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根據法醫人類學家李衍蒨文章〈昆蟲學二三事 (页面存档备份,存于)〉,人類屍體為其體內的酵素及細菌提供食物,更是昆蟲及動物的盛宴。而蒼蠅多半會於人體死亡後的數小時內找到屍體所在。「母蠅會因為偵測到屍體發出的味道而趕到產卵,特定品種的蒼蠅會在屍體的傷口,或帶有水分而空氣接觸得到的部分產卵,孵化後便成為有屍蟲之稱的蛆蟲(maggots),亦即蒼蠅幼蟲(larvae)。」(李衍蒨,2017年)[2]
根據法醫人類學家李衍蒨文章〈昆蟲學二三事 (页面存档备份,存于)〉,在屍體上常見的蒼蠅品種有麻蠅(Sarcophagidae),麗蠅(Calliphoridae) ,黑水虻(Hermetia illucens)。
「最先與屍體接觸的昆蟲,可以在 1.6 公里以外的地方聞到屍體的氣味。雌性的麗蠅會在產卵前進食腐肉,繼而出現在屍體周遭。牠們每次產卵超過 100 顆,一生約可產下 2,000 顆,產下的卵看上去很像米粒或一堆堆的飯糰。麗蠅有綠色、藍色及黑色,觸角有光芒。由卵孵化成麗蠅幼蟲約需最多一天的時間,並有 3 個發育階段。每個階段的身長都有明顯分別,亦會脫皮。由於牠們的體溫會受環境而改變,其生長速度亦因而受到影響。在室溫下,牠們從卵變成蛹大約需要一個星期,變成蛹前的幼蟲會離開屍體,並躲到屍體下面或屍體下的泥土待著,之後就會以麗蠅的姿態再次探索這個世界。」(李衍蒨,2017年)
黑水虻(Hermetia illucens)
「俗稱Black Soldier Fly,生存力強,強項是搶奪蛆蟲的食物 —— 腐肉,進而驅逐蠅蛆!」(李衍蒨,2017年)
- Haskell (2006), 432.
- . *CUP. 2021-06-27 [2022-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-28) (美国英语).
- 《法醫昆蟲學》,胡萃著,重慶出版社出版,2000年
- Haskell, Neal H. (2006). "The Science of Forensic Entomology," in Forensic Science and Law: Investigative Applications in Criminal, Civil, and Family Justice, 431–440. Edited by Cyril H. Wecht and John T. Rago. Boca Raton: CRC Press, an imprint of Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN 0849319706.
- Bass, William; Jon Jefferson. . Penguin. 2004. ISBN 978-0-425-19832-2.
- Byrd, J. H.; J. L. Castner. . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2001. ISBN 0-8493-8120-7.
- Catts, E. P. & N. H. Haskell (编). . Clemson, SC: Joyce's Print Shop, Inc. 1990. ISBN 0-9628696-0-0. Spiralbound also aimed at professional entomologists, but shorter and with a popular style.
- Catts, E P; Goff, M L. . Annual Review of Entomology. 1992-01, 37 (1) [2022-11-24]. ISSN 0066-4170. PMID 1539937. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.37.010192.001345. (原始内容存档于2022-11-24) (英语).
- Eisner, Thomas, Maria Eisner & Melody Siegler. . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2005. ISBN 978-0-674-01882-2.
- Gennard, Dorothy E. . Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons. 2007. ISBN 0-470-01478-4. OCLC 71810084.
- Goff, M. L. . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2000. ISBN 0-674-00220-2.
- Greenberg, B.; J. C. Kunich. . Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-521-80915-0.
- Jakubec, Pavel. . PeerJ. 2016-04-21, 4 [2019-01-03]. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC 4846804
. PMID 27123379. doi:10.7717/peerj.1944. (原始内容存档于2023-03-26) (英语).
- Leclerque, M. . Paris: Masson. 1978.
- Liu, D.; B. Greenberg. . Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 1989, 82 (1): 80–93.
- Nuorteva, P. . C. G. Tedeschi; W. G. Eckert; L. G. Tedeschi (编). II. New York: W. B. Saunders. 1977: 1072–1095.
- Smith, K. G. V. . Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press. 1986. ISBN 0-8014-1927-1. A technical hardback designed for professional entomologists.
- Wells, Jeffrey D.; Stevens, Jamie R. . Annual Review of Entomology. 2008-01-01, 53 (1) [2022-11-24]. ISSN 0066-4170. PMID 17685848. doi:10.1146/annurev.ento.52.110405.091423. (原始内容存档于2022-11-27) (英语).
- 开放式目录计划中和Forensic Entomology相关的内容
- www.forensic-entomology.com by Dr. Jason H. Byrd
- European Association for Forensic Entomology homepage
- Collection of original articles about Forensic Entomology. Many downloadable illustrated pdf's of cases, including neglect cases. (页面存档备份,存于)
- Institute of Forensic Entomology Vienna Click on the pictures for enlargements and graphs
- What happens to the body after death (页面存档备份,存于)
- Pastoral putrefaction down on the Body Farm: Autopsy, HBO Documentaries (页面存档备份,存于)
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- DNA techniques for forensic entomology (页面存档备份,存于)
- pdf about forensic entomology Deon Canyon
- Forensic Entomology page from Australia (Ian Dadour)
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- Medical Zoology Pages
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- Forensic entomology - use of insects to help solve crime
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- Growing Degree Days
- Grounds Maintenance magazine (页面存档备份,存于)
- Opinel, Annick. . Medical History. 2008-05, 52 (3): 387-405. ISSN 0025-7273. PMC 2449474
. PMID 18641790. doi:10.1017/S0025727300002696 (英语).