紧急状态 (爱尔兰)
非常时刻(愛爾蘭語:)指爱尔兰第二次世界大战期间的紧急状态。[1] 爱尔兰在整个战争中保持中立。[1] “非常时刻” 在历史和文化评论中被用于借喻战争中的状态。[1] 1939年9月2日,爱尔兰众议院宣布紧急状态,[2] 允许爱尔兰议会第二天通过1939年紧急权力法案。[3] 在紧急状态期间,这给了政府全新的权力,包括拘禁、新闻和通信审查、政府对经济的控制。紧急权力法案于1946年9月2日失效。[4][5] 虽然紧急状态本身并没有在1976年9月1日之前取消,[5] 1946年以后没有任何紧急法律可以利用这种异常情况。
- Caught in a Free State – a television drama series on German wartime spies in Ireland, made by RTÉ
- History of the Republic of Ireland
- Minister for Supplies
- Ulster Defence Volunteers
- Oskar Metzke
- Glimmer Man
- Spelman, Greg. . UCLA Historical Journal. 2004, 20: 60–82: 60 [2018-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-15).
- . Dáil debates (Government of Ireland). 1939-09-02, 77: No.1 p.8 cc.19–20 [15 July 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-12).
- . Government of Ireland. 1939-09-03 [2007-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-04).
- . Government of Ireland: §4(1). 1945-07-29 [2007-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-16).
The Principal Act shall, unless previously terminated under subsection (2) of this section, continue in force until the 2nd day of September, 1946, and shall then expire unless the Oireachtas otherwise determines.
- . Dáil debates (Government of Ireland). 1976-09-01, 292: 119–256 [2016-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-20).
Mr. Kelly: All the 1939 emergency legislation lapsed not later than 1946.
Evans, Bryce. ‘Ireland during the Second World War:Farewell to Plato’s Cave (Manchester University Press, 2014).
- Duggan, John P. Herr Hempel at the German Legation in Dublin 1937–1945 (Irish Academic Press) 2003 ISBN 0-7165-2746-4
- Fisk, Robert In time of War: Ireland, Ulster, and the price of neutrality 1939–1945 (Gill & Macmillan) 1983 ISBN 0-7171-2411-8
- Gray, Tony The Lost Years – The Emergency in Ireland 1939–45 (Little, Brown & Co) 1997 ISBN 0-316-88189-9
- Girvin, Brian The Emergency: Neutral Ireland 1939–45 (Macmillan) 2006 ISBN 1-4050-0010-4
- Ó Longaigh, Seosamh Emergency Law in Independent Ireland 1922–1948 (Four Courts) 2006 ISBN 1-85182-922-9
- Article on 'The Challenge Of The Irish Volunteers of World War II'
- Article on the 'Belfast Blitz' (页面存档备份,存于)
- Largely anecdotal account related to the British position on Irish neutrality and contacts with U-Boats (页面存档备份,存于)
- No.1 Internment camp "K-Lines" in the Curragh housed IRA, British, and German personnel (页面存档备份,存于)
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