

病毒分類 编辑
(未分级) 病毒 Virus
域: 雙鏈DNA病毒域 Duplodnaviria
界: 香港病毒界 Heunggongvirae
门: 尾噬菌體門 Uroviricota
纲: 有尾噬菌體綱 Caudoviricetes
目: 有尾噬菌体目 Caudovirales
属: 百合病毒属 Lilyvirus


  • Paenibacillus virus Lily


  1. Andrew M. Kropinski, Evelien M. Adriaenssens; 2018.052B.A.v1.Lilyvirus.zip (docx, xlsx) 页面存档备份,存于, Vorschlag an das ICTV: To create one (1) new genus, Lilyvirus, containing a single species in the family Siphoviridae, Februar 2018
  2. Andrew M. Kropinski, Evelien M. Adriaenssens, I. Tolstoy: 2019.054B.zip (docx, xlsx) 页面存档备份,存于, Vorschlag an das ICTV: Move four genera, rename two species and one genus; and, delete one genus in the order Caudovirales (mit Proposal 2: To transfer the genus Lilyvirus to the order Caudovirales), 2019
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