
紅狗背包客》(英語:)是一部2011年的澳洲電影,由Kriv Stenders導演,Nelson Woss和Julie Ryan監製。劇情改編自以真實故事寫成的小說「紅狗」。[2]2011年紅狗背包客獲得《Inside 電影獎》九項提名,贏得包括《最有特色電影》等七座獎項。

导演Kriv Stenders
监制Nelson Woss
Julie Ryan
编剧Daniel Taplitz
原著Red Dog
Louis de Bernières作品
配乐Cezary Skubiszewski
摄影Geoffrey Hall
Jill Bilcock
票房A$2100萬美元 [1]
续作Red Dog: True Blue[*]


一名叫傑克.柯林斯的小鎮名人告訴他說這隻狗的名字叫做紅狗(Red Dog)並開始敘述起牠的傳奇故事。初到丹皮爾,這隻狗與許多哈默斯利鋼鐵廠的礦工結交成為朋友,這些人主要的工作是開採鐵礦石。每一位礦工都向湯瑪士訴說他們與紅狗的故事,在這個階段,紅狗沒有主人,牠是屬於工廠裡每一個人的。
隔天一早,約翰騎著機車從萳茜的車屋返途時,在路上發生了意外。約翰的意外打擊了小鎮中的每個人,當中也包括萳茜,而他們因而忘了紅狗的存在。在葬禮的三天後,他們發現紅狗仍然待在約翰要他待著的位子。三週後,紅狗決定啟程去尋找約翰,牠以哈默斯利鋼鐵廠開始為第一個地點,接著是酒吧及其他約翰可能會去的地方,直到所有丹皮爾的地方都找過了。牠接著開始橫越包括從柏斯到達爾文的皮爾布拉地區(位於澳洲西北部)。甚至還有傳言說紅狗也搭上往日本的船,只為了找尋約翰。最後,牠感到一陣悲哀,因此牠決定回到丹皮爾。一到丹皮爾,牠便來到萳茜住的車屋公園,萳茜見到牠也喜心若狂。然而,車屋公園的管理員,禁止公園裡有任何狗的存在,甚至向萳茜威脅要拿槍射紅狗。萳茜和約翰在哈默斯利的朋友們開始在丹皮爾社區為紅狗尋求支持,在有幾名礦工參與的「文明的對談」後,公園管理員和他的妻子離開了,但留了他們的貓,紅貓(Red Cat)。一場紅狗與紅貓之間的大戰隨之而來,而最後,牠們化解了存在於牠們之間的差異性(狗與貓)而成為朋友。


  • Koko飾演紅狗
  • 喬許·盧卡斯飾演約翰·葛蘭
  • 瑞秋·泰勒飾演萳茜·葛蕾
  • 約翰·巴克萊飾演皮托
  • 諾亞·泰勒飾演傑克·柯林斯
  • 姬莎·卡索-休斯飾演蘿莎
  • 羅恩·卡門飾演毛倫·柯林斯
  • 盧克·福特飾演湯姆斯
  • 洛汗·尼可飾演喬可
  • 蒂芬妮·琳德飾演派特絲
  • 科斯塔·羅寧飾演查姆巴斯奇
  • 尼爾·皮格特飾演瑞克
  • 艾蒙·法倫飾演戴夫
  • 亞瑟·安琪兒飾演法諾


  • 比爾·韓特


這隻橫越西澳大利亞皮爾布拉地區的知名紅狗(Red Dog)是澳洲牧羊犬與黃牛狗的混種狗。而紅狗最常往返停留的城鎮,丹皮爾,豎立著一座以牠的傳奇所刻立的雕像。[3][4]
紅狗被認為是在1971年出生在帕拉卜杜(Paraburdoo)[5],聽過紅狗的人說牠有過很多不同的名字,包括布雷(Bluey)、哈哈(Tally Ho)以及西北方之犬。[6]
1979年,在紅狗過世後不久,澳洲作家萳茜.吉萊絲皮(Nancy Gillespie)在皮爾布拉地區的幾位人士的幫助下,如富康達克特(Beverly Duckett)為紅狗下了註語「皮爾布拉流浪者」[7],寫下了有關紅狗的傳奇軼聞與詩歌。[8]
紅狗以及牠的雕像吸引了許多人的注意,因而特別到丹皮爾一遊,其中包括英國作家路易.德貝爾尼耶(Louis de Bernières),他因此寫下了一本以紅狗為靈感的書《紅狗》[9]。此外,也有一間四輪驅動車俱樂部以紅狗的事蹟命為店名。[10]


截至2011年11月17日 (2011-11-17) the film made more than A$21 million at the Australian box office since opening in August 2011.[1]

Red Dog is the eighth-highest grossing Australian film of all time. 11 days after opening, Red Dog became the highest grossing Australian film of 2011.[11]

Red Dog was officially released on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download on 1 December 2011 in Australia.

The Red Dog DVD is the biggest-selling Australian DVD of all time.[12]The DVD is also the third-highest selling DVD of all time in Australia behind Avatar (first) and Finding Nemo (second).

The red dog actor, Koko the Red, has died at the age of 7 from a heart condition (2012-12-18).

