASM Windows, Windows Mobile 免费软件
TASM Windows, DOS 专有 ?
WASM Windows, DOS, OS/2 Sybase Open Watcom Public Licence ?
TCCASM Unix-like, Windows LGPL ?
Yasm Windows, DOS, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix-like BSD许可证
  1. ^ Active and supported, but not advertised.
  2. ^ Part of the C++ Builder Tool Chain, but not sold as a stand-alone product, or marketed since the CodeGear spin-off. Borland was still selling it up until then: https://web.archive.org/web/20100822224449/http://info.borland.com/borlandcpp/cppcomp/tasmfact.html


汇编语言 许可证 指令集 主要平台
Atari Assembler Editor 专有 MOS Technology 6502 雅達利8位元電腦家族
Babbage 专有 GEC 4000 系列 GEC 4000 系列
COMPASS 专有 CDC mainframe CDC mainframe
GPASM GPL PIC微控制器 多種平台
HLASM 专有 z/Architecture z/Architecture
Lisa 专有 MOS Technology 6502 Apple II 系列
MAC/65 专有 MOS Technology 6502 雅達利8位元電腦家族
ID3E 免費供學術使用 SC123 SC123 emulator
ASM-One 免费软件 Motorola 680x0 Amiga
PASMO GPL Zilog Z80 多種平台
MRS 页面存档备份,存于 GPL Zilog Z80,8080 ZX Spectrum, PMD-85
MACRO-11 未知 PDP-11 PDP-11


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