
杜爾契斯特盎(Dorchester Pot)是金屬製花瓶狀物品,1852年在美國馬薩諸塞州多切斯特工人在會客大廳小山(Meeting House Hill)進行爆破作業,從堅實的岩床中炸出了兩塊金屬碎片。而後被科學家回收並且上報。科學家們發現這兩塊碎片合攏後,竟是一個鐘形器皿,高12厘米,寬17厘米,是用某種金屬製成,有點像鋅或鋅與銀的合金。根據從當地報紙波士頓文稿轉載文本在1852年6月5日的科学美国人上的報導[1] ,金屬製花瓶狀物品的兩塊被發現,是在廢墟中鬆散的碎片由作業的爆炸拋出來當地報刊譽為“精美絕倫”。

報紙波士頓文稿轉載文本在1852年6月5日的《科學美國人》[1] about Dorchester pot. Note the tongue-in-cheek reference to "Tubal Cain", who was said to be the first blacksmith (Genesis 4:19-24)


金屬杜爾契斯特盎被發現的羅克斯伯里礫岩(Roxbury Conglomerate)經由考古學家們測定是在距今593百萬年前~570百萬年前時期的岩層,用現代進化教學家們的稱呼是在埃迪卡拉紀(Ediacaran)期間。[2][3]此底層在千萬年前深斷陷盆地海底扇和斜坡的環境裏充滿了海水的底部積累[3][4][5] [5][6]


鐘形容器基部為4.5英寸(11.5公分)高,6.5英寸(16.5公分)和頂部的直徑為2.5英寸(6.4公分)。這件鐘形容器是用類似銀色合金鋼所製成。[1]並在下半部分的設計用花圈或藤蔓圖案圍繞 兩面上均鑲嵌著銀色鋅。




主流考古學家認為這是近代產品 [8]。 一本1964書籍指出這款式是十九世紀在孟買生產的瓶子[9]


  1. Anonymous, 1852, A Relic of a By-Gone Age. Scientific American. v. 7, no. 38, p. 298 (June 5, 1852)
  2. Thompson, M.D., A.M. Grunow, and J. Ramezum, 2007, Late Neoproterozoic paleogeography of the Southeastern New England Avalon Zone: Insights from U-Pb geochronology and paleomagnetism. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 119(5/6):681-696.
  3. Rehmer, J., 1981, Squantum tilloid Member of the Roxbury Conglomerate of Boston, Massachusetts. in M.J. Hambrey and W.B. Harland, eds, pp. 756-759, Earth’s Pre-Pleistocene Glacial Record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  4. Socci, A.D., 1990, Stratigraphic implications of facies within the Boston Basin. in A.D. Socci, J.W. Skehan, and G.W. Smith, eds, pp. 55-74, Geology of the Composite Avalon Terrane of Southern New England. Special Paper no. 245. Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado
  5. Carto, S.L., and N. Eyles (2011) Chapter 43 The Squantum Member of the Boston Basin, Massachusetts, USA In: E. Arnaud, G.P. Halverson, and G. Shields-Zhou, eds. pp. 475-480, The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations. Memoirs no. 36. Geological Society, London, England.
  6. Mansfield, G. R., 1906, The Origin and Structure of the Roxbury Conglomerate. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. no. XLIX, p. 180
  7. Cremo, M.A., and R.L. Thompson (1998) Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Badger, California, Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing. 914 p. ISBN 978-0-89213-294-2
  8. Bad Archaeology, 2007. A metallic vase from Dorchester (Massachusetts, USA) 页面存档备份,存于,
  9. Catalano, B. (1964) Arte Indiana Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, K. Bharatha Iyer, Italy, 142 p.
  • Fort, Charles H. (1919) The Book of the Damned. New York, New York, Boni and Liveright 228 p. ISBN 1-58509-278-9 Mentioned on page 128 of Chapter IX 页面存档备份,存于 and The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort 页面存档备份,存于
  • St Rain, Tedd, 2003. Mystery Of America: Enigmatic Mysteries And Anomalous Artifacts Of North America - A Connection To The Ancient Past. Lost Arts Media. PDF (17.6 mb) ISBN 1-59016-999-9
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