The film has not been as successful overseas as it was in Australia.

The film opened at #25 in the United Kingdom, earning just £24,727 from 56 screens ( 24–26 February 2012)[13]and opened at #5 at the New Zealand box office, earning NZ$124,447 from 72 screens.[14]The film has been a DVD only release in territories such as Germany and Argentina[15]but has been acquired by independent distributor Arc Entertainment in a deal for all media in the United States, though there is "no word on a theatrical release date or strategy" in the announcement.[16]

Critical response has also been more mixed overseas than in Australia.

The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw (U.K.) asked "Is it a children's story for adults? Or an adult's story for children?" and stated that the film "comes across like a well-meaning PG-certification of the real world."[17]The Hollywood Reporter's Megan Lehmann (U.S.A.) called the film "genial but unsophisticated fare, with plenty of hammy acting and broad humor" and that it "borders on naivety, and some of the more roughly drawn characters begin to grate early" though stated that the film "achieves a kind of existential purity. But then the two-legged actors butt in and the moment is lost.[18]

Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 86% of critics reviewed the film positively, with an average score of 7.5/10.[19]

Phillip French of The Guardian said that the film is "guaranteed to bring tears and laughter".[20]

Garry Couzens of The Digital Fix said that, "I saw this film and War Horse within a day of each other, and felt that Red Dog achieved much of what Spielberg's film was aiming at, with much less sentimentality, anthropomorphism and self-importance, more laughs and with an hour's less running time."[21]

Mark Adams of the Sunday Mirror gave Red Dog a three star rating and said, "this canine true story is an engaging, feel-good Australian family drama about a dog." Adams opined that it boasted a strong cast and felt that overall it was "clichéd but charming".[22]

Craig Mathieson of SBS awarded the film three stars out of five, observing that the film "passes through various emotional states without ever being too taxing" and felt that Red Dog was "the most widely appealing Australian film since Bran Nue Dae".[23]


Red Dog won Best Film and the Australian Film Institute (AFI) Member's Choice Award at the 2011 Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards 页面存档备份,存于.

Red Dog dominated the 2011 Inside Film Awards. Nominated in nine categories, it won seven. It received the Best Feature Film award, as well as:[24]

  • Best Actor – Josh Lucas
  • Best Direction – Kriv Stenders
  • Best Script
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Music
  • Best Box Office Achievement

It missed winning Best Editing and Best Production Design.[1]

Red Dog won the Grand Prize Award for Best Narrative Feature 页面存档备份,存于 at the Heartland Film Festival 2011. The Award included a cash prize of $100,000.

In 2012 Koko won the Award for Best Dog in a Foreign Film at the inaugural Golden Collar Awards in Los Angeles. Koko's acceptance speech 页面存档备份,存于 was played at the ceremony because he was unable to attend the event.



  • 2011年柏林國際影展(Berlin International Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年哈特蘭德影展(Heartland Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年以色列影展(Israeli Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年謝菲爾德青年人影展(Sheffield Showcomotion Young People's Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年墨爾本國際影展(Melbourne International Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年因弗內斯影展(Inverness Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年釜山影展(Busan Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年夏威夷影展(Hawaii Film Festival 2011)
  • 2011年塔林黑夜影展(Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2011)
  • 2012年聖巴巴拉影展(Santa Barbara Film Festival 2012)
  • 2012年北京國際影展(Beijing International Film Festival 2012)
  • 2012年波多黎各影展(Rincon Puerto Rico Film Festival 2012)
  • 2012戛納影迷展(Cannes Cinephiles 2012)




  1. Dallas, Sam. . Inside Film. 2011-11-17 [2011-11-18]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-27).
  2. Webb, Carolyn. . The Age (Fairfax Media). 2011-08-01 [2011-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-29).
  3. Ashworth, Susie; Rebecca Turner, Simone Egger. . Lonely Planet. 2004: 203–204. ISBN 1740594592.
  4. . The Sydney Morning Herald. 2004-02-08 [2008-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
  5. Duckett, Beverley. . 1989.
  6. Gordon, Ruth. . Willow Creek Press. 2000: 137–151. ISBN 1572233001.
  7. . Catalogue.nla.gov.au. [2012-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-09).
  8. . Catalogue.nla.gov.au. [2012-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-13).
  9. De Bernières, Louis. . Pantheon Books. 2001. ISBN 0375421556.
  10. . 2008-04-05 [2008-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-08).
  11. Dallas, Sam. . Inside Film (IF). [2012-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-28).
  12. Bodey, Michael. . The Australian. [2012-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-27).
  13. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-11).
  14. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-11).
  15. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-02).
  16. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-23).
  17. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-23).
  18. "http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/red-dog-film-review-213540 页面存档备份,存于
  19. . [2013-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-12).
  20. French, Phillip. . The Guardian. [2012-03-14].
  21. Couzens, Garry. . [2012-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-11).
  22. Adams, Mark. . Sunday Mirror (Trinity Mirror). 2012-02-26: 39.
  23. Matheison, Craig. . SBS. [2013-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
  24. . The Age. AAP. 17 November 2011 [2011-11-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-20).
  25. Hardie, Giles. . Website. Sydney Morning Herald. [2012-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-09).


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